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Everything posted by Euri

  1. The never ending debate between Utilitarianism vs Kantian ethics
  2. This is my first attempt to record and upload a "during action report". It is the "Into the Breach" battle, with me as Blue agaist the AI. I have uploaed just the terrain analysis and the planning phase of the battle. Please note that (a) I have no real military experience whatsoever and (b) no experience at all with movie editing. As a result my thought process may at times sound chaotic and idiosyncratic. Further I have not edited the footage at all. The full recording is 3hrs(!). This this just the first 20mins of tedious planning . If you think this is moderately interesting, I could try and upload the rest (which admittedly was an interesting battle) Enjoy (?!) https://youtu.be/3z2w5CMJDQQ PS: Kudos to @Imperial_Grunt and @sburke for the battle map and desing
  3. This is a very difficult mission imo. Do not get disappointed.
  4. Someone somewhere has posted a handy spreadsheet to help calulate various victory points allocations when designing a scenario. Does Anyone have the link?
  5. This is an excellent senario but it has an important flaw: The pricing of objectives creates perverse incentives. Essentially, if one wishes to win on the basis of objective points it pays not to do nothing but preserve forces and inflict casualties on the enemy. No need to go for the Police compound or Obj Delta. I believe these two objectives should be priced up. Of course I played it properly and caputred these two key objectives killing almost all enemies on the map and existing a couple of vehicles. When the time lapsed there were only 12 enemies alive on the map. I Lost 14 men (KIA and wounded) and three vehicles (from the Russian CAS). What did this get me? A minor defeat!
  6. But this may seem a bit too much: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9z2aTq5oxcqN2JhQXZPTTRqWUk/view?usp=sharing Dont you agree?
  7. Is that so? It was confusing regarding the adjustement delay. Thank you!
  8. Has anyone noticed the following: Is it a bug? Playing a mission as Russian, I issued orders at the beginning for some artillery barrages setting delay at 15mins. I have choosen long or maximum, with the intention at some point to adjusting the fire to hit other locations with would have been brought under FO survaillance at the time. The barrage started as planned and a few minutes after I order the adjustment. To my suprise the delay as also applied to the adjusted time which as a result would take place in 15mins! I dont think it should be that way. The delay is for mission start and not to be applied at every adjustment of the same fire mission
  9. Dear ChrisND Enjoyable to watch. What camera setting you do you use? You make it look very cinematic. If someone were to watch my play, he would most certainly be hospitalised for nausea
  10. I did a test myself. I run it several times CONDITIONS 10 Abs (Standar - Regular) vs T90AM (Standard Regular) Distance 2km - Map clear. First Round all tanks get restricted cover arcs. Second round, weapons free TEST RESULTS First Round Ab spot all or at least 9 T90s within 17secs. T90 spot at least 9 Abs within 20 secs and takes longer for the last one Second Round (everything spoted) Abrams always fire the first shot faster than T90. (Note: I do not understand why is that) Invariably the result is 10-0 in favor of the Abs I have run also the tests at 1km stand off distance. Again Abs fire fist and my take 1-2 armor penetrations. But again it was 10-0 I have no expert opinion on how the tanks perform in real life, but in the game it seems that Abs is one generation ahead. PS. I have uploaded the initial conditions for anyone interested to run the test himself. Test.btt
  11. Are RPOs supposed to used for engaging enemies at relatively close ranges? I am asking because I am sharing the same impression with @Sublime here. They are quite ineffective at medium ranges. Ofter miss by large margin, even when they are ordered to fine first shot unsuppressed. Mission 4 of the Russian Campaign is one where I expected RPOs would be devastating. I have deployed them to good positions for medium range engagement but they where not helpful when I need them. If they are designed for closer ranges maybe it would made sense to embed them in platoons.
  12. True that is key. Granted one can self impose certain rules that restrict further orders. But not being able to know where exactly is your unit or its status after the time you lost contact....I like this idea. Anyway, I believe I have exhausted my idea; let's hope someone from the developers is reading this taking notes :-)
  13. The "*most realistic": Thank you for the correction because this is exactly my point. For me it is most realistic if the position of a squad severed from CC is its last known position to its platoon leader and the latter is unable to give further orders. Similarly, on the squad level, it is most realistic if the squad is aware of the last movement order received by the platoon leader and when the execution of this order is completed or interrupted, then decisions are left exclusively upon the TACAI until CC is reestablished. Best.
  14. Dear Womble, Only one remark: We are discussing about the skill level which is supposed to the most difficult. Which makes the tone of your reaction to my post rather difficult to explain
  15. For me IRON would make much more sense, if platoon squads without C2 links (a) first and foremost, would be precluded from receiving orders and (b) would be shown only as a generic symbol, a sort of reminder of their know location of their platoon commander before the C2 link was severed. That would be challenging! The way it is now, one just has to click more often on empty terrain, in order to be able to locate each unit and select it.
  16. It is just a building. Find the spotter that has crossed the river sitting next to a burning tank and try to call precision on Farm Bravo https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9z2aTq5oxcqTUwxNmRLSGJQWmM/view?usp=sharing
  17. A Russion spotter team carries a laser designator. They call a battery which has precision rounds. The spotter team has direct LOS to target. No precision option. (see screen captures below) Any ideas why? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9z2aTq5oxcqTDBpNFctS2VtZGs/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9z2aTq5oxcqV3dwX0ZkZHJ0NzA/view?usp=sharing
  18. thanx. So it is weapon sights!
  19. Playing the 2nd mission of the Russian campaing I notice that all my units (based on the Unit Info Panel) are equiped with NVG. However only the recon unit have them on. The Sappers have them but not wear them (see caputre). Any explanations https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9z2aTq5oxcqYjB3dHdfR1ExTXc
  20. I am replaying the Russian Campaign. I load in mission 2 which is supposed to take place at night. The illumination is close to pitch black and the clock shows 02:35. As soon as the mission loads and while still in the set up phase, I leave the house leaving my computer switched on. I get back after 3 and 1/2 hours and guess what: The skays are blue, the sun is shinning and the clock still shows 02:35. The question is: does the game complute time lapse based on the upper right clock or based on real time elapsed? In other words does in game time lapses also during setup and orders phases (or when the game is paused during real time?) You understand that this has ramifications as to (amongt others) the basis on which the game computes visibility (thus the advantage of NVG over no NVG)
  21. What is the engagement range of the Russian tank main gun? I have not been able to locate it in the manual - although, probably, it must be in there somewhere
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