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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Originally posted by redwolf:

    Another big factor hasn't been mentioned

    Good point

    Originally posted by redwolf:

    It is rare that battles were thought with two sides having a win chance to start from. CM battles are usually halfway balanced but real world battles were not.

    Might some sort of campaign system make this a more regular occurrence in CM? Using strategy to bring greater forces to bear and then tactics as the battle is resolved, with the defender attempting to minimise casualties or organise a tactical withdrawal to fight another day (assuming the objectives weren’t important enough to merit a last stand). I think I could enjoy a challenge like that.

    I appreciate this isn’t really what CM is about (nor would I want a huge change in emphasis – it’s a great game as it is), but even some half-arsed feature would be better than nothing, especially if the community geniuses could take it forward in some way (and CMMOS, PBEM Helper, and all the other invaluable add-ons suggest they’re more than up to the task.

    Toodle pip,


  2. "There wouldn't be any forces left from a typical CMBB battle to continue a campaign" because there is no campaign.

    What's the point in accepting a tactical loss when there is no bigger picture to consider?

    It's a case of "last man standing" - players *generally* chuck everything they've got at the objectives because there is no reason not to. After each game the slate is wiped clean and you start again, no matter how horrendous your losses in the previous encounter.

    Battlefront has made it perfectly clear is isn't going to happen, but I'd love to see some sort of campaign system (I admire the work done by various forum members to rectify this, but it's all a little too complicated and time-consuming for a muppet like me). It may not be entirely realistic, but it might be more authentic than what we've got (great though it is).


  3. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    Anyone who wishes to resign from their current game with me step forward and declare your patheticness. It will not be counted as a loss or defeat for either side. I angrystand. :mad:

    That's very gentlemanly of you, MG. I've enjoyed our encounter so far, but I really want to clear the decks for CMAK (I can't wait to desert from the godforsaken Eastern Front) and it sounds as though you've taken on more games than you've got TNT for. If you want to offer a ceasefire, I'll do the same.

    Anytime you fancy a rematch in warmer climes, let me know.


  4. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    [QB] I know this is a dumb question, but is anybody playing hewhosenameshallremainunspoken? And is he sending turns?

    "Yes" and "very infrequently". If it's not wrapped by the time CMAK arrives (and, considering we're only at turn 29 out of 40+ after months of playing, that looks pretty unlikely) then I'm calling time on it. Chalk up another magnificent MG victory...


  5. For anyone with more than a passing interest in the movie business I can thoroughly recommend "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls" by Peter Biskind. A highly illuminating (if thoroughly depressing) account of how the '70s auteurs had it all and contrived to throw it away.

    In creative terms, George Lucas is Darth Vader … let's hope there is some redemption for him and some respite for his audiences.


  6. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Okay, Teddy, a sig it is for the rest of the year. Congratulations on nosing out Mike for the win. :D:D:D

    Cheers Dave smile.gifMike is getting his revenge in a little encounter we've nearly finished. I'm nowhere near the flag, have lost a a handful of light armour, and I'll be extremely lucky to tip it into extra time and salvage something from it...

    Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Has anyone seen the work Edward put into our AAR? Up for more than a week at his site and nary a comment. :mad: You trying to make us not do one for CMAK or something? tongue.gif

    I'm not surprised ... it's a bit of a monster. If we have another crack at one in CMAK I'll make sure it's less daunting. So when does your free copy arrive, Maggot. Or has it already?


  7. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Teddy, good to see you. FYI, I believe it was John F. Kennedy who gave Washington DC this label. In the United States, the North was known for Efficiency, and the South for Charm. His point was that Washington DC had neither. :D:D

    Ah, thanks Dave. I knew I could rely on you for a little enlightenment. That's a quality quote. I look forward to resuming hostilities with you when CMAK finally arrives (I knew I should have volunteered my subbing skills, Axe you big maggot)

    Originally posted by Dave H:


    Teddy Windsor - Major Victory 75 - 25. :mad:

    Wow, I won something. I'm lost for words ... and there seems to be something in my eye. Does this mean I get a sig? Something along the lines of "Nobody does it better than Teddy Windsor" would be groovy smile.gif If not, thanks for a fun game - sometimes just the experience of PBEMing can be a reward in itself.


  8. Originally posted by Becket:

    Lord of the Rings rant

    I've no idea where "The Land of Southern Efficiency and Northern Charm" is, Maggot (it's not Wolverhampton, is it?), but any Tolkien fruitcakes in Blighty should switch on BBC2 at 9.15pm a week on Saturday.

    Bushcraft expert Ray Mears will be singing the praises of orcs, elves, goblins and hobbits, when he puts the case for LOTR as the best book ever. Interestingly, in the same episode John Sergeant reveals why he believes Joseph Heller's anti-war classic Catch-22 should be voted Britain's favourite novel.


  9. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Teddy Meet with my approval?!? All I can say is wow and, well, wow!

    Amazing Edward. I look forward to doing it again for CMAK. And don't cut back on your rhetoric. I will ratchet mine up. You painted a picture while I tried to be glib. :D I just have to discipline myself to write with each turn. :mad:

    Cheers on a job well done! smile.gifsmile.gif

    No, thank you. It’s not really a chore if, as you say, you can make yourself write it up after each move (an extra five minutes per turn). I actually enjoyed the experience – it made me think about what I’m doing for a change and helped my immersion in the whole experience.

    Abbott, it may also be of interest to you to see how your scenario played out. Plus I’ve just started Road To Moscow (after all the excellent reviews on this thread) with one of my regular playing partners and it’s already giving me tense, nervous headaches. Marvellous

    Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Watch out for this one, he is wily. I beat him senseless only on account of the fact he has the tactical acumen of MasterGoodale on a seven day crack binge. But the lad has tenacity, I will give him that.

