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Edward Windsor

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Everything posted by Edward Windsor

  1. Thanks Fuerte. My chums seem keen to give it a go, so we'll wait 'til we've finished our current games then give it a whirl. Bottoms up, Teddy
  2. Excellent - if I can persuade my partners, I want to give this a go. Do games have to be started in PBEM Helper or can we convert an ongoing battle? Thanks, Teddy
  3. Hurrah! Scratch one T34. It wasn't easy, but I finally persuaded my PzIII muppets this was the rainy day they were hoarding their special magic lucky tungsten shells for. Take that, Mr Pink! I think I've turned the corner - the tide is turning and my brave boys will soon have those pesky Russkies on the run. Toodle pip, Teddy
  4. Hey, cut me some slack! I'm trying to make myself look good by getting a few early excuses in
  5. I've been busy doing busy things, Mr Pink. Check you mail for the next exciting installment of "Banging Shells Off Turrets". It's slowly starting to dawn on me why you should always buy Stugs, and lots of 'em, when you're playing a lowdown, dirty, KV-lovin' faggot. Mr Green
  6. Fuerte, I have to say I'm very impressed - a few months ago you went up in flames and now you have risen phoenix-like from the ashes. Or something. OK, now here's the rub. I really want to try this ... but the only problem is I mainly play CMBO. Please, please, please can you fix it for me to enjoy "two turns per email" on the Western Front? Yours sincerely, Edward Windsor
  7. You're such a tease ... if you'd only expose your rear I could finish the job and put us both out of our misery. Hopefully I'll make my move tonight, but probably not before 11-ish. I'm coming to loathe T34s ... whenever I'm relying on them they can't hit a house from 50m and pop at the merest hint of danger. If, on the other hand, they're all that stands between me and the second round of a tournament (we'll take it as read my halftracks can take care of that KV), they raise their game considerably. What's it all about? Quizzical Teddy
  8. I appreciate the feedback guys, thank you. Eden, I do know what you mean about the typeface. I did actually try to increase the font one size before I uploaded it, but it gave me some very funny line breaks that actually seemed to make it harder to read (and you should have seen it when I tested it at 800x600!). I looked at it on a couple of screens and decided on balance it was better smaller, but I may investigate further. I think you're right about a "next page" link and I'll try to sort it out when I get some time. I'll have a word with Soddball and see if he wants to add a link to his "newbies please read" thread Cheers, Teddy
  9. Thanks for the kind words Jason . It made me chuckle again putting it all together. Abbott , unfortunately as far as I'm concerned PCs are the work of the devil. However Schrullenhaft seems to have a hotline to hell - maybe it would be worth selling your soul to him with a direct appeal in the Tech Support forum? Teddy
  10. Nice report, Mr Black. Anyone got any top Axis tips they'd like to share before it's too late (not you, Mr Pink)? Mr Green
  11. Thanks Para - it's nice to get the OK from all the protagonists. Thoroughly enjoyed your first AAR and sincerely hope there'll be another to acompany your rematch. Teddy
  12. It certainly is - I wouldn't have expected a result like that 10 minutes further through the battle. Nice work - when are you repeating the experiment with CMBB? Teddy
  13. My plans for world domination have suffered a minor setback after discovering the snivelling Mr Pink is fielding a KV ... I can only hope he's been taking lessons on how to use it from his "close personal chum" MasterGoodale... We're about to start Turn 12. Mr Green
  14. Thanks a lot chaps. I'm very pleased you think I've managed to do the words justice. Look out for the rematch ... coming to a forum near you soon Teddy
  15. Thanks for the thumbs-up, Abbott. I'm looking forward to reading Part II (This Time It's Personal). Teddy
  16. For anyone who missed the first one - where have you been!?! Here's a chance to catch up on, or even relive, the exciting first installment: Wonderful World of Combat Mission Toodle pip, Teddy [ March 08, 2003, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
  17. Thanks for the kind words, chaps, they're much appreciated. Teddy
  18. Hello, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but Combat Mission has inspired me to create my very first website: Teddy Windsor's wonderful world of Combat Mission It will look rather familiar to most of you, but I think it's a right rivetting read and thoroughly enjoyed cutting and pasting it together. Teddy
  19. That's very impressive Fuerte. I really want to try this, but while I trust my opponent not to peek I'm not sure I can restrain myself. Any update on the unit bases yet? Teddy
  20. I am occasionally called upon to do a little writing and if I don't do it within a day or so of going out on the job I'm sunk! Apart from anything else, I use a keyboard so much I can't decipher the scrawl in my notepad if I leave it any longer! I'm not sure how qualified I am to comment on what you and Priest were doing - this sort of battle is way beyond my scope and I rarely play encounters bigger than 1,500pts. I don't think I've ever even attempted anything on this scale (Elsdorf is my biggest CMBO PBEM to date). However, for what it's worth I normally attempt to take what I consider to be a realistic combined forces approach and feel if I have a style of play it is closer to yours than Ken's. I'm very interested to see how this battle turns out. I find it much easier as the Germans, although I'm still not sure if this is because they are at an advantage, it suits my game, or if they simply give me the confidence I need to play better (fears about Allied armour always have me over-analysing and over complicating when I'm the Brits or Yanks). I've just watched the movies and I wouldn't like to be in your place ... that attack down your left flank looks very upsetting. Cheers, Teddy
  21. Hello Ron. Thanks for the update and another very interesting read. I hope you get a chance to finish this at some point in the future ... the suspense is already killing me. All the best, Teddy
  22. Nice, very nice. Such an honourable and dignified end [ March 01, 2003, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]
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