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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Not so fast, Teddy boy!! Check your mailbox for the turn I sent all of 10 or 15 minutes ago. :D

    :mad: You maggots can't even get it wrong right :mad:

    And say "Hi" to the family for me. Tell them that since Diana departed they get very little coverage in the US any more. tongue.gif
    Chuck is still smarting about that. After that It's a Knockout fiasco, my abortive attempts at documentary making and the missus's little PR disasters he sent me to Coventry, but I keep trying to tell him that Royal Big Brother is the way to go....


  2. Originally posted by Roster No. 228:

    The concern I didn't articulate in previous posts is how I am to avoid downloading mods which I might already have on the SE CD. For example, I see Andrew Fox' name on www.combatmission.com's mods download page, but it isn't entirely clear whether I may already have these multi-megabyte files on disc....

    The simplest way is to install CMMOS v.4.03 and then simply dump all the relevant bmps you have (with the curious little "file extensions" or "codes" on the end) into your bmp folder.

    You'll soon be able to see which ones you've got (the relevant button in CMMOS will become active) or which ones you're missing (red circle with a line through it indicates you're out of luck).

    If you can be bothered, you then know which ones you still need to track down to complete the set - some of them can be tricky so just post here again if you need anything.



  3. Originally posted by redwolf:

    I thought they were shipping a mod manager :confused:

    I think they did - it was certainly possible with the CDV version - but I'd be amazed if they shipped it with more than a handful of CMMOSified mods to give a "taster".

    When he finally takes the plunge, installs the program and plays around with it, he's going to want to know where to get the rest of them ;)


  4. Originally posted by Roster No. 228:

    There seems to be no mention of what to do with the graphic files, except to just stick 'em in the "BMP" folder. But what happens to the old, original, ones? :confused:

    Hello Roster No. 228.

    In the above example, your original BMP files are overwritten and lost. Therefore it's worth backing up the folder before playing around with anything, just in case you do something you later regret (which I have to admit is very rare - most of the mods are much better than the original graphics, although this may not be the case with your SE).

    CMMOS is just a simple way to drop graphics in and out - if a mod is available on your system it will do the necessary to ensure it appears in the game. When you tire of it and want a change, you can often select another version and there's even an option to help you reinstall the stock BMPs from the CD.

    It's kind of hard to explain, especially for a technophobe like me. I'd suggest you play the game for a while and then see if you want to go to the trouble of modding it. I imagine you will and that after a quick play with CMMOS it will all be much easier than you may imagine.


  5. Originally posted by dieseltaylor:

    Congratulations - great site, great idea

    Thanks. It would have been a shame to see it lost in the forums.

    I am hoping to launch a tourney in my local area, using the library and press, myself stumping-up for some prize money.
    Sounds like a great idea. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

    Early days yet but this kind of site is brilliant for introducing the uninitiated to the "Great Game".
    I think so to. CMBB can initially seem very overwhelming and complicated, but the two writers really put across how much fun it can be too.

    I believe it to have immense educational value and compared to the trigger reaction games is far more likely to get youngsters to realise war can be very terminal
    Well I'd have certainly found history lessons more appealing if I could have spent some time playing Combat Mission. Although there's no easy way to check the veracity of everything, I feel the game and some of the posts on this forum have taught me quite a bit.

    However, considering the sort of casualty rates and equipment losses we achieve in a small battle lasting half an hour, Combat Mission (especially Beyond Overlord) may be rather too terminal. A nice campaign feature in CMX2 could encourage commanders to be a little more circumspect smile.gif


    Wonderful World of Combat Mission

  6. Originally posted by Dave H:

    I am, of course, the Axis player in Soddball's extravaganza. My problem was squeezing in so many King Tigers among the Hummels, Brummbars, Sturmtigers, and Panthers. Not to mention all the FOs and AT pillboxes. That leaves the question of where to put all the 88's, panzershrecks, and paratroops.

    That's a relief, Dave, for a minute I thought I had a problem tongue.gif

    Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    I really hope you didn't done go and blow your wad on Tigers. They may be hard to deal with in tank battles but they can't really take flags surrounded by lots of trees, hills, and angry Russians. :mad

    That maggot Soddball taught me the hard way that flags are meaningless. I thought I was sitting pretty holding the major objective, but I couldn't have been more naive unless I were Snarker picking up the soap for Mike the Sicko in the shower.

