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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Some did, undoubtedly. Some didn't, and often would't talk about it, which is quite normal, and so, are enviable and genuine heroes. :cool: Most were trying to simply survive, and so it is probably best not to suspect motives -- after the fact. My understanding is that French people are equally as courageous as Germans or Americans, etc. Hard to know who did what, given the terrifically sparse and anecdotal evidence. As we surely know, there cannot be many absolute FACTS, given that we are mostly relying on someone else's assertions. Memory is ALWAYS falsely reconstructed... even after days, let alone years or decades. Besides, no-one, you and I included, KNOW what we would do in a dire, do-or-die situation, unless we must face it ourselves (... although, Reincarnation is possible and never dis-proved as non-sense, nope, never, never... verstehen sie?) and existing under extremely harrowing stress, yes? Life ain't usually any delightful Casablanca and sure, you bet! We all imagine ourselves to be rough tough American Rik who could charm the Scandinavian gleam right off ol' Ilsa's glamorous face! And, seemingly at ease, whip the ( commonly summoned, O yea, ever... )Destroyer Demons with one fist tied behind the back...
  2. I sure would, and have. Great investment! In fact, I haven't played any game without buying at least one of those mighty mean scythe machines. Somebody is missing out on some terrific tactics here. [ December 18, 2002, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]
  3. Yes it is and yes they are. Just because they do not support the USA's latest inane Crusade doesn't make them any less so. Perhaps... even MORE Democratic and stable than many are the meek & stuporous who will side with the Bully for fear of getting mean-minded pay-back, yes? As for the German people, they are just about like anyone else in the world entire. Some are saints, some are sinners, and most are situated somewhere in between. I lived among them for almost 4 years and can vouch for their... normalcy in that regard. One needs to be very careful (... that little issue about -- "judge not lest yee be," etc) about ignorant accusations, for old reasons made new, or new reasons become bitterly old... ad nauseum. :eek: PS: The Devil the Demon arrives in many disguises, and it's a MOST unusual fellow who can KNOW where & when and who that might be, yes? [ December 18, 2002, 02:55 AM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]
  4. Well, if we all have to have different languages, I pick Greek. :cool: That way I can speak Essene, and retire to a cave and wait for the next Roman occupation.
  5. Sorry, that bit of semantic fluff wasn't very helpful, eh? I meant that they were... rather loudly off-color and too oddly startling... to me. Many may like it, I don't know. They can say if they may. I would prefer light green, which wouldn't clash with brown too awful badly, but if not, then a light yellow-brown/pale gold or even a plain light brown. Also agree that the German tanks could be a simple progression from Pz-III to IV to Panther to Tiger, and maybe a mid-range mobile anti-tank unit thrown in for variation. The terrain is also quite good... perhaps slightly less full & powerful, and a little more toned down? Again, you have discrimating taste and will make a good choice in any event. Looking forward to your update, hope it will be this next week,yes?
  6. CvM is all of that -- in class, or out gamboling in the dew-glistenen' glen, and he does indeed have "pull" on this here forum. :cool: Ay, also has some loose-ends of "push" as well, and that comes entirely from his own unstinting Huck Finn efforts. Why, with a very unique push-pull apparatus, I have even seen him, sure you bet I have, don't say nay... unstuck! the flummoxed Flux AND! dis-combob the rough-cob Blunder. :eek: This is gas-house-gang Extra-ordinary! if you ask the old ball-playing likes of me.
  7. LOL! Happened to me more than once, as well. What is it with cats where they like to upset the usual routine of the humans? It's almost as if they say to themselves: "Hmmm, let's see if I can disturb all this arbitrary Order, and thereby remind the Human that he is really only tolerated... in MY world -- haphazard Nature." Yeah, those old board-games... two of my favorites were Afrka Korps and War at Sea, both by Avalon Hill. Unlike Third Reich or A3R, you could set them up and play a complete game in just a few days.
  8. I'll bet you are right as rain on that one. Kilroy was everywhere during WW2, but not always able or willing to elaborate on what... he thought he saw. I have now lived long enough to know this much: any footloose Travelers who do not pause long enough to actively collect these charming old tales, whether told by relatives, or Studs Terkel, or an apparent derelict sitting on a park-bench feeding the pigeons, is missing the REAL DEAL education. I recall a quote I once heard, though I cannot remember who it is attributed to, well, anyway, it goes like this: "Youth is a gift of nature, Age is a work of Art." (... of course, being a little older myself, I would necessarily take some satisfaction in received wisdom such as this, yes? ) As we have learned, college course-work or reading books does not remotely convey the emotions and ironies and zest that you will get when watching & listening first hand. BTW, thanks for a very funny (... though, probably not so very hilarious to him, at the time) and well-told story. It makes you laugh, and also wince a little, inside.
