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Everything posted by SturmSebber

  1. There's nothing but hate here. It's interesting that people constantly cry out for fewer rules, claim that they are civilized and don't need reminders of how to behave, but when they are faced with a situation given them by someone who believes that by nature people are good and allow them freedom, they are big fat ****ers to eachother. You guys suck! Now, send me a setup!
  2. AYE AYE AYE ! I'm always in favour of two sexy men in one tiny flat.
  3. Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!! [jumps up and down, waves arms and cheers ecstatically] May you never find employment again and die in dire poverty. Just so you know what it feels like, you pig. I feel so much better about life now. Michael </font>
  4. [serious] Sorry to hear that Steve , best of luck finding a new, and hopefully, better job! [/serious] I'd send you a setup, but i don't send those to lowlifes on welfare... You can always send me one though.
  5. That's the crappiest pick-up line i've heard in years.
  6. So, all bow before the official Altar Boy of the wrong fate ! Loyal and lubricated servant to the false Pope . Contested Knight of the Pool and Templar in training ! First of the hybrids between the venom of the Pool and the spite of the General Forum . Humble servant @ The Apocalyptic Church Of Seanachai . Now, what about that hey maggoteers! [ April 18, 2005, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: SturmSebber ]
  7. Good question. We have our molecular biologists working on it day and night, but the necessity to use total biological isolation is slowing research. So far, every sample of your tissue has proven fatal to the culture medium. Michael </font>
  8. Without wanting to drift off into the existential questions, but... What the fook am i? I mean, well.. i've written a song about it : (to the music : little Buttercup of the "HMS Pinafore") Once i was nothing, but a lost soul on the Net, (times i look back at with regret) *- it rimes! Then onto this forum i lept (but it's most evil thread , from myself it was still kept) *- it still rimes, but makes less sense! Then , woooo that faithfull day, i got Penged ! *- no rimes what so ever At first i was a NoOoOB ,still ignored until; that beautifull day... After a fierce fight in the land of Fiefdom i was made a Knight, by fair Queen Emma herself! Finally ! I could get noticed without farting in public or walking around naked on fancy dinners! But alas! Grumpy Old Men, took away my Knighthood, their rules and regulations were great, their penisses small. There i stood, naked and alone , in the rain and a sad song playing in the background, and there were fluffy bunnies too. But, out of the blue, a gentleman, ehrm, gentle Gnome took pitty on my twisted personality. While fondling me all the way home , he made me his alter boy. So there i am, and i am amazed by my wonderous destiny, that has arranged as such : i am screwed by Grumpy Old Men both in real- as in virtual life! [/end horrible singing]
  9. You just keep me alive because i'm your personal clown ! Like in the Middle ages when they gave the best scraps of food to the hunchback , so he would be alive the next day to be poked by sharp objects! I find that a foul and revolting deed and if i had any selfrespect i would walk out of here! Sadly, i'm an immoral degraded, knighthood stealing low-life who's main goal in life is to be recognised as a Knight in the POOL . So there you have it... who wants to have the first poke?
  10. And don't forget to mention those Blue eyes.... </font>
  11. So it is true that even in the darkest hour there is a bit of light to be found?
  12. A voluptuous and tantalising 25 year old right here!
  13. Why did I put up with all you stinking maggoteers? For the recognition ofcourse! If i am going to be a slimey Cesspoolian, i want to be a fully accredited one! GET ME ON THE LIST [annoying nagging voice] I want in! I want in! I want in!I want in! I want in!I want in! I want in!I want in! I want in! [/annoying nagging voice] And when you get to my description, mention the fact that i am beautifull!
  14. I think it's because you're Dutch ... or is it Swiss? One of those goober nations anyway. Joe </font>
  15. *coughs, and strats rambling* Hey JOE , why am i not listed as a knight! Even lazy nights who don't post here anymore and are loathed by everybody , especially Stinkypixy deserve to be honoured in a befitting way! Queen Emma , glory to her and her reflections, has made me a Knight and by god, i want all the goodies that come with it ! Now bow maggots! DEEPER !
  16. So you wont be needing one of these then? Bummer.</font>
  17. Hey JOE , why am i not listed as a knight! Even lazy nights who don't post here anymore and are loathed by everybody , especially Stinkypixy deserve to be honoured in a befitting way! Queen Emma , glory to her and her reflections, has made me a Knight and by god, i want all the goodies that come with it ! Now bow maggots! DEEPER! Even more important, i wish to honour Big Jim Boggs , i'm sure it'll make him happy to know i'll be wearing pink today in his honour.
  18. I think it would be hard for BFC to introduce another era than ww2 since most people of the community are WW2 freaks. WW2 sels! I vote for 1940 , invasion of France, Belgium, Poland ea. -CM, but with adaptations to compensate for BORG vision.
  19. [sad puppy voice ] Hey, i'm all alone tonight... [/sad puppy voice] is there anyone who feels like playing a tcp-ip of cmak NOW ?
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