    If you want a victory, casualties are where it's at. And if you need death and destruction, quickly and lots of it, it doesn't come in a more attractive package than a Kitty :mad: :mad:

    Apocalyptic Teddy

  7. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Soddball has sent "Cheery Waffle" to Teddy Windsor, who has sent it along to me. As the Allied player I'm already stumped with the bizarre unit mix, set-up areas, and terrain

    Eeek! I fear we may have a little snafu. I don't know how I managed it, but I thought I'd setup as the Allies and sent the turn for Axis. Obviously I now know what you've got and roughly where it is - where do we go from here?

    MG, I've started my setup but with so many platoons of Tigers I'm finding it tricky to place them all - hopefully I'll have it wrapped by tonight.

    Chin chin,


  8. Hello Hinkar,

    I upgraded my CDV version of the game to 1.03 with no problems.

    This is pretty obvious and I'm sure you've checked it, but all I can think of is that it's not being installed into the correct folder.

    At least we can console ourselves with the fact we'll be able to purchase CMAK direct from Battlefront.


  9. Originally posted by Soddball:

    He lives! Good to see you made it - shame you're too far away for a convenient bevvy now. Boo hiss to that - although Teddy Windsor is now within gobbing distance, so if you would be kind enough to gob all over him, I would be most appreciative.

    The location of my chateau is classified information - otherwise it wouldn't be secret anymore - and your blatant disregard of the Official Secrets Act means you're now a threat to national security.

    Once I've showered off this gob and splashed the Brut all over I'm afraid I'm going to have to neutralise you - so choose your next witticism carefully, Mr Soddball, it may be your last.


  10. Hello Crow.

    Thanks. Nothing on the immediate horizon, but I'm hoping at some point in the near future to have a crack at my own CMBB AAR, with write-ups from both sides (are you listening, Axe2121?).

    Thinking ahead, it would also be nice to get out one of the first CMAK reports smile.gif

    On a vaguely related note, it's a shame the 'legendary' Fionn decided to take his ball home. I've no idea what all the politics were about, but I enjoyed his stuff and feel the community (just about the best I've come across) is missing out. It would also be a very good advert for CMBB...

    Just in case anyone has missed out, you can find his work here.



  11. Dave H, the lovely Soddball has shipped his Cheery Waffle scenario.

    In light of the useless maggot's failure to populate the battle with members of the Brood, I'll leave it to you to decide whether commanding Axis or Allies is more appealing before sending it on.

    As an aside, if several of us are playing the thing, perhaps we should ensure all bragging, boasting, crowing and general blowing of one's own trumpet is kept suitably vague?


  12. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    It looks to me like there's a lot of VERY angry TNT to chuck around indiscriminately in there you fermenting flask of gonorrhoea puss! :mad:

    Unfortunately to fling it you would need a rudimentary ability to control both mouse and keyboard AT THE SAME TIME.

    I'm under the impression BF1942 is pretty nifty, if you're in to that sort of malarkey, but I suspect you're better off devoting all your spare time to that backlog of turns building up in your inbox.

    Which reminds me, you can expect one from me tomorrow, maggot.


  13. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Although Soddball hasn't yet played against me I'm certain I would discover he is a gamey maggot just like MasterGoodale. :D

    Your prescience is most impressive, Dave. I couldn't have described the little maggot better myself ... how else can you explain the two crushing defeats the jammy git inflicted on me?

    Originally posted by Dave H:

    By all means let's try Soddball's Cheery Waffle scenario. How can I resist? Soddball, send it along please. Teddy, choose a side - Goodale's side (Allied) or not-Goodale's side (Axis). In the immortal words of Celebrity Death Match, "Let's get it on!" :D :eek: ;)

    If you're amenable, we'll let Soddball choose our forces - I'll play with whichever side the dashing "Edward Windsor" features in.

    Toodle pip,


  14. Originally posted by Dave H:

    So how about it Teddy Windsor, are you up for a genuine "Goodale" production? If we're looking for gamey unreality, what better place to find it?

    I'm back, maggot. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it.

    I've already sampled the joys of "Operation Black Forest" and I'm not sure you realise quite what you're letting yourself in for.

    Still, if Soddball's Cheery Waffle doesn't tickle your fancy, then these could be the next best thing - bring it on :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Your reports of MG's new-found tactical nous have me worried - I got back to the chateau to find a huge Axis attack (on a medium map :rolleyes: ) from the mould encrusted vomit chucker clogging up my inbox.

    I fear I have left it too long to play the maggot and that humiliation is around the corner. If I win it is to be expected, but if I lose I suck as hard as Snarker ... I must spend my 4,500pts wisely - it could take a couple of days to choose my doom.

    And finally, I've given Mike the Whiner the chance to turn back time and save his ACs from a fiery death.

