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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Not only will I laugh at you now, I've laughed at you before and I will continue to laugh at you in the future.

    Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh.

    Well in that case you will be pleased to learn Snarker and his wicked German hordes are teetering on the brink!

    His lily-livered mama's boys are about to succumb to the might of America's finest ... or, more specifically, Sergeant Warner and his clanky old multi-turreted dealer of death and destruction.

    Although only a Green commander, this feisty fellow has accounted for an ample handful of the latest Kraut machinery, turned the sand crimson with the blood of numerous foolhardy Nazis and sent platoons of the enemy hot-footing it across the desert to the safety of the Fatherland.

    Mean, moody and magnificent, he will be played by Clint Eastwood in the forthcoming movie - coming soon to a cinema near you...

  2. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Not only will I laugh at you now, I've laughed at you before and I will continue to laugh at you in the future.

    Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh.

    Well in that case you will be pleased to learn Snarker and his wicked German hordes are teetering on the brink!

    His lily-livered mama's boys are about to succumb to the might of America's finest ... or, more specifically, Sergeant Warner and his clanky old multi-turreted dealer of death and destruction.

    Although only a Green commander, this feisty fellow has accounted for an ample handful of the latest Kraut machinery, turned the sand crimson with the blood of numerous foolhardy Nazis and sent platoons of the enemy hot-footing it across the desert to the safety of the Fatherland.

    Mean, moody and magnificent, he will be played by Clint Eastwood in the forthcoming movie - coming soon to a cinema near you...

  3. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    If we can't work the phrase "meat sloshing" into a headline, we're not trying hard enough. :D

    Stories like that are a gift to subs, but I'm not sure what it says about us that it's our first thought ;)

    However, it's what the majority of people want to read over their breakfast tables (plus you can't dismiss the fact it's important that not only is justice done, it is seen to be done).

    I think the media is kind of like the Government - we get what we deserve (so us Brits must be very bad indeed).



  4. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    If we can't work the phrase "meat sloshing" into a headline, we're not trying hard enough. :D

    Stories like that are a gift to subs, but I'm not sure what it says about us that it's our first thought ;)

    However, it's what the majority of people want to read over their breakfast tables (plus you can't dismiss the fact it's important that not only is justice done, it is seen to be done).

    I think the media is kind of like the Government - we get what we deserve (so us Brits must be very bad indeed).



  5. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Done! :mad:

    I'll let you choose a scenario and you can send it along whenever you're ready.

    Alternatively, as you had to read all the briefings, we can try a Quick Battle. You may be interested to know there's a beautiful map residing at CMMODS, created by a certain Mr E. Windsor. Gamers are obviously desperate for desert landscapes as it's been downloaded 72 times :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :D (before any of you maggots gets too impressed, one of them was me to check it was working OK...).

    Of course, if Abbott (MIA) is reading this and he has any beauties crying out to be tested (feedback provided, of course) he could always get in touch. Soddball need not apply - my elderly PC would melt trying to run one of his creations :mad:


  6. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Done! :mad:

    I'll let you choose a scenario and you can send it along whenever you're ready.

    Alternatively, as you had to read all the briefings, we can try a Quick Battle. You may be interested to know there's a beautiful map residing at CMMODS, created by a certain Mr E. Windsor. Gamers are obviously desperate for desert landscapes as it's been downloaded 72 times :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :D (before any of you maggots gets too impressed, one of them was me to check it was working OK...).

    Of course, if Abbott (MIA) is reading this and he has any beauties crying out to be tested (feedback provided, of course) he could always get in touch. Soddball need not apply - my elderly PC would melt trying to run one of his creations :mad:


  7. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Done. :mad: :mad:

    When you get a spare slot on your dance card, don't forget a futile armour charge for me maggot :mad: Congratulations to you and commiserations to Paula on finally receiving the game ;)

    In other news, a desperate Snarker is speeding around the desert in his remaining PzIIIs creating "instant smokescreens" as his infantry staggers towards the flags in an attempt to get a little extra time :mad: The only smoke I like to see him creating is that which billows from the burning wrecks my lone, heroic Grant is creating.

    Mike is reeling from my introduction of "shock and awe" tactics at least half a century too early :mad: Unfortunately, I've now seen enough on the forum about the demo scenarios to know he has a Tiger-shaped surprise of his own to pull out the bag :eek:

    And finally the lovely Dave and I are stumbling around in a sandstorm, blindly firing at anything that moves. From what I can see, I think I'm the plucky Brits, and the sound of armour plates popping are all that can be heard above the whistling wind. Confusion reigns and, at 1.5MB a move, thank goodness there are only 15 turns left.

