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Edward Windsor

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Posts posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Just a quick aaarrrrghghghghgh!!! as I've been away for a while ... "real life" has been keeping me busy and I have to confess my passion for all things Combat Mission burns less brightly these days (roll on the new engine).

    Axe and I grow ever closer to reaching a satisfying conclusion on the Ridge, and I'm positioning the remains of my forces to shoot up the town and Dave in Spaghetti Western, but Snarker is AWOL again - has another mail got lost somewhere mid-Atlantic, you big hairy maggot?


  2. Originally posted by Becket:

    Keke and I are only a few turns in, but this one's going to be spectacular. If you haven't checked out the City by the Sea map, you should, it's fantastic. Now, to bring religion to Cakey's fiendish Huns.

    After setting up that game for you guys, I decided I liked the look of it so much I've started a QB PBEM :mad: Remember to give me the occasional update on the consistency and frequency of your TNT-packed encounters. Lovingly annotated pictures would be especially nice :mad:

    Axe, you maggot, thanks for Spyhunter :mad: I spent many a happy afternoon feeding 10p pieces into that thing and it provided me with valuable training for life as her Majesty's secret servant. To relive my misspent youth I've just ordered Midway Arcade Treasures for the PS2, which should be released on Friday – you must be a bally mind-reader :mad:

    And I’m with Cuddly Dave … I believe profanity merely exposes a poverty of language and does nothing to make arguments, jokes or comments any more lucid or convincing, especially on a public forum. But I’m coming to the conclusion I’m old before my time and ill-equipped to cope with life in the Noughties.

    Hopefully turns will be sent out to all maggots later today.


  3. Holy smeg, you maggots are producing waffle at an unprecedented level :mad:

    It’s such an impressive rate I can barely keep up :mad:

    Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    [pardontheintrusion] The bigger maggot Soddball was supposed to send a new scenario he was working on for us to try. As of now, it is still not received. Nor has he sent turns the last two nights. Apparently he is too busy saving the world on the GF to send turns/update scenarios.

    As my list of potential victims has shrunk to a very few, I will gladly forward runes scenario once I receive it, if you are serious.[endofpardontheintrusion]

    Send it along, old chap. I’ve always got a slot for someone else to give me a sound thrashing. As long as it’s not in Fast&Trust mode. Most of my games are now played using Fuerte’s witchcraft and, while it may be marvelous, it takes a considerable time for my ancient rig to process all the files required (especially as I’m generally kicked back to the desktop after my opponents’ movies are greyed out). Hopefully TNT-packed turns will be sent out to everyone later today :mad:


  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I really like that guy's writing style. Very entertaining. Can he really say "bint" in an online review? :D

    It is rather splendid ... and the chap has a definite handle on what Combat Mission is all about (a very fair score). He's even heard of "borg spotting", for goodness sake smile.gif Would the mystery (wo)man care to reveal themselves (put it away, Soddball)?


  5. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Jim Boggs and I have come to the conclusion that if we want an insane knife-fight with short visibility and ridiculous equipment selections, we'll pick Inferno and not Ambush! in future. My professional verdict gives it 1 AARHGAHRARHGARAHRGHA!!!! out of 5. Still, you live and learn.

    I think Dave can relate to that :mad: :mad: :mad: (chin up, old chap, only one turn left).

    Turns out this morning to all maggots I'm currently engaged in combat with :mad:

    The complete lack of frothing TNT bubbling in my inbox leads me to believe you're all big nancy boys :mad:

    So I'm off to bed with a nice, hot cup of cocoa and a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine :mad:


    Edited to add: Soddball, you gibbering buffoon, our CMBB battles have left me with deep scars of doubt and self-loathing. How about a rematch in CMAK, as long as it's not Ambush!?

    [ January 14, 2004, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

  6. Spoiler















    I played as the Brits in a double-blind PBEM. I was probably very fortunate, but I sent a platoon of tanks to the oasis, one to the left flank and one to the right.

    All were moving "fast", so they were in position and stationary by the time the shells started flying - very important for maximising your chances of actually connecting with something (especially vital when all the combatants have paper thin armour and so many hits are penetrations).

    I've also had success by ensuring all the tanks in a platoon have very similar LOS (pick a ridge where you expect the enemy to emerge and use the tool to check - I'm often surprised how wrong my guestimates can be). It's pretty obvious, but it enables all your chaps to engage targets en masse as they roll into view.

    Against a good opponent, I had one Crusader brew up and another gun damaged. All the Italian tanky thingies were KO'ed in some pretty nasty crossfires :mad: :mad:


  7. Originally posted by Dave H:

    I like Fiefdom, but I don't think the system should be so open-ended. It seems to me that once a fief reaches a certain population there need to be negative consequences from increasing population pressure. As it stands now a few experienced early-joiner players can form an alliance and keep everyone else from ever having any chance to catch them in the rankings.

    Once again, Dave's is a voice of reason in a swirling maelstrom of madness :mad: :mad:

    Fiefdom provided a very interesting diversion for a day or two, but I'm now sated and think I'll wait for Beta 6.0 to appear before dedicating more of my company's time to it.


  8. Originally posted by Kitty:

    Why you little!!! Attacked by Dave H!!!!! And after I just got through plugging your thread in Peng thread too. That's gratitude. :(

    :mad: :mad: :mad:


    The wrath of Dave is a terrible thing and you’ve obviously roused the beast within :mad: :mad: :mad:

    If I were you I’d lie low for a while … you won’t like him when he’s angry.

    Turns out, maggots! If you didn't get one, it's because you owe me one :mad:

    Night, night,


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