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Everything posted by norvandave

  1. Besides CMBO and CMBB, Strategic Command, NHL 2K3, NASCAR 2003 Season, OPART and I'm slogging through Uncommon Valour.
  2. I'm hoping some buyer of the retail version of CMBO makes available the new enhancements to us loyal customers who have played for years. As for the later retail version of CMBB, for Canadian customers, it's likely that that it will be quite a bit cheaper to purchase CMBB from the retail store rather than through BFC. It would be nice to know what the pricing plans are for purchasing CMBB from the BFC website considering the upcoming plans to sell it in the stores.
  3. I have recently purchased a new PC and have been waiting to purchase CMBB because I would like to also get the strategy guide and save on P&H by ordering together. If Battlefront would send me the strategy guide when it is completd with no extra P&H I'd buy today.
  4. I would like to add my thanks to you Hubert for continuing to improve an excellant game. In the last few months I've spent too many nights trying to rewrite history instead of getting some much needed sleep for the next day of work. Keep up the great work and I look forward to your future offerings.
  5. Coming to you live from beautiful downtown Vancouver, BC, Canada. Go Canucks! :cool:
  6. Welcome news, thanks Hubert for delivering TCP as promised. SC is such a good game. At what point will you say "that's it" for enhancements? A few more tweeks? SC2?
  7. I agree with Jeff. The idea of disbanding fleets and attacking Italy in that way is gamey. You are manipulating the game rather than dealing with what could actually have been done historically. [ October 23, 2002, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: norvandave ]
  8. Perhaps limit where you can put air fleets. In 3R you could only place them on cities or limited numbers of airbases.
  9. The same with me in Vancouver. The whole world's a party and we're not invited.
  10. STILL waiting. Has everyone who pre-ordered received their copy EXCEPT me? :confused:
  11. Antawar, first all the government lolly for the east and now this!!! I'm STILL not going to vote for Cretien even if it means he could get my copy of SC sooner.
  12. Its quiet. Too quiet here in Vancouver I preordered and Kiwis are getting their copy for cryin' out loud!!! :mad: God love Canada Customs and Canada Post (no one else would).
  13. Actually, I agree with almost all your points Wolfe, and I could see a reduction in the scale of hexes, but not half-scale as some have suggested. (Correction to my last post).
  14. I would not like to see the hex scale reduced. I enjoy the strategic element. Certainly I agree with the comments about Winter turns. I think 3R modeled the winters well, especially the first Russian winter for the Germans since they were so woefully prepared. Simply reducing the time frame for the winter turns doesn't model winter properly. Yes in Russia you can't manage normal operations, but in the Med you can. I would like to see a larger map, possibly including the whole world. I agree with the comments about taking time to build fleets, etc and MPP costs for rebuilding cities.
  15. I would totally agree. I played the beta demo enough times to convince me that I will really enjoy SC (I also am a former A3R player). I pre-ordered and have no interest in playing the gold demo, just bring on the full game!
  16. Hubert. Leafs suck. Go Canucks!!
  17. 78012. Looking greatly forward to this one. Long-time wargamer who really enjoyed AH 3R. I hope Hubert sells a ton of copies of SC, even if he is from T.0. (Toronto for non-Canucks).
  18. Well, you've just slagged an entire country with your biggoted remark. Congratulations. I trust that you do not have a typical "American" attitude. I do think that constructive comments should be welcomed.
  19. I'm a long-time lurker... I had to come out! Fantastic news!
  20. First ever posting. From Vancouver, British Columbia. It seems that you can can do an amphibious landing anywhere. There are places though that amphibious landings would be very difficult. I've played 3R many years ago and you couldn't just land anywhere, you needed a beach. How is that modeled in SC? Do you suffer higher losses on landing for more difficult terrains?
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