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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. I must be getting old as these low riders seem the most pointless waste of money i can think of in the auto world.What a waste of time
  2. I see team 17 are redoing this game. Brilliant as this was one of my fav games on the Amiga Its on steam at the moment
  3. http://vimeo.com/11569380 One guy and $500. Good stuff
  4. This is awesome. But i still don't know if i would use my finger
  5. I am in the middle of reading a good book about just this subject. Its Called "The time travellers guide to Medieval England" Its a fascinating read and goes through all the details of living in this time including social interaction
  6. How many do you know. http://obsoleteskills.com/Skills/Skills
  7. I must admit i had heard about the landing craft.But then i expect no better from Hollywood when it comes to legends and historic "fact". My pet hate is the swords carried on the back in Velcro scabbards and people who use a bow like its a quarter staff.Oh and the usual Kung Foo fighting practised by ever man woman and dog
  8. Please Hollywood stop making films about myths like Robin Hood and then getting people Like Russell Crowe to play the main person.There is no way he is Robin Hood. He is not and will never be Robin Hood and no i haven't seen the film yet and have no intention of going due to RC playing the lead role.
  9. If you do mate send me a turn.
  10. If you play the "dark" versions of the game once first turn is done you only see what you can see.You get a Ghost of where the other guys were. Plus its still only a beta.
  11. Well it is in the fact that you can BOGOFF. I think you can also send turns to the server and they sit waiting for the other guy to access them.So you can play over a few days
  12. Any one here tried the beta for this game? Its a turn based tactical shooter with simultaneous results. Its also cheap as chips. I'm also gautrek on there if people are up for a game. I'm in the middle of playing some random guy i have been matched with as i type this.
  13. Yes mate i have tried that mod. Its ok but has major issues due to Crysis.Like no free look for targeting,no free arm movement,vehicles slide down hill while parked on slopes,very limited sound channels. It was fun when it first started but it needs some more game styles before i will go back to it.But if you haven't tried it it a blast too start with.I love playing battle armour as there is no way i can pilot a mech as i can't look one way and drive another.
  14. This is what is wrong with the UK at the moment.If you are worried about and want something doing about the out of control immigration then you are a bigot.If you are worried Muslim extremism you are a racist. ETC ETC ETC. I'm sick of it.
  15. Why is that? Is it a different mentality.I notice if i see images of yank troops they all seem like they have just left the parade ground.Even if they are out on combat duty.I can't comment on other nations as they don't get much coverage on our TV.I understand we have a agreement about allowing beards on duty to help with the integration.But is this dressing down just a brit thing?
  16. I'm pleased to see that we still do the scruffy as f*** look when we are out in the field.It makes me proud that no other nation seems able to dress down as well as our boys can.
  17. Well now i have gone and done it. I posted the link to these pictures on a mainly American bike forum i hang out on.I may have also made the comment about the sentence at the bottom not making sense and how it must refer to us Brits and our empire. That me being shouted at next time i go on there.But then they do seem very right wing and hate any criticism. I don't know you make an innocent throw away comment and its like the world has ended.I don't even dare bring up the shooting video on there:)
  18. I felt like singing "the self preservation society" when i saw the you tube vid
  19. Awesome pictures. Shame about the comment at the bottom.Whats that supposed to mean? Or is he thanking the British military for spreading the English language round the world?
  20. No mate these bikes were sold as a solo.They were made from around 1934 till about 1946.They were made as a recession busting means of transport. It should be good for about 70mph on the right gearing and about 100 mpg.They were assembled by young lads and ex cow girls(i think they meant milkmaids) and they made next to no profit on them but at least the factory kept going.They did end up makng a very light weight sidecar as people started fitting chairs to them.But with all of 11 BHP on tap then i bet they were slow. Look here for some more images of my local sections trail http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/gautrek/TavernersTrial#
  21. I know what you mean.I have had the magneto rebuilt for £130.So thats the ignition system sorted.I love magnetos.no wiring they just work.
  22. I just thought i would post a shot of my "new" bike.which i am hoping to get on the road by June. Its a 1937 350cc Red Panther.I am rebuilding this as a trial bike to compete in my local VMCC(vintage motorcycle club) sections pre 1957 trials.I have owned this bike since around 1976 and am ashamed to admit its been in a million bits since then. I finaly decided to get my finger out my arse last summer and rebuild it.Its should have a 3 speed hand change gearbox but i swapped this 4 speed footchange one with my dad who also has a red panther.As he will rebuild his bike to use on the road. I am going to name this bike Ground Gripper ( after reading what pilots used to call tridents when operating them in hot climates).As this bike is so low to the ground i will have trouble getting round the sections .but then i don't know if having a decent bike will make a lot of difference anyway.My plan is to get this on the road with a smaller rear sprocket and run it in through the summer and then fit the sprocket you see here for the off road stuff.It will have to be a summer only road bike as i will have no lights.(i may carry a cycle light set if needed as a bobby dodger so i can at least get home if i get caught out in the dark)
  23. Same for me mate. Now i want to fire all of them.Shame i live in such a nanny state
  24. From another forum. I like this even. http://www.mouseguns.com/compare.htm Your bayonet is longer than your leg. what more can you say
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