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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Baron, First, allow me to say: I personally appreciate you and your family's Service to America, and next, You bet, I WILL choose the following Words, VERY carefully. And, will repeat what I say to those Vets That I am able to help in off the streets, Resolving - if only temporarily, My over-riding concern - getting them To replace their debilitating drug habit With something else That they might value - more. At some point in this process, I always Simply say this: Welcome back, Welcome home, brother. [... the females tend not to end up with a drug habit, nor - on the street] My father was career "Army" And was a "Marcus Aurelius" kind of "stoic," Take that how you will. I learned many valuable things from him, But germaine to our conversation, Are the following two: 1) NEVER ever brag about "war service." [... having served in the Pacific for 3 years, and in Korea for 2 more, he had a whole chest-full of ribbons... he never wore them, ever, not even to full-dress occasions; once was threated by a Brigadier General with court-martial for failing to do so - even then - he refused] 2) NEVER be "political" while in Service. ________________________________________________ Since we were "Army brats" so to speak, My brother and I both volunteered When it was our turn to serve. The youngest brother was yet a teenager When that helicopter lifted off the roof Of the embassy in Saigon, but, knowing him As I do, I am quite Certain he would have volunteered as well. RE: Above two lessons learned from my Father 1) NOBODY - not my brothers, my sister, my son Nor my wife or best friends knows ANYTHING About my own private service. And so, NOBODY on a public forum will Know of it, either. 2) A recent, and properly empirical survey reveals that ~ 80 % of today's Army officers WILL ADMIT that they are... "Republicans." This disturbs me EQUALLY as much as the fact That today's Army "buys allegiance," at least Insofar as the enlisted personnel are concerned. What are we soon to have? An Army for each of the major political parties? Now, I have been registered as "an Independent" Since the time I could first vote, age 21. I have voted both ways, and IMHO, THE most under-rated President we've had Was Gerald Ford, whom I voted for In 1976. My Father NEVER - in my presence, indicated Any political preference. Instead, he would say, if asked how he voted: "None of your business." ______________________________ I am also quite disgusted that we now Allow private Corporations, most especially Haliburton, to employ "mercenaries." What "allegiance" in the real and final sense Do they have? This is no minor deployment; this is a MAJOR Problem... credible sources suggest, The actual number Of "mercenaries" being well over - 50,000. When I went in - disdaining my "privileged" 2S status, I earned 98 dollars a month as A private, E-1. Within a year I attained E-5, and was then making About 220 dollars a month - most of which was Sent home as an "allotment." I didn't care HOW MUCH it was, I was Doing my duty. As you. But, times have changed, drastically. These days, the "standards" grow Ever more lenient, Now allowing more and more "felons" for instance, So to entice the "poorer kids" into enlisting. Again, we are NOT speaking of the Officer Corps. The poorer kids very often ARE looking for money, Or its equivalent - training that might be used Once out of Service, so to secure a job. NO DOUBT, that a small percentage are also Interested in "adventure" as all of us males Tend to like to do. Also no doubt that a small percentage Do it because they feel an obligation To serve their Country. That, and no more. However, it is MY belief - arrived at over These many long years since 1966 When it was I had volunteered, That we are fast approaching a time When MONEY is indeed the primary reason These kids enlist. Money money money. It's the American way. Not my way, but the culutural inheritance Of a long-standing concern - both secular AND religious, that money is truly The measure of the Man. How he attains respect and "status" in this Society. _________________________________ All of that as background (... and VERY likely, much MORE than anyone cares to hear), I will, at last, tell you that I will NOT Edit my remarks. Say, Replacing "mercenary" with "all volunteer." The latter phrase being some sort of concoction Designed by the "spin-meisters" To put a "happy face" on a VERY serious matter. To conclude... presently, IMO, We are doing it - all wrong. We should have a draft. EVERYONE, including Senator's sons Should have to serve - 2 years. [... side note: VERY odd to me that our So-called "warriors," IE, the ones most fit - as it EVER Has been in all of recorded History, The "athletes" (... RE: war preparation known as - the Greek Olympic Games) Just... never seem... to serve? Compare that to WWII, when most Of the baseball players "volunteered."] Now, That "volunteer service" could be In one of the branches of the Armed Forces, Or, should any individual prefer, In the "peace corps" or, in VISTA (... Volunteers