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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Last, but not least, toodle pip to Teddy. Although he lacks the whole angry, swearing, angst thing he is still a decent chap.

    Thanks, Mikey. Mummy always taught me good manners cost nothing so I always say "please" and "thank you" when the molten TNT starts flying. I've enjoyed our encounter so far - it may be very quiet but the tension is rising exquisitely.

    Soddball and I are now most definitely "fully engaged" in our all-infantry battle. It's still too early to call and EFOW is making it extremely difficult to gauge how well our respective sides are performing, but if the current levels of TNT-chucking are maintained I think it could be decided by the "last man standing".

    Chin chin


  2. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    I think Soddball shook Teddy's coconuts a little too hard, the lad is all rattled. Sends me a mis-numbered turn and then the lil nance has the nerve send an email what's up. I'll tell ya what's up..yer head up yer arse. Dislodge, catch up your learning to count homework and SEND ME A TURN, MAAAAAAAGGGGGOOOOTT

    Actually Soddball has a firm but very gentle touch. Everything was fine and dandy when it left Blighty - must be something to do with the time zones or the fact I'm playing a muppet :mad:

    Just batted one back ... so put down the meths, get the popcorn, watch the movie, plan your turn and send it.

    Toodle pip,


  3. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Teddy!!: Stop pretending to be asleep!!

    I'm desperately trying to catch up on a little shut-eye, but this thread is giving me nightmares. Hopefully your men can expect another mortar-delivered package of TNT this evening...

    Much as it pains me to agree with anyone who has a multiple personality disorder, I feel the Mikeys are correct in their analysis of the situation - surely we don't want snivelling "points" victories; we want glorious, heroic, do-or-die efforts with burning wrecks, smouldering ruins and tragic human sacrifice?

    Apocalyptic Teddy

  4. Originally posted by Jim Bob


    No, I don’t want to make a rod for own my back – a couple of typos and before you know it every smart arse with a keyboard is giving you a hard time ;)

    Originally posted by mikey_the_whiner:

    Turn out to Teddy because he is less psychotic than the rest of you.

    Mmmm, you’re making me feel all kind of warm and gooey inside, Mikey, and I think I like it … are you chatting me up, you honey tongued smoothie?

    All my CMBB turns are out, muppets … they’re hot, they’re fiery and they’re overflowing with TNT goodness :mad:

    Chin chin,


  5. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    I truly love the British, such charming and well educated folk.

    I only know because Mumsy bought me a Speak And Spell this Christmas.

    Originally posted by Axe2121:

    As for MasterNumbNuts this is the fifth -- count 'em: one, two, three, four, five -- time he has threatened me with his *oooohh* military genius. I figure he can threaten me fifteen more times before he runs out of fingers and toes and actually sends a setup.

    I’m guessing it could be more - I don’t think you can take it for granted MG has the standard issue of digits (or even limbs).

    Originally posted by Soddball:

    Teddy!! Where's my hooring turn? I feel the need to pacify your german hordes a bit more!

    Well if I didn’t have to send turns twice, because you haven’t worked out your wastebasket isn’t used to store messages, we might get stuff done more quickly. Check your mail, Muppet. :mad:


  6. Originally posted by Dave H :

    Well, some more members of the British royal family could show up. ;)

    Soddball could create another scenario. :mad:

    MasterGoodale (the maggot) could win a PBEM. Nah!! :rolleyes:

    The (late, lamented) mike the wino2 could turn up again. redface.gif

    Mrs. MasterGoodale could have -- children!! NOOooooo!!! :eek:

    Thanks Dave. That's almost "too much perspective" smile.gif

    Update: Sadly my smug, self-satisfied glow of competence regarding the all-infantry encounter with Soddball may have been a little premature ... watch this space.


  7. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    What sez ye maggots? :mad:

    Without wishing to tempt fate, I'm already feeling surprisingly optimistic for a draw in my latest encounter against Soddball ... something to do with seeing him running his chaps around in the open while my mortars and MGs are setting up fiendish little "kill sacks" (I have no idea what that means, but it sounds like grog heaven).

    I'd hate to have him stop shaking cocunuts from my tree of love on a technicality.

    Therefore I say "victory or rematch".

    Teddy has spoken.

  8. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Teddy you seem like a nice enough chap...for gimpy, sheep-shagging, bag of pus. What sez you and I have a go at a game? I am thinking something whimsical, like.....hhhhmm, 2000-3000 ME, large map, light trees, the least amount of hills possible, no planes, as much arty as you want, no AFV with a gun bigger than 50mm (this can be worked out, a few thin-skinned SP might be nice to roam the landscape with), green or consript troops only, dry, weather on random, time of day random. What say you, sir?

    OK, you honey-tongued smoothie. I have a vacant slot after one of my chums disappeared off to Florida for a well-earned break (I think he grows weary of watching his men melt under a barrage of my molten TNT).

    I have a wrinkle of my own to add - no guns, as I'm still running 1.02 after being forced to buy CDV's maggot-riddled version of CMBB.

    If you can cope with a turn every day or so, I'll let you do the honours (I'm unsure of your dry/random weather brain teaser) and the carnage can begin. It will be interesting to see if either of us ever reaches a flag.

    Toodle pip,


  9. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Good news: I have received an email from "Valrie" telling me how to get a penis enlargement.

    Me too - small world ;) You didn't refer me, did you?

    Originally posted by Soddball:

    Teddy Windows and I are just getting to grips with each other in our all-infantry set-to.

    All infantry? Bugger. Does that mean I can't use my Brummbärs?

    Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Oh how cute. It's springtime and love is in the air. :eek:

    You wouldn't understand, Mikey, as I'm guessing you've never had a close chum or been to public school. A little male bonding and mutual appreciation can be a beautiful and noble thing.


  10. Originally posted by Soddball:

    I can sense the slaughterous potential throbbing away.

    On the contrary, my hairy little chum, the tension is mounting exquisitely and my brave Germans are sick with excitement, their guts churning in their stomachs.

    The sound of birdsong and the breeze caressing the leaves of the trees is soon to be shattered by the crack of gunfire, the whistle of mortars and the screams of men.

    War is dirty business.

    Speaking of which, Snarker and Mike the Wino, do you consider “extras”?

    Teddy ( :mad: :mad: :mad: because it feels so gooood)

  11. Originally posted by Dandelion:

    There's no massive popular anti-German sentiment in the UK due to the various political rows is there? :confused:

    Not that I've noticed and even if there was you shouldn't let it affect your trip.

    It is my misfortune to spend a good proportion of my waking hours in Leicester and even there life is remarkably harmonious, carrying on much as before - grim and gridlocked.


  12. Originally posted by Ron:

    A Panther is dominating the map from a HD position on a hill?

    Aaah, a chance to relive my finest Combat Mission moment - killing a kitty with my A/C...


    For what it's worth, in the last few months I've persuaded quite a few people to invest in the bundle pack.

    Therefore I'm currently playing a lot more CMBO than CMBB, as it's easier for them to get to grips with and (controversially?) more "fun".

    This means I'm almost exclusively playing the Allies (what is it with the Germans and their sexy hardware?) and have recently changed my mind on the relative merits of Axis.

    I've come to the conclusion that, if played with a little thought and care, no side has a significant advantage - generally the best player will maximise their chances and win.

    If both competitors are fairly equally matched, my battles tend to hinge on one turn where a mistake or stroke of good fortune decides the outcome.

    Whatever, it's a great game.


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