    I've rewound the action to my last orders phase, updated the file to 1.03 and given the non-"readme" reading maggot another opportunity. Of course, if I now lose I can invoke an MG/Dave H-like clause to absolve myself of any culpability.

    Ah, life is sweet.


  15. Originally posted by phil stanbridge:

    It's a weird thought. I was just browsing cmmods.com and I read the June 6th message.. There's been hardly a word about DDAY today and I thought it kinda strange - but it got me thinking, and I guess it's not one of these questions you can answer, but what would have happened if the axis forces won WWII?

    Taking a literary approach you could try SS-GB by Len Deighton and Fatherland by Robert Harris - both entertaining reads.


  16. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Mike_the_wuss, did you screw up our battle? I told you I was upgrading to v 1.03 and you would have to convert the file. Was a task requiring slightly more thought than stomping on a grape or opening a bottle so far over your head? Maggot! tongue.gif

    I fear the maggot has done the same to our encounter, although it's probably my fault - I didn't spell it out s...l...o...w...l...y in BIG WORDS. :mad:

    Or maybe it's his new tactic after seeing one AC explode in barrage of molten TNT and the other turned into a sieve :mad:

    Dave, I don't know if you've dug out a scenario for us yet, but I won't be around again until after the weekend. The PM has me on some damn-fool errand. I never knew Tony was a keen horticulturist, but he's asked me to plant something in Iraq...

    Chin chin,


  17. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Oh you giant sacks of maggot ****. I upgraded to v1.03 as all you were crooning for it now files is not good. re-send turns maggots.

    OK, maggot. You know that little file you got with the patch that says "readme"? This has a few top tips on how to cope with the traumatic experience of making the jump to 1.03.

    To use our encounter as an example, open the last file I sent you in 1.02 (which you backed up before upgrading).

    Watch the movie (I think you're really going to like that one - lots of TNT). Then in the "orders" phase save the pbem file as a saved game by clicking on the little "SAVE" button on the command bar at the bottom of the screen.

    Now open CMBB Version 1.03, open the saved game file, choose Email as the startup option for the saved game, place your orders as you normally would in a PBEM, and press "GO"

    Congratulations maggot! You have now converted your pbem file.


    Edited to add: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [ June 06, 2003, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  18. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    So what did you think of "Mein kampf" anyway? :mad: On a serious note? :mad

    Mmmm, it was quite some time ago we played it. I was the Germans and I seem to remember I secured a major victory.

    Historical accuracy is not my forte, but with a large map like that and enough wood to give the Amazonian Rainforest a run for its money, I'd suggest a lot more grunts and a few less Brummbars (althought the rockets were fun). Judicial use of a chainsaw may be in order too.

    As the defender I spent most of the game waiting for Soddball to find his way out of the jungle and by the time he did it was all too late - he didn't really come close to capturing any of the flags (I'd love to say it was my tactical genius, but I'm not so sure).

    To avoid upsetting more knowledgable players I think the "airport" might more accurately be described as an "airstrip".

    Maybe "Hitler's secret hideout" would be more believable as "the general's chateau" or a "secret communications base"?



  19. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    [QB] TEDDY you pouch of puss I have just the scenario for you two to play!!

    MG, you know I'm your number one fan and I'm remarkably touched by your generous offer.

    However, having sampled "Operation Mein Kampf" with Soddball, I'm unsure as to whether I'm well-versed enough in the art of TNT chucking to rise to the challenge of another of your scenarios.

    I'd hate not to do "Blood and Scones" justice, but I'll leave it to Dave H to decide whether we're worthy of this great honour.

    At the current rate I've only another 6hrs and 20 mins until the 1.03 patch downloads :mad:


  20. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Okay, Teddy Bear Windsor, since I'm almost finished losing a couple of my PBEMs, consider yourself slapped on the cheeks (only the ones on your face, maggot) and challenged. Name your terms, sir. QB or scenario, but please no meeting engagements, unless you want one with no victory flags. :cool:

    How can I refuse such a challenge? I accept, muppet. Bend over so I can slap your cheeks too. After recent traumatic experiences at the hands of the evil Soggyballs, I have also grown weary of both MEs and the sterile maps that are generated in QBs. Select a scenario you've never played before, that you fancy might be both balanced and entertaining, and we shall attempt to go head to head in a double-blind PBEM. My only other caveat is we play 1.03.

    Originally posted by Dave H:

    By the way, how's the Queen doing on the 50'th anniversary of her coronation? :D

    Actually Mumsy is having a whale of a time. Thanks for asking ;)

    Bottoms up,


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