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Everything posted by Lurkur

  1. Send me a turn you limped Canuckian Curling Referee! I have a big surprise coming in a few minutes! You'll like it! And by "like it" I mean really, really hate it!
  2. DaveH, you crispy-lipped maggot! Send back the next turn! My Panthers still have some ammo left and you haven't gone through all of your 'splodey thingies yet. I haven't even begun to use my copious quantities of artillery. So send back the turn. They're just Canadians; you can send away for more when you use these up. Bwuhahahahahahahahah!!!! Gamey Tip: When playing Commonwealth forces, it is best to NOT rely on the British for crucial, time-sensitive support Bwuhahahahahahahahah!!!! Lurk
  3. DaveH, you crispy-lipped maggot! Send back the next turn! My Panthers still have some ammo left and you haven't gone through all of your 'splodey thingies yet. I haven't even begun to use my copious quantities of artillery. So send back the turn. They're just Canadians; you can send away for more when you use these up. Bwuhahahahahahahahah!!!! Gamey Tip: When playing Commonwealth forces, it is best to NOT rely on the British for crucial, time-sensitive support Bwuhahahahahahahahah!!!! Lurk
  4. Gamey Updates! Bludgeoning Noba into a bloody pulp in the middle of a sandy, forsaken wasteland. Bludgeoning Marlow into a bloody pulp in the middle of a sandy, forsaken wasteland. This is a battle for Croda's ears. I never really knew Croda, so I thought having his ears over the mantle might restore that family feeling to theHouse of Croda. By the way Marlow, I think you owe me a turn. Bludgeoning DaveH (wankish Waffler that he is) into a bloody pulp in the middle of a lush and fertile wasteland. Bludgeoning Harv into a bloody pulp in the middle of a lush and fertile wasteland. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Festival of Pain™
  5. Sacre Merde! I haff put mon foot in eet thees time! No matter! I haff endured Jabos!* (brrrrrr, Jabos!) I can endure zees minor bout of eevilness from zees silly Reum person. *Another fine scenario from ker Dessel. Ker Dessel, when you want to play CM in the worst possible way.
  6. I'm serious about the shallanj...er challange. CMAK or I suppose we could go with the more traditional Lutefish at 3 paces.
  7. Notre Dame! Do not rezist mon Queen! Eet is ze fate. Eet iz le destiny. Come sweeng with me, my leettle parakeet, in zee leettle sweeng of ze bird cage of our love. What iz zees? Ah yes! Ze Queen, she is from ze cold north. Such wemmen need a leettle more time to "melt." I will show her zat I am sensiteev to 'er 'omeland! Let us away mon Queen! I shall be ze sheep stomach of manliness for ze oatmeal of your desire in ze haggis of our love!! MUAH MUAH MUAH Arras! Fondue! Et iz no use! She is to high of ze station, and I a lowly kaniggit. My heart...eet iz broken into a thousand smithereens! Rouen! My heart is a rouen!
  8. Calais? Ooo iz zat la belle femme queen fatale? Ahh...my leettle darling...eet is lov' at first sight, iz eet not? [kisses hand] Do not come to to ze casbah with me...we shall make ze beyootiful musics togezzer right here! Ah ze l'amour!! Aaah, ze tojour!! [kisses hand some more] Soup deJour! Come my leettle peedgeon. I am ze peanut to your brittle. I am ze corn boef to your cabbaj... Muah muah muah
  9. You may be a dimwitted nutter with the I.Q. of a popsicle, you may smell of catfood and cheap liquor, you may walk around with your pants down for weeks without realising it and wandering why it's so chilly out, but you, my lad, are no Lurkur! </font>
  10. Ugh. I am almost finished with a work week from hell...78 hours and not quite done yet. on the up side, since I work on a computer, I've been able to keep up my fiefdom...now what was I doing? Ah yes, trying to ldetermine where exactly the loss of feeling in my hands begins...[whimper] Lurk (alot)
  11. Congrats to Kitty! Also congrats to Dave H, who vaulted into second place in the standings by letting anyone who desired to beat the stuffing out of him. Pity that tactic doesn't work in CMAK.... BWUHAHAHAHAAhahahahahaha!!!!
  12. Oh, you've shot waaaaay past sad and landed smack dap in pathetic!
  13. Smells like...victory. Oh wait, that's just Boo's socks.
  14. Those are some angry bunnies ya got there Kitty! [ February 07, 2004, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Lurkur ]
  15. Nope, wasn't me. If I had sent you something you'd know it was from me! edited to add: <font size = 6>GGGRRRRAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!</font> [ February 07, 2004, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Lurkur ]
  16. Pah. I have no such recollection, but you are welcome to try and repeat your dreams. Send a set-up. Not too large, no snow, no night either. We shall see if you are still hanging around like the dags on a flyblown sheep after my troops have ground your poor pixels to a pulp. Noba. </font>
  17. I would, but the fact that my presence here annoys you is so gratifying. Noba...Noba... That name is familiar. I seem to recall playing someone with that name...crushing his elite germans with my green americans...good times.
  18. Hey Snarker! Don't you owe me a crispy lip or somefink? Oh yeah, and here's this too: [kicks Snarker innis fork*] I eagerly await your reply. <font size= 2>*For an explanation of this seeming act of random violence, go the the MBT.</font>
  19. Well, it's Saturday morning and it's snowing...again. Not sure why but it makes me hate you all even more*— especially the Australians, not that one needs a reason to pile a little extra hate on your average Aussie. Now I think I'm going to go over the the Go-to-hale thread and kick someone inna fork. *ladies excepted, naturally
  20. I found this one for my tank troops: "If [player = Lurkur] and[troop type = armor] and [enemy engaged = much stronger] then [common sense = 0] go to [die horribly]"
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