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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. In my last attack/defense quickbattle I was defending. When I clicked go there sat a marder III, 700m away. Hmm, I says, whats got LOS to that? Turns out it was my ATR laying in wait in the rocks. He gets 3 shots off and gets a penetration, and takes it out. I won that game.
  2. when defending against an attacker with lots of guns, a couple 81mm/82mm mortars with HQs spotting from high ground works good. Couple this with 50mm mortars (so you have a mortar team of maybe one 81mm/82mm and 1-2 50mm that comes with the platoon/company) and you can deal with most threats. Artillery can work too if you have a quick enough response time. Any HE chuckers with decent enough armour to withstand the 75mm IG can pick them off too. [ February 28, 2004, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Sidewinder ]
  3. Hi tom, can i ask what kind of video card you have? EDIT: Yes, the demo runs fine for me too, no worse than CMBB framerate wise (which ran only slightly worse than CMBO modded up), except for those black areas. EDIT#2: Here are some before and after pics: Before cmbo/cmbb mods: After: I forgot to mention i also threw in mikeyd's half res doodads from cmbb where applicable. [ November 19, 2003, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: Sidewinder ]
  4. Hi tom, can i ask what kind of video card you have? EDIT: Yes, the demo runs fine for me too, no worse than CMBB framerate wise (which ran only slightly worse than CMBO modded up), except for those black areas. EDIT#2: Here are some before and after pics: Before cmbo/cmbb mods: After: I forgot to mention i also threw in mikeyd's half res doodads from cmbb where applicable. [ November 19, 2003, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: Sidewinder ]
  5. Update: Replaced the trees (772k to 196k), Tree bases (now at 52k), grass (772k to 208k), and took the skies down from 1.5 mb to 152k. Still nothing
  6. Update: Replaced the trees (772k to 196k), Tree bases (now at 52k), grass (772k to 208k), and took the skies down from 1.5 mb to 152k. Still nothing
  7. I was talking to madmatt (i get the same bug), he said it was probably my VRAM. I have the same imac with ati rage 128, CMAK requires a 16 meg card and mine is only 8 (but it was the same for cmbb, which runs fine). The thing that puzzles me is that CMBB ran fine with no black thingos, and most of the CMAK terrain is the same resolution as CMBB's, especially stuff that should give me trouble (eg grass, tree bases, buildings) Here is a screenshot: I am thinking it is probably my VRAM also, I heard someone say there is no more downsampling? Also, I tried switching to a lower res grass, that didn't do it. Going to try a few more things.
  8. I was talking to madmatt (i get the same bug), he said it was probably my VRAM. I have the same imac with ati rage 128, CMAK requires a 16 meg card and mine is only 8 (but it was the same for cmbb, which runs fine). The thing that puzzles me is that CMBB ran fine with no black thingos, and most of the CMAK terrain is the same resolution as CMBB's, especially stuff that should give me trouble (eg grass, tree bases, buildings) Here is a screenshot: I am thinking it is probably my VRAM also, I heard someone say there is no more downsampling? Also, I tried switching to a lower res grass, that didn't do it. Going to try a few more things.
  9. Hmm....If my iMac 400mhz with 8mb ATI rage pro can run cmbb, then i expect i can run CMAK, as long as i can toggle things like dust and smoke off (something madmatt has already comfirmed). Even if it proves too graphics intensive, making the grass into a low res BMP is quite simple. Tree bases, on the other hand....
  10. Saying someone is a neo fascist because they make a historical mod for a game about a PERIOD IN HISTORY is about as intelligent as someone calling you jew hating nazi because you are from Berlin.
  11. Captain Whacky Lowresified the CMBB grass, there is a grid version of it as well. Also i can attest to mikeyD's low res doodads being excellent.
  12. Actually if your men are too close, the fire from one SMG squad onto a german squad can cause other squads around it to become shaken, pinned, etc. I've had whole platoons pinned by one SMG squad because i was too close.
