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Everything posted by Lurkur

  1. I haven't had time to read all the CMx2 posts, so maybe this has already been addressed. I'd like to see two things done differently- 1. Area fire-Let the player mark a zone for area fire rather than a point. It could work similar to the covered arc comand. Click on the first point. drag the arc to the second point, then move in or out and click to set the depth of the zone. Now a unit firing area cover will adjust firing to fill the zone with shot instead of a single point. 2. Make the map editor very robust and flexible, with options to select areas, cut and paste, and drag selections to another area of the map. Include an option to save the map at the end of the game to use as the basis of a new map.
  2. Mr. Shaw, I visited your MBT site and noticed that I was represented by a dead, severed moose head (as opposed to the kind that have been kept alive in a vat of nutrients). I was going to complain, but upon further investigation, have determined that the dead severed moose head is more photogenic than me. Carry on.
  3. From the Onion Wars circa early 1943- The Russian infantry had located the forward defenses and the tanks were coming to blast 'em good. An enemy tank sound contact rumbles down the road. It's a Tiger! which proceeds to brew up a Sherman on the first shot. The Tiger spends a minute looking menacing while the reds back away as fast as they can. The Tiger then backs off to a copse of trees that is marked by TRP. I drop a salvo of super heavy artillery on the tank, and bring my tanks forward for a Tiger rush. The artillery explodes and the sound contact disappears completely. There is silence in heaven and earth. Did the artillery get the tank? Cap the TC? Nick the paint job? My question was answered when the Tiger roared out and nailed another tank on the first shot. That's IT! I rushed the sucker with 5 tanks. The nasty cat stayed put but turned it's turret, ending the turn facing one of my tanks. CRAP! The other tanks found the Tiger and began firing at 150m and continued to close the distance. The Tiger hit the tank it was facing on the first shot. Fortunately it was only abandoned, so I eventually got it back. Now there were shots pinging off the Tiger every three seconds or so. The Tiger starts rotating to back out when a single shot penetrates the turret. The crew bails, and was chased halfway across the map. Bastages got away! Discovered that the Tiger was CRACK, or on crack. Losing it left a mark, to be sure. Oh THAT was a tense game of Cat and Mice!
  4. THAT's the response I was looking for! [Lurkur whacks PseudoSimonds on the nose with a rolled up newspaper] <font size=12>THWACK!!!!</font> Well I'll be...how ever did that brick get inside that roll of newspaper?
  5. I visited that site...it...it...it got my name *wrong.* [sobs] Greetings and malicitations, you wild pack of growling and diseased jackals. Good to see you again, Mr H! I'm afraid I let our CMAK game drop off the radar screen. No disrespect intended, as I reserve that for my fellow Pooligans. Just found my way back and had to stop by this fetid abatoir you gawdawfflers call home and rattle the cage just to hear some barking. And the elderberries. The lot of you smell of elderberries.
  6. Or perhaps a hot, soothing bath, listening to your favorite radio station. Be sure to put the radio right on the edge of the tub for better sound quality. Ever wonder what a radio sounds like under water? It sounds really cool, and it makes the water fizzy!
  7. Umm, Sturmy...do your recent and rather annoyingly urgent demands for satisfaction have anything to do with the satistics in your sig? I'm back for a bit, and delighted to see that the lot of you remain every bit the festering carbuncles on a Walrus' butt that I remembered. And of course, by delighted I mean appalled, sickened and left bereft of hope for mankind. Boo is now the Sheriff in these parts? Well that now gives him a legitimate reason to wear those leather chaps... I still owe Boggs a setup...The sword of Damocles will hang over you no longer...All that's left is the decision, "squish him like a bug," or "toy with him till he dies from fear?" Just started a bumper cars scenario with Noba... It's good to see Seanachi back in his natural habitat, "high dudgeon." And now that we have a fix on his location, perhaps it's time to send in the GPS-guided munitions. Now sod off or die trying!
  8. Boggs, I expected that I would at least make the "loyal opposition" list. For that slight I shall send thee a set up of the foulest sort. Make your peace with your God, and prepare to die. In the rain. Sincerely, Lurk
  9. Well, I for one can easily imagine Frunze saying "Moose and sqvirrel."
  10. It's really me. Boo would never be able to pull off the whole strapless gown and dangly earrings thing, though lord knows, he tried constantly. I have been really busy, but promise to e-mail you soonish, with or without scorpions, comments from the game Boggs and I played.
  11. Hey Lurk Did you send rune his feedback on our game yet? Is that why he doesn't post here looking for feedback anymore? </font>
  12. In fact we have a fine collection of fruits, vegetables and nuts here in the 'pool.
  13. My condolences to you and your wife Dave. A good friendship sustained over the years is a gift indeeed. Lurk
  14. DaveH, am I to understand that you've been blowing me off to spend all of your time with some tart named Mia Culpa? *BOOT* Get your priorities straight man! *BOOT* You're not done tweaking the extended noses of my Nashorns yet! *BOOT* And my Panthers, while having eaten a lot, are not *BOOT* completely *BOOT* sated. *BOOT* And besides, the RAF *MAY* show up and save your Canadian bacon! So tell this Mia person that you'll be back for her after the war, and get to it!!!!! *BOOT* (No growly emoticon because true Pengers just don't do that sort of thing!)
  15. Gamey Update! In honor of The übergnome's impending return, I have piled the bodies of dead Australians high in the desert. Special thanks to Noba, for supplying the Ossies. Lurk
  16. I only did that with the Brens so I can properly deploy my Scottish kamikaze bagpipers
  17. Okay Boggs, Another steaming pile of Rune goodness, coming up! Lurk
  18. Milady, you will find it at: http://home.comcast.net/~hess.k/DaveH1.gif yr obt srvt, Lurk
  19. They ought to make it so you can brew some of that grain. That'd raise morale!
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