    :mad: I think our game was the most miserable, yet informative, of my CMBB career (although my encounter with the elusive MG isn’t over by a long way yet…). I’m saving you a special slot on my CMAK dance card, maggot, and I hope we will be tripping the light fantastic as soon as the CD arrives on my doormat. It’s just a shame the new game doesn’t model battles between the Brits and the Yanks :mad:

    Chin chin,


  10. The more technically-minded maggots will be pleased to learn I've entered the Noughties. It's goodbye tired old W98, and hello foxy new XP.

    CMBB seems to appreciate my efforts (my little pixilated chaps die in a much smoother and more aesthetically pleasing manner) while PBEM Helper is now fully functional (that’s right, F5 now works).

    My battle with Mike is progressing nicely and should be finished by the time CMAK arrives (although we better be off to Africa shortly, or I’m in danger of peaking too soon).

    MG, however, is obviously tethered in his basement again (the gimp), as our encounter is moving along in a highly erratic and unsatisfying way … kind of like watching Soddball attempting to do the Funky Gibbon at the local Ritzy nightclub after indulging in large quantities of Aftershock. I think I could be bowing before the Plague Infested Mouse Expressionist to acknowledge his TNT prowess and surrendering very shortly.

    Axe will also be relieved to hear I’ve been knocking together our masterpiece in quiet moments. I’ve been very slack, but should have it ready soon(ish).

    Chin chin,


  11. Many happy returns to the brood's venerable maggot. His wit and wisdom are only surpassed by the smell of pipe smoke and wee tongue.gif

    Have a good one - I wish I were only four years away from hanging up the PPK...

    Axe, you maggot, the AAR is going to have to wait until next week's holiday. I've been busy saving Queen and country, plus Jak II has been providing a little welcome console-based distraction from the Eastern Front (currently I only have one game on the go with anyone who inhabits this thread - a very strange little encounter with Mike, which my men have already got a very bad feeling about).

    Chin chin,


    Edited for: :mad:

    [ October 20, 2003, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  12. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Or ask if the non-suavely challenged Edward Windsor would throw them up on his website which, if my cracked coconut recalls correctly, he kindly offered to do.

    I did indeed and the offer still stands. Just send jpegs via multiple mails, depending on how much you wish to share with us (remember I cater for a family audience, so please no documentary evidence of what happened in the honeymoon suite...)

    Originally posted by Becket:

    The one who won the BEDLAM by the largest margin would get a sig.

    Really? Groovy. How close are we to hearing the final result?

    BTW Dave, if you want to send the BDLRM file I'll have a crack at setting up a defence. I can't really see how it could be any better than yours, though.

    Chin chin,


  13. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Is that your polite way of saying I've underwritten? tongue.gif Actually, when I started I was writing for each turn, then it was a little more general (more of a narrative) and then, for those last few turns -- "Everyone died. The End."

    Never enough time to do the job properly. If you want, you could always send it back to me and I could give it a once over. Just a thought -- of which I don't seem to have many these days. :mad:

    Jas :mad: n [/QB]

    Axe, certainly not, and I'm sorry if I've implied that.

    I imagine people would much rather read a clear and concise summary of a battle (that also happens to be very entertaining) than thousands of words of waffle.

    I'll stick them up in their current state so anyone interested can have a choice.

    Sorry for the delay - I've got a few other things on and I'm putting off trying to figure out how to cut and paste into my html "template" :(



  14. I don't know. I disappear off to Sherwood Forest for a few days to hug trees and be at one with nature, and this place goes CMAK crazy.

    So which forum am I supposed to be posting in?

    Did I miss a raft of witty and erudite posts, or am I safe in assuming my life will be none the poorer if I don't plough through the last few days' missives?

    Dave, I’ve sent a couple of pictures with scribblings over them after our BDLRM encounter. Many thanks for another gripping and entertaining game.

    Mike, I’ve had a word with the really rather splendid Fuerte and he will endeavour to get to the bottom of our PBEM Helper conundrum. If anyone can unravel the tangled web we’ve woven, I’m sure it will be him.

    And last but not least - Axe. I will knock our creative masterpiece into some sort of working order by the end of next weekend. I’ve badly overwritten, but am tempted just to stick it into cyberspace anyway. I’ll give it some more thought over a nice warm pint of bitter and a ploughman’s.

    Toodle pip,


    Crikey! I nearly forgot MG, the maggot!!! I'll regenerate the last turn and send it again, you maggot-bangin', vomit-encrusted, etc, etc.

    [ October 13, 2003, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  15. Er, help.

    I converted file 006 to a "fast and trust" PBM file, which my opponent managed to use (although it wasn't as smooth as it could have been. To quote: "When I did it, it locked up when I first saved my "plot" file, and I had to use task manager to get out of PBEM. However next time I went in it seemed to have managed to save my "plot" file, took me through a "grey" screen which I presume was it hiding your move from me, then went to my "watch" file, then my plot file again.")

    In return I get a PBM file.

    I double click on it, which fires up PBEM Helper. Strangely the status on the game is "Wait", but I click on play anyway (and get a warning message, which I ignore).

    The file (which I presume is 007?) loads, I view my turn, click "go" and save the file as 008.

    The next file is automatically loaded (009?), so I can then plot my turn. After clicking "go" I save this as 010.

    The next file is automatically loaded, but is greyed out (I assume this is is my opponent's movie).

    CMBB then quits, I'm kicked back to the desktop and PBEM Helper says it can't find file 011.

    I've viewed the help file and I'm still very confused - what gives?


    [ October 08, 2003, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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