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Everything posted by Euri

  1. This is my first attempt to design a complex scenario. I tried not to make it too easy. I hope you will enjoy it. The initial insipration for this scenario was "Interdiction" by Kiri Salo included in the original CMBS installation. As a basis I used the same QB map but with substantial modifications by me to make it fit the storyline that I wanted to create. I also kept the "interdiction" concept and refraimed it to create an engaging (I hope) narrative The briefing as teaser: "Situation A Russian Recon Battalion has stationed for the night at the area of operation (AO) shown on your map. We know for sure that the Russians carry on them highly valuable intelligence about the compositions of their forces, strategic plans and logistical chains. The problem is we don’t know where exactly all this data is kept. Mission Your mission is to search all possible locations and collect all laptops and data storage devices we can find and bring them home for analysis. During the sweep we will not be in a position to know what is valuable and what is not. I have marked on your map the broad locations that you need to search. Make sure you clear each and all buildings there, collect everything that resembles a data storage device and bring it in. Intel & Plan The initial plan was to simply inset Company A with helos a few km away, rally here (north setup zone) at 02:30 and assault the Russian positions. The problem is that recent intelligence tells us that two platoons of Russian tanks (not sure what type) are approaching from the SE and are about to enter the area of operations via the bridge at the east of you map. If this happens Company A is as good as "dead on arrival". To counter this we have assembled 3 crack squads of LRS platoon enhanced with a sniper, a breach and a javelin team with the mission to escort a JTAC and a FS team on the top of Hill 101 dominating the AO. They will enter the AO from the west (west setup zone) at 02:00 riding on two Humvees and three LMTVs Their mission is to paint the bridge with laser and allow a precision strike by two F16s (Callsign: Archangel) cutting the access of the T90s to the AO. We know that at least two SAMs operate in the AO. Try to spot them and kill them with your javeling team or precision rounds to maximise the probabilities of success of Archangel. For this purpose 2 x 120mm mortars have been assigned to you. You will need to spot them yourself as no UAVs are available for this mission. Being on the hill, the team will also search the house on the top. For the success of the operation, It is imperative that the bridge is destroyed by no later than 02:45. You must order the airstrike even if some of the enemy air defences are not neutralised by that time. With this mind you must move at a quick pace and reach the hilltop without any delay.We do not template any enemy positions to the west of the foothills of Hill 101. After the bridge is destroyed, the tactical handling of the situation is entirely up to you. From 03:00 onwards a battery of 6 x 105mm Howitzers will be at your disposal. At 4:00 12 LMTVs Callsign: (Limo Service) will enter the AO from NW to help your fast evacuation at the exit points (west). About the same time two Apaches will be placed at your disposal to cover your retreat to the exit points. Expect that the Russians will be furious by that time and will be throwing to you everything at their disposal including the proverbial kitchen sink. Good luck and remember to leave no stone unturned. " Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9z2aTq5oxcqR3pnc3FMYTVJOEk/view?usp=sharing UPDATE: I have updated the version to (v3) Please use the link above to download again. Sorry for the incovenience.
  2. Russian Recon squad (with NVG) stationary. US infantry squad advancing towards the Russians at move pace (closing 50m at each turn ). Cover arcs set at 50m to prevent opening fire.
  3. Sure, but is it accurate that NVG suffers so much degradation from mist and fog? I wonder how an NVG equiped unit would do against one without NVG during night under same conditions.
  4. Testing a scenario I am working on I realised that the weather condition has a huge effect on night vision. For the moment I have tested only night/clear vs night/mist On open terrain a US squad is advancing towards a stationery Russian recon squad (to have NVG) Night / Clear: US squad sees the enemy at 550m. The russians at around 350m Night / Mist: US squad sees the enemy at 550m. The Russians at 50-60 meters (!?) Update: With fog is even worse for Russians. US spots as usual at 0,5 km distance. Russians at 40m!
  5. I am playtesting a scenario of mine which I hope to release soon and noticed that my Raven, 40 mins down the battle, has difficulty in identifying enemy vehicles. The scenario takes place in during a misty night. I though UAVs have IR and night vision, no?
  6. OK! I will jump into this thread and ask: (a) Is there an UNDO button in the editor? It is especially handy with mistakes due to the thickness of the map paintbruss (b) On the foliage menu, for each type of tree one has three options: Single-dense-very dense. But there is a fouth one depicting a single tree on a grid overlay. WHAT IS THIS?