In Service to America; every bit! as valuable - RE: disaster in New Orleans - as war service) I am not to blame if someone places a "perjorative" Or negative connotation On the old word - "mercenary." I would suggest that negative aspect Is due, primarily, to the current RELIANCE On "buying a way" out Of... ANY kind of trouble. Same as how the "rich kids" and "celebrities" Prefer to do it, BTW. Whether diplomatic, or economic or military. Whether judicial or familial. It's a kind of "dis-ease" in our Culture. Again, merely my private opinion, NOBODY needs share, and no, I don't worry a solitary moment Whether anyone shares that belief. We ARE indeed a "mercenary" kind of NATION, Nowadays. And that disgusts me. And that carries over into the "politicized" Army, And even worse, The very strange notion that we CAN, And should - "buy" an Army. Whether it be a Mega-Corporation, Or a corrupt "pol system" that permits Us to go to war WITHOUT Congressional approval, WITHOUT "just cause," And far more Nation-destructive than that, Pre-emptively. IF it were a conscripted/militia Or drafted Army, well, Many would, IMHO, do exactly What the Military Code of Conduct Demands that they do. QUESTION the authority of ANY Officer (... Mi Lai, Abu Ghraib) Who issues illegal or immoral "orders." ____________________________ I am patriotic, mostly. I am an American, born and bred, And will not give up my birthright MERELY because some others might say Such simplistic, manicheistic, jingoistic Flat-out bull-sh*t as this: 1) Ari Fleischer, after 9-11: "Americans need to watch what they do, and what they say." 2) If you are not with me, you are against me 3) Dissent is not permitted, it is traitorous 4) The President can unilaterally declare war _______________________________________ OK, enough. I applaud your service, and value it. Is America, and is - it's modern Army "Mercenary?" In any & all "senses of it" that I have herein Delineated? Yes, and quite unfortunately, It is. [ August 29, 2007, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  2. ACK! Three (3) "smileys" in ONE post! What's WRONG with me! :eek: Time to re-consult the curandero.
  3. One war ends, the next begins! How it's been since - hmmm, The cave days! We've come a far, far distance, Get-along-with-the-Other-wise, ah, Ain't we just! Actually, No matter all I've already said, I am coming to regard your proposal, Lars, With fresh interest. Why not? Lessen the First Winter Effects IF "infrastructure" is at a higher Level of achievement? And, IF you also penalized the Red Beserkers In a near equivalent fashion, well, That would be surpassing fair. One thing... Infra-S WILL be a mite different (... in several ways) In the next version, Thus, Your last comment doesn't apply as much Anymore.
  4. What's the point of EVEN having This "winter prep" option? Wouldn't you ALWAYS select it? I cannot imagine any player Saying something like so: "I am allowed to PREPARE for that Most horrible, WORST Winter In many a Tsarist moon, BUT!! Nah! - don't think I'll do that." And so, apparently, There IS some small cost ratio Kinda benefit. Well, You can RISK - what? A few bucks? Makes a difference of - what? A TINY fraction of over-all expenditures? Why have something where the c-b ratio Is fussy & small? Seems like "window dressing" As opposed to making sure The whole department store Has solid foundation? [ August 28, 2007, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  5. Very well stated, AZG! Tho, I'd thought - you yer Self living in the desert As I do [... lower altitude, and less attitude also, I'd'a reckon] You woulda LIKED my research idea? :confused: Well, The concisely rational X-planation IS Way better than the "ironic surreality" That a LOT of Life oft is Usually anyhow, I gotta admit, Every time!
  6. Not to omit, Let's have! Another researchable category, called: "Beat the Heat!" Yep, IF you get yer chit-hits in this area, You can have! 1) Pith helmet 2) Anti-scorpion sting-kit 3) Wrap-around Ray-ban shades 4) Xtra layer! Of canvas for the canteens 5) Apron so you can safely fry eggs on the surface of your Panzers or Matildas 6) Camo chalk so to gag loose talk what Sinks ships, or, whole! anti-tank brigades, As the case may be. 7) Road map to Rik's Americain Cafe In Casablanca. Also included, Swedish culture Hand-book so Ilsa O so beautiful In blue (... the Bosche, not being fashionistas... wore grey) MIGHT be? A bit less enamored of a Freedom Fighter, And more enamored of... you? THIS! We need, in a grand strategic game Equally much as much as - Winter Prep, IMO. :cool:
  7. Kinda how it WAS Back in them rock-roll psych The self-less Delphic soul... 60's. :cool: Thousands & thousands Of flower POWER girls Such as Well, Came to an end, As all good, grace-full things tend to do, Too much freedom, I guess. Nuthin' left to lose. Both of the above sentiments Spooked the be-jesus Outta them there Main Street anti-freaks! Come to think of it though, The attachments were brief, ah, But them incredible - memories! Are yet, At least for me - an indelible, Imperishable... night After night kinda California dreamin This? What you mean?