    At ease, maggots.


  8. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Done. :mad: :mad:

    When you get a spare slot on your dance card, don't forget a futile armour charge for me maggot :mad: Congratulations to you and commiserations to Paula on finally receiving the game ;)

    In other news, a desperate Snarker is speeding around the desert in his remaining PzIIIs creating "instant smokescreens" as his infantry staggers towards the flags in an attempt to get a little extra time :mad: The only smoke I like to see him creating is that which billows from the burning wrecks my lone, heroic Grant is creating.

    Mike is reeling from my introduction of "shock and awe" tactics at least half a century too early :mad: Unfortunately, I've now seen enough on the forum about the demo scenarios to know he has a Tiger-shaped surprise of his own to pull out the bag :eek:

    And finally the lovely Dave and I are stumbling around in a sandstorm, blindly firing at anything that moves. From what I can see, I think I'm the plucky Brits, and the sound of armour plates popping are all that can be heard above the whistling wind. Confusion reigns and, at 1.5MB a move, thank goodness there are only 15 turns left.

    At ease, maggots.


  9. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    I could send them to you if you'd like.

    Wow, Axe, that's a really kind offer, but the postage could be huge and I'm worried your postman would intercept them before they leave the country.

    I should really invest in them, but stuff like that can be hard to come by if you don't use the wonders of cyberspace. I'd love to buy more on the internet, but most of my purchases have to be cash as they're "undeclared"...

    Having read the review on the link you gave, it appears it's a work of fiction based on fact. I'm therefore guessing the ending of Das Boot is there for dramatic impact ... I'll forgive them as the preceeding three hours were so fantastic smile.gif



  10. Six PBEM games on the go, three with maggots on this thread, and not a single turn nestling in my inbox :mad:

    On a completely unrelated note, the lack of CMAK action has meant I've just finished watching the director's cut of Das Boot. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but thought the ending was a bit suspect. I know the film is based on the memoirs of war correspondent Lothar-Günther Buchheim, but I'd find the finale rather more convincing if I knew that it was fact rather than fiction. As there is a strong groggy vibe polluting this thread of cheery waffle at the moment, can one of you maggots of war put me straight?

    Chin chin,


  11. Originally posted by Wiking-DK:


    3 questions from a newbie to this great games :D


    How do I change the screen resolution? And other settings.


    Is there an easy way to capture screenshots?


    Sometime when I hit Alt-tab to go windows, and I go back the game screen is black, I cant do anything else than quit the game and start all over?

    :confused: :rolleyes:



    Hello Wiking-DK,

    Assuming you're using a PC (I've no idea for Macs),

    1. Screen resolution is determined by your desktop setting. If you change it, delete the Combat Mission AK Prefs file in your CMAK folder and next time you launch the game it will ask for your OK to make the relevant adjustments.

    2. Print Screen then paste it into an arts package (I just use Paint Shop Pro).

    3. Pass. I'm sure someone else much smarter than me will be able to put you straight though ;)


    Edited because I care.

  12. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Thanks for the offer Dave. Let's wait and see what Monday brings!

    Edward has finished dismantling my Charge of the Light Platoon in our CMAK battle. The bones of my troops are already bleaching in the sun. :mad:

    It was a beautiful thing to watch, though. ;)

    Dave as I'm waiting for Axe's postman to get bored of playing CMAK before we can have our rematch, do you fancy picking a scenario (anything but The Creek, which I've already started against someone else) for a little PBEM action?


  13. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Luverly, the everly gallant Soddball is making nasty comments to errant Ladies. Teddy aren't you chaps supposed to be a bit more gentlemanly? Come on, tell us the truth...Soddy is actually Canadian, isn't he?

    If a British chap has an especially stiff upper lip, he can sometimes find it difficult to express his admiration and appreciation of the fairer sex.

    When he means to tell a lovely lady: "Your hair looks really nice like that, I really enjoy spending time with you, you are fun to be with and you are an amazing cook, where did you learn all these recipes?" it can sometimes come out as: "Jinkies, keep talking, you bunny boiling wench, some day you'll say something intelligent. GRAHRHRHRGGHHGHG!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: "

    It's an extreme speech impediment. Tragic, really.


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