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Edward Windsor

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Everything posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Edited because it was neither cheery nor waffle. Teddy [ January 12, 2003, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  2. I find there is a dark and terrifying poetry to most of MG's work. We're just very fortunate to be able to witness him in such fine, flowing form. I think we will look back on this as his golden age. He's like the bastard offspring of Mary Shelley and Jack Kerouac, who was read The Naked Lunch as a bedtime story (I'm guessing he's a big fan of Steely Dan). I blame it on the oar across his skull ... so where's the next installment of this epic AAR?
  3. Not "Raiders of the All Quiet on the Cruel Enemy Reaching for the Sky at the Gate of the Empire - Part II" (this time it's personal)? I can't believe they're remaking it - who are they casting in the John Wayne role? At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, nice work chaps. As you were... Teddy
  4. I say old boy, you forgot my cheeky smile and rosy cheeks! Tis done … I just pray God this scenario comes with some TNT... Teddy [ January 09, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  5. MasterGoodale, once again I find myself deeply moved by your stirring words. I will endeavour to do everything I can to ensure your faith in my abilities isn't misplaced and that Soddball's bottom is so sore his boyfriend will have to start wearing the dress. Leutnant Hortlund and Das Reich, I've had some distressing news that could be to your advantage. After putting aside a CMBB-sized window in my hectic schedule for a good friend who got the game at Christmas (due in no small part to my months of constant nagging - do I qualify for a free gift?), I have been saddened to learn he has taken one look at the size of the manual and decided that along with a full-time job and huge amounts of coursework it will be at least six weeks before hostilities can begin. This begs the question: would either/both of you like to fill my slot? Edward
  6. Are you sure? Now if I can just get my sturmtiger in position...
  7. I hope your clients know where all their billable hours are going
  8. Bloody hell. Sometimes I amaze even myself. Well done - he who dares and all that. Blimey, Leutnant Hortlund never needs a second invitation - he’s always in like Flynn. Just remember you can never beat a lawyer… If Soddball and I can ever find any damn TNT to chuck at each other in the Black Forest and put ourselves out of our self-inflicted misery, I'll show you how we do things in Blighty. Stiff upper lip, Teddy
  9. Das Reich, I'm sorry but this thread is purely for Cheery Waffle. If you're expecting to find anything worth reading here you're labouring under a misconception. However, I remember reading the post you're referring to (although I couldn't find it with a quick search) and I do believe that's all there is to running both patched and virgin versions of the game. Just give the .exes different names and set up two shortcuts. Give it a go ... worse things happen at sea. Teddy [ January 08, 2003, 07:08 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  10. Look, it's got a picture that moves and everything!
  11. There was an excellent thread about this recently by Paul Jungnitsch. He raised what seemed to me to be some very good points, but sadly he didn't get the answer which I thought his posts deserved. Teddy
  12. My dear chap, I seem to have pulled something while playing hide the sausage with my valet, which is making it very difficult to get out of my lederhosen. Once I've extricated myself and escaped from the dungeon, your move will be winging its way to you. Toodle pip, Teddy
  13. I've just re-read the last page of your AAR and I'm not sure how justified my original comment was - today it seemed much less confusing than after Friday's liquid lunch... I'll look forward to it. Teddy
  14. Ron, Excellent effort - well written, informative and clearly laid out. I didn't find it too lengthy at all - perfect for killing half an hour on a Friday afternoon. Just a brief, fleeting thought ... can you edit this thread's title to make it a bit more obvious what it contains? "Tips and Tricks ISN'T a DEAD forum!" doesn't sound too promising and I think your work may not reach the audience it deserves. I'd be very interested to read the second AAR and it would be nice to see the engagements from Priest's perspective, too (I found the email snippets slightly confusing - could you attribute them a little more clearly?). It's strange - there's no denying CMBB is a huge step forward and a fantastic game, but I have to say that after my initial excitement I'm playing more Beyond Overlord. I can't for the life of me understand why. Teddy
  15. MasterGoodale, GrandMaster TNT Chucker, I stand corrected. I don't know how I could ever have doubted your unique talents and hope the rest of the year is as inspired as this frankly fantastic start. But who's Dawn? She sounds like my kind of girl ... I'm off to inspect Soddball's latest manoeuvres, but I'm free for canapés and cocktails at 10ish if she's interested. Toodle-pip, Teddy [Edited because I can] [ January 02, 2003, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  16. Is it me, or have all the recent "goodwill and peace on earth" vibes blunted MG's TNT encrusted edge? He's going through the motions (insert grimaces and growls here), but his heart just doesn't seem to be in it anymore ... much like poor Soddball, who appears to have lost the will to live since embarking on our "epic" encounter in the depths of the Black Forest. Almost a third of the way through the "battle" (I'm now thinking our forces must have missed each other in the gloom and am about to turn my weary men around to head back for a second sweep) and the turns are being exchanged at almost the same rate as the furious, bitter trinitrotoluene - not at all. War really is hell. Bottoms up, Teddy
  17. I'm using Captain Wacky's excellent low res efforts which can be found under the "terrain" section here: http://www.cmmods.com/ Teddy
  18. Far too witty and challenging for me, I'm afraid. Happy New Year. Teddy
  19. I'm sorry, MG. You're quite right. I've pulled myself together. Thanks for the team talk - as I believe you Yanks say: "it ain't over 'til the fat lady disappears in a deluge of furious, bitter, molten TNT." Angry Out Loud!! :mad: :mad:
  20. I don't know about "Operation Black Forest" … it's more like the bloody Amazon rainforest out there. I think MasterGoodale could quite easily lose the map west of the airport and start a vigorous deforestation programme in what remains – if he felled half the trees he’d still have enough left to build something very big and woody indeed (and it might just give me a few firing arcs). My brave boys can't even see Hitler's secret hideout, which they're supposed to be defending, let alone pop along to the Fuehrer’s “sanctuary” for toilet and tiffin breaks. Plus their supply of G&Ts is getting dangerously low … I’m seriously worried what affect this will have on their morale. I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
  21. Abbott, Are the scenarios you gave to MasterGoodale available to download from anywhere? Edward
  22. MasterGoodale, I know it's early days (hostilities haven't even broken out yet!), but after perusing the map and spending the best part of an hour trying to complete the setup phase (unheard of for me), I'd like to echo Stalin's Organ's and Snarker’s sentiments with regards to the scenario you sent Soddball and me. I have to admire the scope of your ambition and there are some neat touches, but maybe you should try something on a smaller scale next time? I don't know if you've got access to CMBO, but if you want to know about balance and replayability I'd recommend checking out "Chance Encounter". For full-on furious, bitter, molten TNT-chucking extravagance you could do worse than Elsdorf (either version). I’m hardly an expert on the game and unfortunately I don't have a clue about historical accuracy, so this isn't exactly informed opinion - but that's never stopped me expressing it before... Toodle-pip, Teddy PS I think I’m going to end up married to Soddball
  23. Easy, MG. Soddball and I will be giving the fruits of your labour careful consideration and will be happy to provide an AAR, complete with snapshots for you to scribble all over. I have to say I'm rather touched you took the time and effort ... nobody's ever done that for me before ... I better stop ... I'm choking up ... Edited because quotes have opened up a whole new world of pain... [ December 20, 2002, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
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