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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. To coin a phrase, good morning maggots!

    In other news … after embarking on a furious spree of angry, bitter, TNT chucking (the like of which we’ve not seen since Skunknads returned home from an electrolysis session sooner than expected to find MG hunched over his computer “researching” the many ways ladies can show their love, respect and affection for each other), Axe appears to be a spent force. His armour charge was mean, moody and magnificent, but less than half way through our African encounter all that remains are the smoking ruins of our weapons of war. Still, what a way to go.

    Meanwhile … Snarker is a big, sneaky, maggot. Or a desert rat fink. This means he still has his tanks and a company of infantry has sprung from nowhere to make a dash for the flags. This wasn’t in the script.

    And finally … my battle with Mike in Italy is off to our customary slow start, but hopefully, with 40 turns to play with, we still have plenty of time to reach a satisfying climax. Currently I’m just messing with his mind - blowing up the odd house because I can and cunningly manoeuvring my chaps into position. After a spot of tiffin, a little manly bonding and a rousing song or two, they will be ready for action. War can be a very beautiful thing.

    Chin chin,


  2. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    Speaking of set-ups.

    My dear Teddy

    As we have now shared a certain......uh

    Well anyway, I know you sent me a CMAK set-up, but I cannot find it anywhere. If you are not too terribly preoccupied, I would beg for another go????

    **At Playing CMAK!!! :mad:

    **-Added for Snarker's elucidation.

    Dearest Jim Bob,

    I’m never too occupied for a little CMAK action, especially if your offer still stands and I can play the G&T drinking, short wearing, stiff upper lip types.

    However, as it’s only two days (allegedly) until the full game ships, shall we hold fire until the weekend so we can sate ourselves on the real deal?

    Yours, as always,


    P.S. You’ve got a picture?!?!?!? :mad: :mad: :mad:

  3. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Which reminds me -- let me know when you're ready to start our CMAK AAR Edward. I just have to clean the sand out of my inkwell.

    It sounds like you've got a lot on your plate at the moment, maggot. How about we wait until the New Year? It will give us a chance to get to grips with CMAK, get thoroughly trolleyed over the festive season without worrying about trying to create and, if we're lucky, Abbott will create another fiendish scenario :mad:

    All the best,


  4. I would post spoiler warnings, but as Dave H must be the only maggot in the world who hasn't played the demo I won't bother :mad:

    Originally posted by Axe2121:

    You never know what tomorrow will bring. Aside from TNT and my horrendous armor strategies (of which Teddy can attest to :mad: )

    You're being too hard on yourself, maggot. It was a beautifully terrifying sight to see your Panzers charging across the desert at full speed, in a sandstorm of dust and TNT. It took me rather by surprise and is so far the top contender for my "CMAK moment of 2003". I'll be amazed if our battle lasts much more than 20 turns, although I've no idea who will emerge triumphant.

    Snarker is being a little more circumspect (the sneaky maggot) and no wadi is too small or shallow for his evil Hun to crawl along. His mechanised warriors are inching forward, while my brave Shermans are looking dangerously exposed :mad:

    Meanwhile, in Italy, Mike, the lucky maggot, has shot down my fighter. Mind you, reading all the tales of friendly fire woes this may not be such a bad thing. I think I've caught him unawares - he's running his defenders around the village while I'm indulging in a little impromptu town planning. Marvellous.


    Edited because I care

    [ December 01, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  5. Originally posted by YK2:

    A closet Smiths Fan!!

    A nasty flashback to my student days ... I shared a house with three vegetarians, who insisted on tie-dyeing charity shop purchases in the bathroom, prevented me from cooking low-quality mince products in the kitchen, watched nasty Australian soaps in the living room and played the Smiths loudly in their bedrooms while attempting to get pregnant (one actually succeeded, although her dungarees were so large it was months before anyone noticed ... including her).

    Last post, honest. I'll bugger back off to the Cheery Wafflers.

    Bottoms up,


  6. Originally posted by YK2:

    You must pop by the palace and show me the slides of the new baby..

    Thanks for caring. You're always more than welcome to drop in, as long as you promise I'll never have to listen to Frankly, Mr Shankly or Vicar In A Tutu ever again.

    I think I better bow out - two posts in a Peng thread are at least a couple too many (for all parties involved, I suspect).

    Down the hatch,


  7. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Now chuck some molten-TNT you limp-wristed, monkey-humping, inbred, sister-luvin idjit and you are there.

    I hope you'll be taking your own advice when CMAK arrives, maggot.

    I trust you've saved me a slot on your dance card and this time I'm going to examine the smallprint very carefully before I sign on the dotted line and agree to do battle in the desert :mad: :mad:


    Edited to add: I've killed the Peng thread :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [ November 28, 2003, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  8. Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    Oh, and <big><big> every-bloody-body</big></big> owes me a turn dammit - what have you maggots been up to for the last 2 days?!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [/QB]

    I was otherwise engaged last night, jet-setting around Europe, drinking fine wines from the bellybuttons of beautiful ladies and dining on exotic cuisine prepared by the world's most famous chefs.

    Normal service will be resumed tonight :mad:


  9. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Well, I've ordered direct from BFC, but it turns out that one of my main reasons, the groovy manual, has been discarded so there will be a slimline manual for CM:AK. :(

    Still, I've ordered, and that's that.

    Sounds familiar :mad: I ordered three copies on the naive assumption I'd finally get a chance to RTFM (pdfs are the sperm of the devil). Oh well, you live and learn...


  10. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Fellow maggots, once again I have sinned. I expressed an opinion in the General Forum and have been accused and convicted of "scoring political points" from dead American soldiers. That was not my intention. I ask the forgiveness of anyone who interpreted in such a negative manner anything I posted. As penance I'll stay out of the GF - again. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Dave, you're far too nice to venture out in the GF. All those negative vibes are bad for the karma of an old hippy like you.

    Just light the incense to mask the smell of mould, dig out the exotic cigarettes, stick on your Jefferson Airplane LP and chill out with rest of us maggots in the Africa Korps.

    Another G&T, anyone?


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