  8. Hmmmmmm. :confused: ONLY an "educated guess," at best, but, May be... let me think a bit here, May be -> could be accomplished in That there on Coming Roadside Attraction? Now, I ain't claimin' it IS so, But, I AM a'sayin' you can get - close To what you want? With or without? Click - click!
  9. Did I fail to mention? Darn. The making of a "mod" Is so-o-o-o doggone EASY, That any one can do, They puts their mind - to it. Click. (... peruse them X-tremely basic and well organized, finely outlined instructions) Click click click. Click! Yer done! Bang-bang, The WHOLE SC gang's Bong the gong Along, yep, I assure you, it's Just like that! :cool:
  10. Fine thoughts indeed. And better... YOU... can... make This game Precisely as macro or micro As you'd like it. :cool: YOU yerself CAN - in ipso facto Have EXACTLY what you want. Just like lucre-stacking Croesus could Once upon a time. OTOH, "Default game" is Hubert's choice, And that's only fair & square, eh? Since he bears the brunt of ALL Expenses and all the good And bad critiques. Puts it on the line. His money where his mouth is. Plays dice with the GS gaming Universe, So to speak.
  11. The following quote from The Man Further down under! Than - the REAL bush-soldiering Aussies were Back in the last "good war:" Limitations? LOL. How about combat units That have a little "strength bar" Hovering above, oh, like a side-viewed halo, That can be green, or yellow, or red? That settle you better? How about a flat 1-D counter That can be flipped over to show It's "reduced strength" side? Eeeny or meeny, it's wut youse gets, No - miney or moe. The best yet? Copied from another game, you say? How do you - assuredly - know it so? Nuthin' new under the Sun, I gotta agree with that old bromide, EVEN when the summers & winters Are all bollixed up As in that there Nuu Zeeland? Well you are arguing, in the specific, About issues that don't matter To the rotten general corps jot, IMO. This is a GRAND STRATEGIC game, Not a one where you'd Attach a clatch or a gaggled detach Of clerks, cooks or 'em Psy-Ops Up & down eyed kinda Cats To yer particular outfit. Well, let's see... "infantry weapons" Could be darn near ANYTHING You might wish them to be, eh? Armored cars. Mortars. Flame throwers. Small detail of LURPS or their like Carryin' spooled-wire or satchel charges? Anti-tank can be, let's see, Fixed or tracked vehicles, Or, perhaps, merely the bazookas And Pz Fausts? Hey! Even could be? Small TANK brigade I'd reckon! :cool: Imagination. What it's ALL about. What ANYTHING is all about. Besides, Why don't you wait and see Just WHAT will appear forth, or be, Esp -> RE: that most incredible Editor [... you know, since Hubert has been' so very generous with this ability to, REALLY, create just about anything you might want... from maps to combat target values to unique event or AI scripting, yep, the list is X-tremely long, and you ain't knowin' even the half of it yet, well, I just gotta wonder? WHY on God's Green hasn't ANYBODY else done such a thing? Jeezly Crow -> ALL them famous and self aggrandizing game-makers we been hearin' accolades about all these years, and NONE a'them would do this? Not even close to this? Laurels for them? Hah! Now, there's an actual puzzlement for you! ] Before declaiming the inflexibility Of the latest, The greatest - Coming Roadside Attraction You will ever see, oh, say, Since Christ was a Corporal. And, that - he was. IMO. Not any Lord-it-over-the-little-guy Kind of... Staff Officer Cat, nope, More like yer Willie & Joe sort Of hump the XO skeleto spine of Italy, and At last! Find them cob-webb be-shrouded wine-cellars In 'at 'er monastery name of - Monte Cassino.
