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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. It’s a sad day for Western civilisation :(

    In RL today I was attempting to teach the rudiments of our Tera system to one of the office dollies. Frustrated at her inability to grasp even the simplest of concepts (like click and drag), she slowly managed to destroy my cool, calm and controlled demeanour. To my horror I found myself chide her as a “maggot” :mad:

    She looked most bewildered - presumably unsure as to whether she’d heard me correctly and, if she had, whether I’d just insulted her.

    MasterGoodalese has escaped from cyberspace and is slowly polluting everyday life :eek:

    You have been warned,


  2. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Good Sir Edward. I shall endevour to have all and sundry in your inbox by Thursday!

    Hoorah! Then I shall endeavour to turn it around by the end of the weekend (wine, women and song permitting).

    If I stick the pix in cyberspace, shall we inflict our AAR on the maggots on this thread (Para/MG-stylee) before retiring it to my website?


  3. I've just had a thought ... rare, I know. Presumably CMAK will throw up some more interesting wrinkles - will faster-moving vehicles produce larger dust clouds? I don't know if the game can model it, but will stopping and starting on sand increase chances of bogging (one way to do it might be to give stationary vehicles a chance to become immobile every turn they're not moving)?

    Quizzical Teddy

  4. Originally posted by Abbott:

    Yes sir, it is. Axe mentioned an AAR from your contest that Ed was going to host at his site.

    Morning fellas,

    When Axe is finished honeymooning (congratulations, old chap), if he'd like to get in touch we'll work out exactly what he's got and what needs sorting out.

    I'm happy to stick anything up there (as long as it's good, clean family fun...) and as far as I can tell I've got another 40MB or so to fill (I'd like to host a little CMAK stuff too).


    Battle updates:

    Getting to grips with Dave's remaining forces in BDLRM is proving surprisingly taxing ... I'd probably have more success nailing jelly to a ceiling :mad:

    My epic encounter with Mikey is staggering to a close. The writing has been on the wall for the last few months and if I'd had any sense I'd have surrended about 30 turns ago. My stiff upper lip can be a terrible burden :(

    The puss-sucking maggot AKA MasterGoodale AKA the Vomit Encrusted Ant Shagger AKA Skunknad's Love Bucket has gone to ground and is still maintaining radio silence. My deranged TNT is close to boiling point and is in danger of going off in my hand if I don't get a turn soon :mad:

  5. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    In the meantime, I slung you pus pods a whole slew of angry TNT last night and something tells me from the calmness in this thread that you didn't like it :mad:

    I'd like it a lot more if you'd stop playing silly games with deranged prepubescent loners and send me my turn, you maggot!

    Mind you, now I've put it like that, I can see why you're attracted...

    :mad: :D :mad: :D :mad: :D :mad:


  6. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    Edward Windsor

    Thanks for the package! I won't open it til Christmas like you asked, but seriously, I can tell it's a clock already. You know tick, tock, tick, tock. I can hear it. I guess the surprise is ruined now, huh?

    :D You're welcome, Jim. Making it a festive season to remember with a very special Windsor timepiece ... see New Year in with a bang!

    Abbott, you could give my three year old daughter a run in the joke stakes. Her current favourite is: Why did the banana go to the doctor's?

    Answers on a postcard, please.


  7. If I remember correctly, the chances of bogging were reduced slightly with the patches - are you running 1.03?

    Plus there was a good post quite a while back by a chap (Paul something?) who suggested the current model was rather basic ... I think the conclusion was that with a lack of hard data on the effectiveness of all the different designs, a simple ground pressure calculation is made - obviously this is bad news for the Big Cats.

    I'm sure someone more technically-minded than me can enlighten you further ... or completely disprove everything I've just rambled on about.


    Edited to add: As far as I'm aware, speed doesn't affect your chances of bogging - in fact, getting somewhere quickly is beneficial as there's less time to get stuck...

    [ September 09, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  8. Originally posted by Other Means:

    thank you Mr Windor. much appreciated.

    You're more than welcome.

    Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    Apparently Other Means had gotten himself captured by the evil scientist Dr. Maybe and our very own Edward had to fight off great white sharks, polar bears, and an assortment of misguided cretins in the service of evil to save the day as it were.

    smile.gif Well it's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it...


  9. Groovy. Two threads of Cheery Waffle at the top of the forum!

    Originally posted by Other Means:

    do any of you red headed step sons have the URL to the famous MGA -v- (can't remember sorry) AAR that's really well done?

    i'm trying to convince a friend to buy CMBB. or at least that i'm not stoopid for loving it.


    i was going to end there but i feel...strangely.... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


    jeez does that happen every time you post here?

    you poor things.

    It can be found in all its "glory" at my really rather super website, maggot.

    Angry out loud!


  10. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Where are my turns, you worthless, Peng-posting, gun-hugging maggots? You can't all be watching Monday Night Football. It is possible you're all drunk, I suppose. Or maybe all of you decided you needed a little target practice. :mad: :mad:

    Give us back our lovely, warm, cuddly Dave H, you impostor ... otherwise I'm packing my PPK and launching a rescue bid :mad: When you release him, you can tell him the next round of our BDLRM contest will be winging its way to his inbox tonight (Blighty time).

    In other news, Axe and I have finally finished our Abbott-designed battle, so the wedding is back on ... watch out for an AAR after the impending nuptials.

    Mikey_the_Nugget has obviously been taking lessons from MG on how to PBEM - will my dashing ATRs be victorious over the nasty PzIII hordes? Tune back in 2004 to find out...

    And finally, to the Vomit Encrusted Maggot Chucker himself ... who is bizarrely sending turns at a fast, furious, TNT-splattered rate. Having gotten a couple of nasty scratches wiping out a pillbox, two guns, a flamethrower team and an anti-tank team, my brave boys will be applying the Elastoplasts, shooting the crack troops they have captured, and heading for a showdown with the main forces of evil...

    Chin chin,


  11. Originally posted by Dave H:

    This map and setup Becket has so kindly provided is just the thing for my "Beat Dave Like a Rented Mule", or BDLRM contest. I'm already playing MG (the maggot), who did not get to select his own units, but seems pretty happy with all his T-34s. Mike is at his unit selection stage now. Any of the rest of you care to participate? Small map, Allied assault, 20 turns, I'll have the same Axis defensive units each time. Who can beat me the worst? Consider yourselves challenged, maggots.

    That sounds entertaining. I'll take a piece of the action, if you've still got any spare slots.


  12. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Grrr. I sent it before I left for the weekend. I'll resend tonight to the hotmail address. I started getting "undeliverable" messages today from those turns I sent a couple of weeks ago! :eek: :eek:

    :( I got that one - I shipped 97 to you (jasonballantyne@sympatico.ca) on

    August 31 (Sunday) ... did you get it?

    If not I'll resend. If you did, it may be worth using my top secret address to reply.

    :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad:


  13. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    Edward you scum-licking ameoba pumper I better have a turn from you in my inbox when I get home tonight!! :mad:

    Easy, my proud beauty. A small but perfectly formed package of TNT is already waiting for you at home ... along with the mould, ants and Skunk Nads (who informs me she is desperate to play with your maggot and is wearing her ammo belts, jack boots and not much else :eek: ).

    Chin chin,


  14. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    Except for Teddy Windsor, I do not know of any gents on this thread.

    Welcome back, maggot! I've always thought of this thread as a moldy version of Mornington Crescent, with added TNT.

    Axe, I hope you’re enjoying your last days of being foot-loose and fancy-free. The elusive turn finally arrived via hotmail and I’ve returned a movie using my super top secret account – let me know if it ever shows up.


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