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Edward Windsor

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Everything posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Before I saw the light I used to feel the same way about CMMOS. If you really don't want to give it another try (go on, you might surprise yourself), you can always do what I did. It's very simple - if a little time-consuming and perverse - to download Gordon's stunning packs and unCMMOSify the bitmaps. Before I upset or dishearten anyone else, I'd like to stress you should only do this for your own personal enjoyment and satisfaction. It might be an idea to back-up your bmps folder before you try it, too. Teddy
  2. That's fine - I don't consider you as rain or tinkering with a couple of files as a parade. I thought this may have been the case which is why I posted first and I'm more than happy to leave it at that. I knew they existed somewhere, but when I posted a request for them nobody seemed able to help. I take it the CMMOS work site has limited access - I thought I'd searched everywhere and could find no trace of them. Cheers, Teddy [ January 31, 2003, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  3. This is probably as close as you'll get... Teddy
  4. I've surprised myself - I seem to have tracked down and CMMOSified the elusive kubelwagens. Unless I'm missing something, it's actually pretty easy ... it had to be, otherwise I'd have had no chance. In my anorak-like frenzy I'm also tempted to utilise the redundant winterized Jagdpanther tab for another version ... but that's another story. Anyway, I imagine there are a lot of new players coming to CMBO with the release of the bundle, plus another bunch of existing gamers who only recently got involved with CMMOS to grab all the CMBB mods. If they're anything like me, there's nothing they'll want more than something they can't have... So if the original artists are OK with it - AndrewTF, Mr Peterson and Mr Clark - I'd be happy to stick the kubelwagen bmps up at the database along with the original text files, pix and a couple of rule ammendments I think are needed for version 2 of Andrew's beauty (so far I've dipped out of getting involved with the upholstery, although I think it's reasonably simple to sort out by setting up another option). If I get the nod I'll just double check I haven't cocked anything up before proceeding. Teddy
  5. My word, Bruno, that's fantastic - so simple even I managed to follow it. I think I've finally managed to CMMOSify those damned elusive CMBO kubelwagens! My sincere thanks to a splendid fellow, Tearful Teddy
  6. How peculiar - I've now shipped you turn 88 of MG's masterpiece on the 24th, 27th and 28th. I've not had any indication that there's been any problem with them and my two other PBEM games are progressing nicely. Any ideas? Teddy
  7. Thanks for that, Rob. Shame about Strontium Dog's winter Jagdpanther ... any chance you could send me the Kubelwagens? Cheers, Teddy
  8. Straight from the horse's mouth! Cheers, Andrew. I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your brilliant mods - uniformly fantastic and all improve an already excellent game. Please keep up the great work, Teddy Edit: I'd been trying Tom's site all day, but I've finally got them. Just out of interest, can anyone tell me how to CMMOS them (I'm assuming it's possible because there's a tab in the programme)? [ January 25, 2003, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  9. Hello chaps, I'm looking to fill a few holes, too - did anyone manage to track down these elusive beauties? Teddy
  10. Edited as the next message is really where it's at - and I thought after the last week of frantic CMMOSing I'd finally got to grips with the package... Stoopid Edward [ January 24, 2003, 07:07 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  11. Actually MG, if you could spare Soddball a moment, I'd be very grateful if you would pass on a few tips to ensure he maximises the TNT-chucking potential of his KV. Yours adoringly, Teddy
  12. I have to admit, 25 turns into our test of endurance, I am beginning to enjoy myself (although I suspect I have lost my feeble grip on reality somewhere in the Black Forest). It's a little harsh to write off your brave tankers like that - my poor PzIII crew is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. After bouncing their three special, lucky, magic tungsten shells off the turrets of your T34s to no effect, they pop smoke and disappear for a little lie down only to find a KV1 sneaking around in a ditch. I have a feeling this just isn't going to be their day... Still, I have been pretty impressed by the Brummbar and the one round it's fired so far. I'm guessing from your wail of anguish and gnashing of teeth the movie I sent last night is kind of far out and groovy. But if you think the TNT quotient is rapidly rising now, just you wait until the rockets I ordered half a lifetime ago start flying and the rest of my armour springs into action after finishing tiffin at Hitler's Secret Hideout. That's the beauty of playing one of MG's guaranteed "historic and balanced" scenarios - you just never know what's around the corner. Really rather livid out loud, Teddy BTW Nice thread title, Snarker. [ January 21, 2003, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  13. Good evening. According to CM Outpost and a quick search on the internet, there aren't any CMMOS textures available (unless, of course, winter camo is one of the options available in the huge Marco Bergman download). However, you could always try using Combat Mission HQ's bumper pack ftp://ftp.combatmission.com/winter/alliedwintercamo.zip for a swift one-hit fix. Teddy [ January 20, 2003, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  14. Glad to be of assistance, Schugger. I think those catalogues are great. According to the minimum specs and several posts I have read, your system should just about be man enough to handle CMBB. Mine is a smidgeon better and although it gets a little choppy at times, it still has enough horsepower to handle MG's lovingly-recreated Black Forest. Chin chin, Teddy
  15. Schugger, I always used to think CMBO looked fine and dandy ... until I played CMBB. A week's worth of digging around changed the look of the game to such an extent I now think it's foxier than its successor. This was a very useful starting point for me: http://cmoutpost.net/ Cheers, Teddy
  16. It does feel like we've been lost in the Black Forest for several lifetimes - MG has probably forgotten which one of his masterpieces he sent to us all those years ago. And as for the AAR being brief, forget it. I've had to play it ... you're going to have to read about it. Teddy
  17. Oo, oo! I think I know the answer to this one! Please, Miss! Because it's a public forum and we're all entitled to have an opinion? Because what we're saying may not be right, but we all have the right to express it? Can I have a star? Teddy
  18. Just wait for the lovingly-crafted AAR, when all will be revealed. Teddy
  19. Try Captain Wacky's creations here: http://www.cmmods.com/ Teddy
  20. Update from the depths of the Black Forest - you'll be pleased to learn that on turn 20 of MG's "epic" battle Soddball and I have finally located some TNT and, more importantly, each other. Now if only my chaps could learn how to fling it properly... Teddy
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