  12. LOL. Think back, oh, about 40 odd yrs now. Did we have all mercenary Army then? LOL.
  13. After 60 some odd months in here, I can tell you that this is "normal." Some folks like to PRE-tend O/W, And, Bitch (... er - beotch? Is that how the X, Y or Z-gen cogniscenti sorta cats X-press it? :confused: ) And moan and groan and switch tails, But, A "community" of like-minded souls NEEDS some way To relate in a... well, let's just Come right out and -> SAY it, A "gossiping" kinda way. [... Mark Twain mentioned the one time that gossip was THE foundation of good literature] It's ONLY "human nature," And does tend to knit the group Closer together. Not... always. But, usually, I've noticed.
  14. Can't say as I blame you! One thing of note: Man, I'm telling you guys, That AI! What an amazing! And, Masterful! bit of presto! Digitation Hubert has done! With a little assistance from Edwin P and pzgndr, Most especially! For all you SC Cats what play a lot! Of SOLO games, Daytimes @ the Office (... tho, heads up! The mind-prowlers are everywhere! Of late! :eek: ) Or right deep into the wee of night, You are gonna be - pleased as Punch Was, once, or twice. :cool:
  15. Seems, IMO, you suffer from that identical Memory malady. I've played many games as well, And yer 95 % figure is surely Far, far RE-moved From that clench of clustered little Plotted-dots, On that there scatter-graph. I wouldn't mind some sort of alternative Toggle-on, or, toggle-off "Fair faithfully historical research paradigm" Similar, but not The SAME - nope, we are all unique, Thank the Lord for that! As what others are a'askin for. :cool:
  16. Well, got a plane to catch. Out to Big LA. Just love them palm trees Sashayin' in the play-full breezes! :cool: Anybody wants to continue this Here civil forum discourse, I'll be back Friday. Meantime, Increase your peace.
  17. Is THIS yer only purpose in Life? Runnin' in here from where ever! That over-flow gush of a sewer Known as "General Forum," maybe? To set the record straight, RE: how terrible rambo MUST be Since he actually HAS some sort Of "spiritual" aspect? EVERYBODY does - even you, though, You may name it something - ELSE, Like - hmmm, let me guess, In yer case You just LOVE yer Pro Football, eh! Go to profess yer un-dying faith In that there... Cathedral. Ummm, the "Stadium," I mean. LOLOL!
  18. LOL! I thought it was an inspired Commentary on the actual state Of current World Affairs. "Chucky" as the -> personification Of - Evil-ness, or E-doing. "Buddha" as the -> personification (... see what we're gettin' at here? It's a "morality" kinda play ?) Of - enlightened non-violence, Wouldn't harm... a flee nor fly Kind of guy? When I say - well, you WERE talkin' to me? Though you didn't say so, so I am presuming? To assume? I fit in yer ironic category Of - gentleman? Anyhow, brown cow, When I say - I bet that Evil WILL triumph over Good, I am agreeing with - Idaho Ivanho. He has presented, IMO - for yer Big Top Circus center-ring sort of enjoy-ment! His "take" on how it really is out there On them there American mean streets. How the logico-rational "managers" Have utterly FAILED to make Any single soul - sound and safe. From terrorists. From punks. From gangsters. From pseudo-do-gooders. From Government itself! Even, of late. Just look around some, Yog. WAKE UP! IOW. You ever been there where The gutters run awful riot red? Where the heart beat peons Are not - quite - dead? Helpin' out? If you have, I applaud you, O/W, what you say is A mite, ummm, melodramatic, yes?
  19. Dully? As in... most of my 3000 some odd posts Are dull as plain old dish-water? Done gone down the drain? LOLOL! One thing I have learned, ALWAYS Stick by yer guns. Literally and figuratively, hey! I ain't no gd freakin' Bleedin' heart liberal! Anyway, No matter... what. Do that, as you yerself tends to do, And, You'll die a contented man. Or woman, as the case may be! We be - PC all over the place! LOL! [... like G Washington, I CANNOT tell no lie... it's "duly" ]
  20. Hope you ain't gone be disappointed Brad. You shouldn't be! It was you who helped put together Them there OOB's! :cool: [... always like to giv credit where and when it's due... insofar as you KNOW who did what, O/W "collective UN-con-science" - RE: Carl Jung - pursuit, suits me... it's that honor code kinda thang ] [ August 20, 2007, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  21. I don't bet all that oft, And especially! ANYTHING Don King puts his Rustle-up-a-scam hands on, But, Here, I'll lay - just the one saw-buck On - Chucky! I'll brag a bit, like Targul likes to do (... esp RE: war service, which, IMO, NO real combat Vet would EVER do ) And say - got me a 2nd degree In "religious studies," And I have concluded: Buddhism is more yer "detached" Slum-around sorta thang. Mostly rich white women who can AFFORD To pretend that You ain't a'needin' nuthin' much, Other than attention to the Self. That's cool. So long as it don't form the primary Sine Qua Non Of yer actual lived life. Though, they do got that there Bodhisattva, IE, Spiritual advanced "entity" Whoso rejects Nirvana in order to Assist the afflicted right here! On fast-collapsing! Earth. Kinda like "good works" done By a few of the Christians, And most of the Jews. :cool: Trouble being... you just don't see 'em Hangin' about these quick increasing American mean-streets So much? :confused: Leastways, I ain't. [ August 20, 2007, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  22. I would wait until youse fast-draw Cats Actually see? What that new Editor is capable of? Before enny ultimate decision making, ah, well That's just me, How I'd do. BTW: Bill's A3R is, literally And figuratively - a masterpiece Of design and function. His AI innovations are second to none. I would recommend it for ANYONE Who has ever played Third Reich THE board-game - in any Of it's 4 iterations. Even if you've NOT had the pleasure Of playing THE BEST war-game EVER made.