  13. Turn show vehicles off. It's shift-V on mac.
  14. Andrew, I downloaded the mods 3 or 4 days ago, but to be sure i redownloaded the WSS-3 pack once more yesterday and reinstalled the dot camo. Still no luck. Strange to say the least. If you could send that bmp my way it would be much appreciated. sidewinder@shaw.ca Thanks! [ June 21, 2003, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Sidewinder ]
  15. I have recently installed ATF's excellent uniform mods, and have come across a small problem/annoyance. My late war SS CO/BN HQs seem to be missing a bmp for their bodies. This is for mountain, mechanized, and Infantry HQs (possibly cavarly, i havn't checked) in 1944/45. I checked the read mes and didn't notice anything in particular, but maybe i am not looking hard enough. (I did place BMP 9076.bmp in my bmp folder from the WSS-3 set.) Anyone have any other ideas? Oh, here is a screen shot of what i'm talking about. Excuse the low res-ness of my poor imac. http://afa.proapp.net/wtf.jpg
  16. There is a juno beach center opening? In Calgary? Could you give me some more info please (where, etc) Thanks
  17. I quite like the village/rural type maps. Trees, villages, roads, etc, but in a natural looking layout. Not little clumps of one tile of trees every 40 meters.
  18. on boards are definitely the way to go. In july 43, I can get 3 on board 81mm for 99 credits, while the FO module is 93. This might seem a rip off considering the FO gets 4 or 6 tubes, but keep in mind that providing the position is good, on boards are more responsive, and more accurate. They deal with guns and machine guns with excellent effeciency. Would you rather spend 6 tubes trying to take out one gun, or one on board mortar tube? With the size of most TCP QBs i play, i generally don't take artillery any more. I used to take it all the time in CMBO, though. [ May 29, 2003, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: Sidewinder ]
  19. argg i must have these sounds@@111!!1111!!111
  20. Is there going to be a mac version of these sounds available?
  21. Whoops, double post [ January 29, 2003, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Sidewinder ]
  22. In a recent TCP game with Pillar i had a gun on the reverse slope of a ridge with los across my left side, and it was in a trench. Now, the fact that it was on a ridgeline played some part in this equation but i can't help but feel the trench played an important role as well. The gun took a few direct hits which would have otherwise caused it to abandon, and the gun was able to force 4 out of 5 panthers to bail, as well as one StuG. In another game, my guards rifle platoon was assaulting a single panzergrenadier squad in a trench and i took 6 or 7 casualties, and at the end all of my squads had low ammo. You have to be right up beside and usually in the trench to do anything with infantry, and the cost can sometimes be too high. Trenches are definetly awsome for stopping infantry.
  23. I would have to disagree with some of your points. Keep in mind i am speaking with an ME QB in mind. -For MGs, i usually set them up on the approaches to the terrain or objective being fought over. If i get them in position fast enough they can stop the enemy from taking hold of the terrain and allow me to advance there first. If the enemy has already taken the position the MGs will deny reinforcements while i first supress the enemy with HE and MG fire (usually from my supporting armour) and assault, mopping up the objective. -For armour i would replace "keep back" with "keep out of LOS". This allows for quick response to any situation needing support immediatly but the tank can maintain safety behind say a patch of pines, etc. -On the taxi point, i agree, and i don't. It all depends on the terrain. If you have a map with dense cover you can really shuffle troops (eg MGs) to forward positions to deny ground to the enemy, and still keep out of LOS. Still though as germans i would rather have an SPW251/1 for the job. (I think one advantage the germans have is the ability to mount their MGs on most tanks, whereas the russians cannot mount a maxim on a t34). Another point i would like to add is: Buy on board mortars. The 81mm and the 82mm are DEADLY against enemy guns and machine guns.
  24. try and get an 81mm into los (or commanding hq to spot) and call fire in on the gun with that, if possible.
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