  7. Are exit objectives "open for exit" all the time? Is it possible to make them active after certain time has lasped in a scenario?
  8. and a second: https://youtu.be/6FBqcVy8bL8 PS: I dont know why I get preview to one and only the URL to the other
  9. It was really enjoyable. Great map. And although it seemed easy there were some twists due to some well place red units. The only thing I would do slightly different, is to give close range ambush orders to far red units in order not to reveal themselves too early and become targets for the F15s Here are two videos from the same round
  10. Why some QB maps which look and are (or not?) identical have multiple versions (eg Attack-Probe-Assault) ?
  11. Here is the third and final part: Unfortunately, It misses the last 2-3 minutes due to corruption of the movie file. Basically what you miss is my infantry getting out of hidding positions and killing enemy remnants.
  12. I will abuse my luck of having two expert scenario designers on this thread and pose a second question: Do we know what triggers an AI surrender? Is it a specific percentage of condition, of casualties or other? I am asking because in most scenarios the AI surrenders to me when I am about to enter into that phase where I need to clear buildings and compounds from the last surviving enemies. And although one might have already won tactically, this is a phase in which one has still to be careful to avoid infantry casualties; more to that, it is the only phase where it make sense to me to really deploy infantry.
  13. To all scenario designers: Let's say there is a mechanised platoon and I wish to assign the vehicles of the platoon as a separate AI group (separate from the infantry squads). Is it, nevertheless, possible to start with the squads mounted on the AFVs, order the latter to dismount at some point, and only then assign separate orders to the infantry AI group? Or do I have to start everything dismounted the setup phase? Thank you
  14. It plays nice at RT. You need to be agile playing hide and seek. For example, when spotted by the BTRs and receive fire I immediately exit the building quicky or relocate floors because otherwise their MGs will tear me to pieces. You want to invite the enemy to get closer
  15. Thanks for the feeback. The reason I am have not uploaded the rest is that the project file has been corrupted and I need to do it all over again. Actualy I do not think there is much to say. Except only where and why I have ordered an artilllery mission which bocomes also obvious if one follows the movie. The initial set up, the one chosen at the planning phase worked and resulted in a surrender at some point. The rest, is interesting but only as a tactical handing of the situation.
  16. (1) it is a good idea. But I do not know how to do it :-) This is my fist try of scenario making and to be honest, my goal was to learn programming the AI to maneuver decently. (2) Try blue yourself now. I got a very easy win as blue with the last version (the one additional .50 makes a huge difference imho)
  17. I just added a 2nd .50 caliber Humvee and moved the arrival of the Helos at 15mins. I playtested it and it was a cakewalk even without the Helos, provided that you deploy the Humvees wisely an, as you say, wait for them to get close. You can use the same download link; it now has the new version https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9z2aTq5oxcqbEZHVWRJc3c1SHc/view?usp=sharing
  18. Hmmm. Thanks for the feedback. I will consider some tweaks based on that
  19. I did some optimisations to the timing of the AI Plan and minor tweaks in the composion of the Russians for balancing purposes. The link is the same as above. Just redownload and overwrite
  20. This is my first attempt to create a small senario on an existing QB map (with small touches). I am inviting whoever is interested to playtest the battle and provide feeback. You can be harsh - no problem. As it is my first effort, I expect it will far from perfect. The brief is as follows: An LRS platoon with two sniper teams, a MMG team and Humvee with a heavy MG, escorts a high value double spy back for debrief. The unit is stationed in a small village behind lines waiting for extraction when they are told that sections of a Russian Motor Rifle Battalion will be upon them in the next few minutes presumably intending to strike a double blow: Kill the spy and exterminate an elite US unit. The only AT assets available are some launchers in the Humvees. Use them wisely. The best the HQ can do to help is to send 2 Apaches estimated to be available after 30 minute. Try not to loose more than 40% of the LRS platoon and keep the spy alive. Notes: 1) The spy is represented by the UKR Air Controller 2) To be played as Blue vs AI only https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9z2aTq5oxcqbEZHVWRJc3c1SHc/view?usp=sharing
  21. Here is the second (only action) part of the battle. A third (and final) one will come as soon as I find time to edit it.
  22. You are welcome. I will upload also the action phases of the gameplay, as I realize that my micro-management during the orders phase might bore to death all but the most addicted amongst this community.
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