  23. Short answer long - sure does. I recently played '39 default game At "Intermediate, +1/2" AI bonus. I was Axis trying to defend Fortress Europa And the Allied AI over-whelmed Northern France. Took Paris fair quickly, And soon was assaulting The Seigfreid line, Using TAC air and Artillery. Now. Are there "marines?" Yes and no. Not specifically named as such (... weren't too many in ETO, true?) but, There is a new unit now That COULD "act exactly" as a Marine would. There is NOT any ability to directly attack An occupied hex. But that's no undue hindrance For anyone wishing to attempt To make a "Pacific" kind of scenario. As pzgndr has already mentioned, He and I have made a "global game," And one of the things you'll yet Have to do (... other than find a way to include China - I'd make it 2 minors, one with USA as "parent" and the other - Red Chinese with USSR as "parent") Is this... when you place the tiles You'll need to make those one-tile Islands - like Malta or Iwo Jima? 2-tile islands. No problem. Because there are all those Partial coastal tiles That don't actually enlarge the island All that much. Not enough to fret over, anyhow. The AI has gotten quite combat-nasty of late. Rather, Hubert has made it so. :cool: [ August 19, 2007, 08:11 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  24. Now - THIS! Is such superior advice, I'm gonna relate it to that old Black Cat I know. Very well. Lives under a free-way over-pass Down here to Desert City. He can ramble & roam all over! And collect aluminum cans, (... he REFUSES to accept ANY hand-outs, gee - another! Myth X-posed! On a "reality show" no less! About them there exponentially increasing! number of homeless who have deliberately! CHOSEN their sorry-*ss lot in life!) And then! Become a member of the Investor Class! :cool: UN-fettered, DE-regulated Capitalism Is the -> ONLY way to go! ______________________________ Caveat: There ARE some unfortunates, IE, Have HARD-wired deficiencies in the BRAIN, IE, NO control over their mental disturbances, IE, schizophrenia, addiction, bi-polar disorder and the like. They were "dumped," uh huh, Like a sack of garbage, Onto the streets, commencing back, oh, About 30-odd yrs ago. It's yet another! Scintillate example of how our Philosopher Kings Do things! LOL! Now, yer everyday average "socio-path?" That's a whole 'nother smoke, Jamokes. Throw 'em in the tombs, the dungeon. Toss away the skeleton key. Say la vie, fine be me. Ah, shoot! Trouble being... AT LEAST half of 'em Work in Government or the private Sector only nobody knows - it's so! Ipso, them kind are pro-tected By the good-ol-boys sort of "system." Etc, and, yah yeah... etc. [ August 19, 2007, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  25. We would be sorely remiss If we didn't turn our attention to: Lottery tickets! This is how the VAST under-class (... yeah, "class-warfare" is officially OVER and, as expected, the middle & upper has trounced & trashed the ever-growing, huddled muddling-along masses - are in constant hassles - of their OWN making! The Elites will tell us, over and over and over and over... down near the gone utter rotten bottom, LOLOL! ) Gets their chance, their one big shot! At the (... alas, half-clever rigged) game We call - the American Dream! Disguised taxes, actually, but, Who cares if the working stiffs Get kicked around some? (... they can pretend they are a foot-ball! Take some jolly solace in that!) Not many out there giv a good gd, anymore, At's fer enduring sure!
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