  9. Great jmb! Looking forward to it! :cool: As for the Italians, you may be right about trying to match icons with home country color, so how about a pale brown instead? It's just that the color you have now sort of threatens the eye. Quirky request department: I just cannot tolerate, sorry, that L0 German tank... it looks for all the world like some kind of insect or something... too squashed and... kind of slinking, etc, well, we won't go into the crazy pattern of electrons whirling in my head that would cause that kind of reaction... :eek: As I said before, I like your original set and the models are pretty accurate... if you could just make them more pronounced and easily identified for what they are, without too much contrasting color... that seems to BLUR the icon to the extent that it conflicts with and overwhelms the simple terrain surrounding. So what am I saying? Those who can't do Art, criticize those who CAN... extract an orderly excitement from the chaotic Gestalt, so I will appreciate and applaud ANY effort that you make.
  10. Well, today is your day to be "lionized," yes? Your 15 seconds of fame... were Andy Warhol alive he would put you on a Campbell's soup can, having lunch with the Katzenjammer kids... or Emblazoned on a silk-screened T-shirt, sure, you could wear aviator sunglasses and be smoking a corncob pipe and be pointing toward the far-off horizon, a colossus man! a renaissance man! who would be gallant but stoic & selfless, quite astride the Whole World, entyre...
  11. FWIW, I would like a more definitive, or STARK silhouette on a lighter background, similar to how the original game icons look, and of course unit specific depending on level of advancement. Say, keep many of your models, but make them a little more... "etched," or clearly stylized. You don't necessarily need a lot of colors mixed in, and as example: for the Germans, the black silhouette on light grey with VERY SHARP detail outlines, and just "a touch" of Camo or other unique shading... but, not so it is too "busy." Kind of modern-art plain but startling, say like Klein or Mondrian might do. Also, I requested a different color for the Italians once long ago. I would still like to see a more... subtle shade and not so garish. How about a black sihouette on light green? And the ships should be clearly differentiated so you can tell at a glance which is BB and which CA, etc. Modeled on famous units such as Bismark or Hood. Well, sorry for the detail, but you did ask... (... I could request even more distinctions, but I don't want to sound so displeased with your first set. It was quite good.)
  12. It sure is. To add to what Bill has said, you cannot simply buy a whole passel of Air Fleets as before. With the new research paradigm, you simply cannot afford it, either as Allies or Axis. Having played 4 or 5 games all the way to Russian surrender, I can tell you that the Axis aren't so invincible anymore, particularly if you enable Expert +1.
  13. It is imperative as Allies that you take Iraq, but NOT before USA enters, otherwise their War Entry % will decrease, causing all manner of new problems. And the best thing, the Axis simply cannot stop you from doing so.
  14. And it will cost the Axis a pretty penny as well. The Germans will spend MPPs for Op moves for their Air and HQ, unless you fly all your planes down to Sicily. But, that won't do any good if the Allies do not get impatient and strike too soon for Tripoli. In that event, they have to be op-moved to Libya. And the Axis will take some losses, maybe even substantial losses, which will have to be repaired. And the Allied Air left in Britain will be gaining great experience with bombing runs if you send enough Axis air to the Med to make any appreciable difference. Small losses to strat bombing, but it all adds up, especially since the new V 1.06 research limitations do not allow such quick advances as before. And the Italians will not be able to take Greece so very easily. Or, if they try, then Libya will be that much more vulnerable. This can work with either the default '39 scenario, or with Bill's excellent mod. I know, because he worked it against me. I got my foolish Axis head handed to me... Bill is a truly formidable foe, in the Med or otherwise, and he is... relentless... ... like that Lion long-lived on the Savannah, steadily following the dik-dik herd, and Lo! what do you know? There, just a FEW steps behind, is the wounded laggard, poor little dik-dik, and nobody nowhere on Earth notices nothing, except for... the Big Cat, slowly, surely, gradually gaining ground. It's a long, and endlessly lingering day under that brilliant Afrikan sun, and -- old Lion? He ain't even broken a sweat yet and he's got... all the time in the world.... If you look closely, say, if you were an emboldened Francis Macomber out on safari, you would even see -- you'd swear it so!... the bare beginnings... of an ancient and easily indolent smile... :eek:
  15. LOL! I hope to God I am not actually unduly or overly sensitive, given where I have been and what I have done, and BTW, I only wear glasses when I am reading. No-one I have ever known has told me that I am any way shape or form an "egghead," but somebody did say once -- or was it twice? that I was... forsooth uncouth, etc, ah gosh -- bless us all each and every one, you know how it goes...
  16. You are a good sport about it, as I suspected you might be. :cool: Forums are great for expressing opinions, notions, ideas, suggestions, and occasionally, something that can be misunderstood. Always good to hear directly from someone, rather than having hard feelings second-hand, and the like.
  17. GDS_STARFURY: I have been trying out your new icons. At first, I didn't care for the bright red border around the Axis units. However, as with anything else that is new and startling, it takes a while to get used to them. Now I think that they add extra zest to the appearance of the game. I also like the way that the nation-specific medals light up at the bottom when the full experience level is reached. Just one suggestion. I am not so much concerned with the light background as I am with the light silhouette for the icons. It is a bit difficult to tell some of them apart, especially the naval units. If you could make the silhouettes darker, and differentiate between BBs and CAs? Thanks again for taking the time to provide this appropriate and accomplished art-work.
