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Everything posted by SturmSebber

  1. ha Rleete , how about sending me a turn ? Dementia praecox is a bitch, but still, even a maggot as yourself should be able to remember who he is currently playing a pbem with. Especially if that some one is ME .
  2. Three posts in half an hour, but no turn in my inbox are you trying to hide something from me? </font>
  3. Hélas my dear, i've got so little time and that greedy Rleete has gotten me all for himself right now. But don't worry, before you know it, i'll be poking you also
  4. Thinking went out of style a long time ago in Belgium. And i'm trendy and cute, so thinking is not my style either.
  5. STINKYWINKY and ParaBelly I, the PiNk AvEnGeR demand that thou e-mailed me to discuss a moment this weekend to organise a tcp-ip drama, in wich you both will suffer unspeakable torment when my throbbing guns enter your virtual orifices. Signed, SturmSebber ; loyal knigget of the Pool (sound of two coconuts being banged together)
  6. Aren't you supposed to be saving whatever there is to be saved from your exams?
  7. I hereby post dispersions on your character, past sexual trysts and family tree, as required and asked for i your recent e-mail. HAHAHAAAAA! I feel mean already. Hmm no wait, that won't do... *caughs* *clears throath* *raises vocal volume* Sir, nay, peasant, nay, larva...hmm..nay, "lifeform"..yes, "lifeform" will do just fine. Un-dear lifeform a-R-sewhipe LEETE , never, EVER, in my dwellings amongst the most obscure,decadent and filthy meetingplaces for sexhungry arserubbing homosexuals ; preforming the most disturbing acts of copulation, acts that would make baby Jesus cry, let alone J-J-Rambo. Acts, so foul and deviated, that even Abu Ghraib seems like a holiday ...well, never amongst these depraved souls have i met a creature less intelligent, perverse and twisted than you. I've spent times in darkrooms that would make Dante Alighieri add another chapter to his "inferno". I've travelled along the most barren and inhospitable wastelands of Africa.I've talked to bloodthirsty neo-nazi's, with eyes as red as mars and brains the size of a peanut. Yet never has a creature brought more disgust to my cold heart than YOU . YOU , lifefrom, are the ultimate proof that God DOES make mistakes. AND at the same time you make firewood of Darwin's "survival of the fittest" . The poor sod would poke out his eyes with a red hot iron,jump off a roof (head first) and scream all the way down "curse you RLEETE ! Every day you drag your useless corps around on MY beautifull planet, is a day too many. Your stench is unbearable, and the idea that you may , god knows how, reproduce is repulsing, even to me, and as described above, i've seen quite a lot. SO, i'll take it upon myself to rid the world of your ceasless mumbeling, and put you to rest for GOOD. If your two braincells manage to work together , i'll expect an e-mail SOON. The Pink Knigget STURMY [ May 29, 2004, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: SturmSebber ]
  8. What now? But NO ! It was al said in good fun and in accordance to the twisted rools of the pool Man , i'd be one sad and troubeled figure if i took offence to what you've said! It's not 'cause i'm a fag, that i'm a sissy as well NO HARM done, what so ever, and i eagerly await your turn! Sturmy
  9. Why, that is nothing a good setup can fix? I'm awaiting your email with eager... for my vengeance will be great, and your arse will be sour.
  10. Ok you worm infested hotdogs ; When on the forum in CMBO times (long , long, looooooong ago) there was talk about onion wars. Do they still do that? How does it work? Do you need a lot of time? Is it all pbem or also tcp-ip? Do they want me? AND MOST IMPORTANT, IS IT FUN ? Thanks (not really) for all the dumbwitted, self-righteous replies i will undoubtedly get. SturmSebber
  11. Let me guess, a Russian mobile MG platform?
  12. This thread is GAY. I blame SPIDERMAN for the downfall of the Peng thread.
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