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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Originally posted by Snarker:

    Seems my ISP is trying to slow that down a bit. Did the last turn get to you? It's 8:58 here. So it what? almost 13:00 in Merry Olde?

    Close, but no cigar ... as Soddball so kindly pointed out, it is, in fact, tiffin time.

    I suspect your turn is nestled in my inbox, awaiting some of my tender care and attention, but unfortunately I was waylaid last night by a fascinating documentary on BBC2 which finally revealed beyond all reasonable doubt (well, it convinced me anyway) who shot JFK. Turns out it was Lee Harvey Oswald after all. It's a funny old world.


  2. Originally posted by Mike:

    Edward graciously went down 30-something to 60-something, and has set me up as the defender in the demo's Italian scenario for the rematch.

    *Mumble, mumble* I was hoping to let that one lie, maggot :mad: :mad: Let's hope the Yanks can avenge my loss when they do battle in the land of pasta and short, hirsute men.

    In other news, I've heard nothing from Jim Bob after sending him a setup for the Italian scenario :mad:

    The game against Snarker is progressing at a great rate of knots, considering nobody's learned how to set clocks in America :mad: It's hot, it's dusty, and there's a wadi and an oasis ... all we need is British troops and we've got a John Mills film.

    I'm also doing battle with Axe in Tunisia ... but we've only just started and there's not much to report after his weekend of sporting escapades.

    As you were, gentlemen,


  3. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Clear as mud, right?

    Mmmm, I set it up as a new programme, but my cut and paste skills are pretty reasonable. I reckon we should both have got the same results although our methods were different. It's reading CMAK files, but not loading them, renumbering or saving them. Bugger. I've mailed Fuerte (a splendid chap) so it should be ship shape and Bristol fashion soon.

    Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Becket, any additions/corrections would be welcome.

    Over to you, maggot (BTW Ray Mears put a reasonable case for LOTR, but I preferred John Sergeant arguing for Catch22)

    Snarker, if you're interested I've mailed a game file to the address in your profile.


  4. Originally posted by Becket:

    And today, I modified PBEM helper to work with the CMAK demo.

    I. Rule.

    I had a play with that while I was waiting for turns (which never arrived ... bloody time zones :mad: :mad: :mad: ).

    I'm guessing you just copy over the missing settings from CMBB?

    Quizzical Teddy

    PS. Go on Dave ... you know you want to. Download the demo. (Edited to add: I think the demo scenarios look to be in a whole different league to those that appeared with CMBB, so if that's a major reason for not getting it, maybe you should reconsider? All the best)

    [ November 20, 2003, 06:52 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  5. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    You pick. I've played them both. tongue.gif

    Ooooo, you ain't nothin' but a maggot. We're off to Africa chum, so I can watch dust clouds and play with M3s. I've shipped the setup to what I suspect is your inbox, but I've done a reinstall since our last PBEM (WinXP for Teddy) so let me know if it gets lost in cyberspace :mad:

    And if you're not too inundated with takers, Jim Bob, I'll take you up on your kind offer.


    Edited to make the UBB code work :(

    [ November 19, 2003, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  6. OK, I've played with the demo. Looks luverly, but I can't get too excited about anything other than PBEM. Anyone up for it? Either scenario, as long as I'm the Allies smile.gif


    Edited to add: Actually both scenarios look suitable to BDLRM. Is the Cheery Wafflers answer to Mother Theresa interested, or are there too many turns?

    [ November 19, 2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  7. Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

    $114 is in proper money, but it doesn't sound like a lot for three games.

    According to some dodgy internet site, it works out at a little more than twenty quid a game, including shipping. A small price to pay to leave the Eastern Front behind (on a related note, sorry Mikey but you're coming out of my sig). Come on all you Western Europeans, let's sock it to CDV good :D


  8. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    Edward Windsor - Since our battle is inconclusive at this point, I offer a cease fire if you will accept. We shall battle another day.

    So that's it? So long and thanks for all the fish? Smeg.

    Where the hell is CMAK? I've virtually wound up all my CMBB duels (apart from Mike, who's gone walkabout after the New Zealand game) and I'm damned if I'm playing the AI again ... it's too challenging after PBEMing with you maggots :mad: :mad: :mad:


  9. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Ditto to that. Especially the dysfunctional part. :D

    Me too. Fingers crossed everyone gets through it as well as they can.

    I was actually discharged from my oncology clinic yesterday after eight years of check-ups, x-rays and scans (in case you start feeling sympathetic, don't - it was nothing major).

    I didn't realise how much it was affecting me until I started driving home from hospital ... maybe it was the surprise of it all being over, or maybe I had something in my eye, or maybe it was the thought of everything I've done with my life in the meantime (wife and two kids), but I felt pretty overwhelmed. Whatever, all the best and I have a vague idea what you're going through (as, I suspect, most people have).


  10. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    I thought Teddy was going to host them on his website. :confused:

    The offer still stands ;)

    On a completely unrelated note, do you think MG is now posting as Napalmikuolema?


    PS Glad you killed a little time with the AAR, Dave. I have to admit I was a little uncomfortable too when a brace of Tigers turned up, especially as I'd suggested playing the scenario in the first place. But then I figured, what the hell? and settled back to enjoy the rare sight of KVs popping. It's the first and probably last time I'll use Big Cats in CMBB.

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