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Everything posted by Lurkur

  1. There might be a stiff fine. Ridding the city of a public nuisance without a license and all.
  2. [Pees on FlamingPoofder from a great height] I understand now why Seanachai does this from time to time. It's quite challenging to hit the target! That was better. Boo is nearly a Senior Knight in all but name (and respect) so you might not get a response. But definitely a drunken stagger in the right direction.
  3. Well, I hate to admit it, but Joe Shaw was right, and I blame this SSN for forcing me to write that. This, THIS is what happens when you don't post the rules. I will never again question Great Britain's wisdom for shipping the proto-aussies to the other end of the world, but may start questioning why they didn't just shoot them all and save the ship fare. Flaming waffler, you are to sound off like you have a pair. Not like you are ordering a prosthetic pair at your local pharmacy or sex shop. This is the Peng Challenge Thread, the big leagues, the oasis of reason, the palace of wisdom, the bright cherry on the top of the big steaming pile of postings that otherwise clog the bandwidth. We are the real reason this forum exists. The rest of it is permitted to exist for tax purposes or somefink. That tepid challenge just won't do at all. This is a manly and masculine thread (ladies excepted of course), although even our faire ladies could come up with a better taunt than that! Now here are some helpful hints for a good taunt, with some helpful memory devices to keep them in your pointy noggin. Find someone of proper social standing to challenge, in this case stoat has been identified as being low enough. [bOOT] Garble your opponent's name in a clever way. The more ways you can do it, the better. Remember that it has to be close enough that we can decipher who you are talking about. Glwenfhvvysnbf or the like will not do. [bOOT] Mention how inadequate your would-be opponent is. Just about any area of life is open game here. It could be their appearance, their intellect or lack thereof, their inferior strategems, where they hail from, or better yet, make up a reason. The key is to show contempt for your opponent. [bOOT] I wasn't done with this point, I just thought another booting couldn't hurt. A proper taunt will incite your opponent to a mindless, blind rage. You are not so much wanting to win a game so much as making the other person despise you for turning their recreation into a living hell as you make them your own whipping boy. [bOOT] Finally, you must glory in the um...glory that will be yours at the end of this contest. You need to gloat just a little about how much scorn your adversary will face having been defeated by the likes of you! [bOOT] and one to grow on! [bOOT] So try again. It's STOAT for crying out loud! The taunt practically writes itself. And remember, the rest of us want you to succeed. It's just that we are equally happy to revel in your incompetence should you fail. There a special joy that comes from trampling the unworthy into the muck of the poole, heh heh. So give it a go, and remember, I'm the nice one. <font size=10>[bOOT]</font> Ugh. Now I need stoat to wipe the floomiwaller off of my boots. [ June 10, 2006, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: Lurkur ]
  4. Happy Birthday, Lady Kitty! The return of so many vagabonds and ne'er-do-wells (such as myself) has me suspicious as well. It vaguely reminds me of how many terminal patients will regain mental clarity just before they croak. Whatever it means, it cannot bode well, but this might help. [Pulls on a cord, which drops a palette of bricks onto SirReal] Well, I know *I* feel better now!
  5. The kayak should be named flotsam. flot·sam n. 1. Wreckage or cargo that remains afloat after a ship has sunk. 2. Floating refuse or debris. 3. Discarded odds and ends. 4. Vagrant, usually destitute people. It's true in every sense of the word!
  6. I believe he was referring to his stint as a prison snitch.
  7. SirReal! I haven't seen hide nor hair of you since you taught me how much fun Stugs can be against the Soviet üntermenschen! Good times, good times. [ June 03, 2006, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Lurkur ]
  8. Ermmm...I've been away a while. How much practice has the Justicar been getting with stikkypixie? On second thought, I don't want to know.
  9. M'Liege Boo! Them apples sounds pretty good! I hope to be around for a while, and would be delighted to teach the unwashed masses a few life skills, the first of which is how unworthy they are, in all things tactical, practical and ...erm...mathmatical? Now I need to go and polish my over-sized, iron-shod jackboots.
  10. [Lurkur returns after long travels to the house of his beknighting. At the door he notices the sign, "House Lex." He cocks his head and pauses, then gets the address from his wallet, and compares it with the house. No, the address is right. He looks at the sign once more, mutters something about Boo losing the property on a drunken bet, and trudges off, in the rain.] Hello gentlemen (and faire ladies of the pool), I've spent the last month or so playing host to six college girls from Thailand. Ever so occasionally, it doesn't suck to be me.
  11. Ya gotta admit, the Justicar has a unique way with words that's almost poetry...in the way a slow motion train wreck is almost art.
  12. Ya gotta admit, the Justicar has a unique way with words that's almost poetry...in the way a slow motion train wreck is almost art.
  13. Ya gotta admit, the Justicar has a unique way with words that's almost poetry...in the way a slow motion train wreck is almost art.
  14. Care to point out any documented examples from WW2 where a tank has hit another by shooting through the both (and any interior) walls of a 20m deep stone building? When the AFV's don't even have a LOS to eachother? </font>
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