  18. All right, An Old Man, I will allow that my reply to Jollyguy was in fact... "defensive," in the Freudian sense of protecting the Ego due to a perceived threat. Jollyguy usually gets other peoples names correct, as he did with zappsweden in his post. If he gets most of them correct, most of the time, and yours is the one he mangles, then you must begin to wonder. Notice, I have gotten YOUR name correct, as I surely try do with other members that I post to. I am pretty sure my reply was "normal" in the sense that humans are very protective when it comes to their own "name." Think about it. Was there ever a time in your own life that you resented someone (... almost ...accidentally) mispronouncing your name? You may mis-spell anything you care to, out of laziness or haste, but someone's name should be more carefully considered. Maybe it is true that I am one of the very few humans that even worries over such matters. If he has a problem with my post, he can reply on board, or send me an e-mail, as I have included my address since day one. I have indeed gotten several responses in regard to other posts that I have made and have taken the time to answer each of them. This is may or may not be perceived as a "flame," depending on the level of any one person's sensitivity, but I will hereby take a moment to assert the following: It was not intended as a personal slight. I do not yet know that it was taken that way, though I am, or TRY to at least be courteous to any person I might meet. Jollyguy is now, and as far as I am personally aware, always has been a thoughtful and dedicated gamer. His earnest assistance with SC is noted and appreciated. It is very possible that this was simply an "innocent mangling." I, on the other hand, and quite apparently, will sometimes be... "defensive." Whether it was justified is a complicated issue that can hardly be resolved on a two-dimensional forum.
  19. I don't believe I've ever heard it described quite so appropriately. "Beautiful and ridiculous at the same time... " sure, that's it exactly. Awe full. At the risk of alienating who would be less aesthetically inclined... I will add this: You truly have to see these sorts of paintings and objet d'art up close and personal. To this day, I am yet in thrall to the Winged Victory -- Nike of Samothrace. I was fortunate enough to experience the awful mystery (... within a foot, given the restraining ropes at The Louvre... although, I did reach out and... almost ... touch... something interfered at the most dangerous moment and... physically, held me back, at the very last... ) and now we might imagine how powerful these ancient icons could -- and can be, not merely as mythical reference points, but... as a kind of inspiration to all those who would suppose that John Keats (... paraphrasing from fitful memory) was rhymingly right: Truth and Beauty is all there is in this World, and all Yee need to know...
  20. World in Flames. A board-game published by Australian Design Group. Costs about 100 bucks (... it may even be more by now), and takes about as much time to set up as it does to play a complete game. :eek: Well worth the effort, however. Recently Bill Macon suggested that the non-belligerents such as Russia and Italy could be played before actual entry into the War. Very good idea, and this would allow gamers to establish some of the game parameters. At this strategic level, the Winter War would necessarily be small and probably inconclusive, and maybe it is not worth all the effort. Although, it could be handled abstractly with some kind of game variants. Nonetheless, I would yet favor it's inclusion, as it was important, at least to the Finns and the Russians.
  21. And you aren't the only one, as I and several others have also championed this idea since last Spring as well. Judging by the vast and excited response from our free spirited and always open minded! forum members, we may well see our dreams realized! And so, I am fully in agreement with you. This is an area that would greatly enhance gameplay, and would provide even more re-playability. Ever the optimist, I am guessing that we WILL see some variants in the next SC. :cool:
  22. Or, more likely, having them sent off without any delicate inquiries as to their martial desires. :eek: Having a few new corps appear once every other year or so for the Minors does not seem worth the interface complication. Norse's interpretation seems most appropriate here.
  23. Then you haven't play WiF. I have found that game to model the winter war exceptionally well, to include the politics involved (... Germany being the broker for peace). I would like to see the Winter War modeled in SC2, and do believe it could be done in such a way as to allow for some military maneuvers AND German intervention.
  24. I don't think that most players would be opposed to a little scrolling so to get that expanded map that would open up the North Atlantic to German raiders, among other interesting things. I know I wouldn't be, so there is one vote in your column. My guess is that the majority would actually prefer a larger map all around -- how about ~9-12 hexes vertically and horizontally? As for the northern expanse, Murmansk convoy could be modeled, and your timely suggestions as to Iceland and Greenland becoming critical way-stations -- by either side, could be modeled. Let' do it!
  25. Emmerwatas? :eek: Gee, Jilligus, that ain't even close. The thing of it is, folks will usually select names that have some... ah, significance to them. When I quote someone, or refer to something they've said, I'll jot down their name on a nearby note-pad, so that I insure not to disrespect them. Is this reasonable, do you suppose, given that we have all the time in the world to make sure the post is appropriate, before hitting the "add reply" button? Now, I ain't sayin' you are deliberately being disprespectful, nor sloppy, nor lazy, but how would you like it if I sort of accidentally posted your handle as... jellygoo? As to your point, I never did say, o no no nix nein Frankenstein, that the Allies would be able to counter ANY Axis attack in the Med. I am pretty sure that I said that it would be tough, but possible. So here, you have not only screwed up my name, but didn't even get the drift of my post. :confused: C'mon Jollyguy, you can do it more exactly, yes?
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