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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. I have just uploaded the White scout car to the database. This mod covers the Brits and South African versions as they use the same bmp's and i have also done a yank version as well. Please note the birt version comes with optional sand tracks on the side and a new shovel taken from a MikeyD mod for CMBB. I also have been having a few problems with my open hatch mod.So this hasn't been added to this mod.
  2. Here is the latest. I have redrawn the gun rail and also i have found a piccy to use for the details. I just need to redo the open hatch and i should be about there. Oh and i have changed to colour of the jerry can to make it stand out less.
  3. Arn't the Royal Green jackets called that because the unit started out as a sharp shooter unit which used green jackets for the camoflage. So that one makes prefect sense. But i can't understand why we a gun called "POOH". I mean how sad is that.
  4. Don't worry i was going to do it as an option. And if anybody could track down the winter mod it would help a lot.
  5. Check out my latest wip. its a white scout car. I have added a section of sand tracks to the side and also i have borrowed a shovel of another mod. See if you can guess whose it is. I am also trying out something. see if you can tell what. Also do people want me to carry on with this. It needs a bit more work until i am happy with the effect and yes i do know the shovel is to long. but that can be tweeked [ May 21, 2004, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  6. Yes i agree but i still do like (and play)CMBB. So its still a laugh a minute for me.
  7. No your not. I am playing a few PBEM games with some of my mates. These are guys who i have played D&D and other stuff like Risk with over about 20 odd years. And why do i still play against them. because we don't care who wins(though we do gloat a little if we do ) but we like playing for a laugh. Non of us are any good at tactics at this game but we still love it. And we all know that even if the odds are against us you can still rely on the other guy to cock up big time and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
  8. No problemo And i just love modding. Mainly because my bread knife will not let me collect plastic models.(she thinks their for kids) and she keeps saying i'm like a big kid but we havn't got the room. So your in luck.
  9. I have had another clear out of a few mods that have been kicking around my hard drive for a few days. First up is a British desert truck Then comes a Panzer IIC with an optional air flag. And slight weathering . And last but by no means least a nearly straight port from one of my CMBB mods. Its an Italian renault 35. So get em while there hot. [ May 21, 2004, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  10. Bugger!! I was looking at upgrading from my 7.04 version. Whats the problem with it? Can you give me a bit of a lowdown on its failings? Thanks </font>
  11. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! why is it that when things go wrong the go wrong all at once. I think i have sorted out the problem that some where having with this mod.For some reason the side bmp had become corrupted when i re uploaded this mod with the new flag. So stupid me thought the problem was my new bmp so i have redone this a couple of times.But this turns out being ok. I have now uploaded a corrected version that works ok. And now i am having email problems so i may or may not have managed to email this to those who have been in contact with me.
  12. I have just uploaded my old Stug111 b mod. I have changed the flag for my new image.
  13. Tooz i have emailed you a new copy of this mod. Let me know if it works. Plus i have reuploaded it as well.
  14. If you would kindly remove my flag image from you mod first and then we can have chat. As the image isn't mine to let people use it at will. So if you would care to drop me a mail and we can have a chat.
  15. Patboy nice mods BTW. But where did you get the flag( Ithink we both know where don't we). please see the quote below which is taken from my read me that comes with all my mods. So perhaps you could mail me and we can talk.
  16. Try downloading again and if still have a problem i will have a look for you. As i have just got PSP 8.And they have bleeding broken it. So it may be a currupt bmp.
  17. I am just in the process of uploading my panther pack.I have added the new flag to this mod now. But fear not as i have also added a small update which contains the two bmps that i have changed. So if you have my pack already just download the update pack And if you havn't got it already (WHY NOT)
  18. I have just started updating some of my mods. these are the ones which have an air recog flag. As i have just recieved a new image from my mate. Cheers andy As you can see its the dogs bollocks So i am in the process of adding this mod to my mods which allready contain a flag option. So far i have uploaded the Tiger E early and i have also just uploaded the Panzer 38 t The only change in any of these mods is just the flag change. I am working through my other mods as we speak. check here for more mods posted
  19. Just for your infomation i have uploaded an new version of this mod with a which has got a new Air recog flag. That is the only change. Hope you like it. [ May 14, 2004, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  20. Yes this one seemed to have got missed by a lot of people when it was first released. But i'm glad you like it.
  21. I have just uploaded version 2 of my 231 Ac mod. I have added a new and improved air recog flag. I will add this flag to rest of my mods as and when i get round to it. It may take some time as i have just got PSP 8. And i can't find a bleeding thing in it. :mad: so look out for a few more updates using this flag. And i will also add this to my CMBB mods as well.
  22. I do because you get to play with proper tanks .
  23. I have just uploaded a Africa only crater mod. I have changed the colour slightly in JUJU's excellent Hi_res crater mod. I tried to make this mod stand out less when playing in africa.As i thought the orginal colours stuck out like a sore thumb when used in the desert. So please don't use this mod if playing in Italy. I have also taken another modders idea about the shallow craters being part filled. And before you ask yes i have obtained premission to use this mod Thanks JUJU for the original mod.
  24. I have tried to make the standard splash screen complement the New companion book which has come out. this mod just changes the standard BFC art work. i have also included a grey version of the bar at the bottom of the splash screen as well. [ April 22, 2004, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
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