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Posts posted by RockinHarry

  1. Not a bug but rather big inaccuracy. German ammo for rifle cup launcher is still far too low. Standard was at least 15 grenades per soldier (5xHEAT, 10xHE) and ATM it´s always just a third of it at max. BFC If for some reason you want them that largely reduced, better do via "supply" tab like other ammo and not by default. Thanks.

  2. On 11/24/2022 at 2:34 AM, NPye said:

    Just texterised the IS II late, looks very well used..


    Very cool mate! 😎

    1 hour ago, NPye said:

    Just had a look at the New BP, have to say the maps are really well put together and look awesome, especially with the mods added...

    Great, finally! Well worth an investion. Quality stuff and I´d have paid even more for it. 😎 Btw...If you come to some infantry playing on your Berlin map, please have a look at infantry behaviors, whether you notice something different compared to V2.11 CMRT.

  3. 1 hour ago, JM Stuff said:

    Well, let's say that I quibble, and discover and especially compare with the version that likes mdr s.😎

    To tell the truth, I don't really understand about these Metas 💣 of which you are the lord of this discovery, with Lucky,😇 but after my mods, I will look a little more at the remarks quoted above with Lucky and Nigel on the Battle of Berlin thread, 😝 just to go to bed and not feel too stupid...just a joke, I want to go more further in this 3d wonder but also created myself scripts, 😁I might be perhaps, the new founder of the import export mdrs files in the latest version of blender...let me dream.



    Lord of advanced guesswork maybe. lol 😅

    Yep, if one has time and patience Blender will be a great App, not just for CM modding. You can mod lots of other games with it as well. And a thousand other things....

    Well, good luck on learning Python then. 😎 Who knows.... 😁

  4. Took me a bits of longer to test and pack this one up. I name it Version 0.9 since it´s not completed yet, at least what german halftracks concerns. I´ll add these at later time, but Infantry stance changes seem complete now, unless I get some error reports or something. Halftracks are same as in previous upload and just complete set of infantry animation files are added in this version.

    Note: This was tested and made for !CMRT! (v2.12) but would likely work in CMFB and BN as well. Haven´t tested yet but you could try. In case you´ve installed my previous infantry animation mod (Re-Animate), then load the Halftrack one AFTER it in your data/z mod folder. They do work together and overlap in large parts, but the Halftrack changes should supersede to make it work as intended.

    Feedback, reports on issues and f*ck ups (on my part) highly welcome. Thanks! 😎

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ndvbc3v1907e62/RHZ SdKfz250-251 Ani Mod V0dot9.zip?dl=0


  5. 19 hours ago, JM Stuff said:

    Yeah Harry I was trying to make me update with blender and learn a very different ui as the 2.79 it's time.

    If only I start to work in the correct mode thanks Lucky 😆.

    Happy that we have the command Append, the procedure take a little time but is a must if we want to export our famous mdr.

    Thanks to your help.


    so you´re now on Blender 3.3 most the time? And yep, wished we´d looked for that little Meta transfer script earlier. It was available for long time already. But oh well. Manually adding 70+ Meta data entries was no fun in any case. 😅

  6. 3 hours ago, TheFriendlyFelon said:

    EXACTLY!!!!!! Thats what I was thinking too. Realistically, the Ukrainian player would need to destroy sections of the actual runway to make it match with the real life events, but since it's not possible to do that in any quantifiable way, I settled with the next best thing; destroying key buildings around the airport like the radio tower/radio tower hardware in the building at the base, the control tower, two "signals" buildings with attached solar panels for powering the emergency runway lighting, and the electrical substation on the airport grounds. Thanks for doing the testing and contributing to the project. I appreciate it!

    Sounds all good to me and should put the UKR player into the picture sufficiently if beeing addressed in mission briefing. For "flavor" one "could" possibly put an "invisible" light building (a small wooden barn i.e) on the runway. This then gets blasted away when plastering it with a heavy HE type barrage and thus counted for mission goal. You can mark action spots as terrain objective (TO) as usual, even if the building can´t be seen onmap. Might confuse the player maybe, but... surprise..surprise. 😁 For additional "difficulty" mark the TO´s as being of the "known to none" types.

    Btw. I´ve tried experimenting with some heavy type "ammo dump"
    (either weapons type or some disembarked truck from mortar Coy i.e) beeing placed into a building for easier blowing up when a breach team does the "blast" command on it. But ammo dumps are beeing silently removed at games start in my current CMRT. 🤨 And that at "Iron" game play mode. Could you check if it´s beeing same issue in CMBS? I noticed this issue in CMFB and RT, but not in CMBN. Strange.

    For easier building destruction one can also add some destruction levels in CM 3D editor (CNTRL click on the facades or SHIFT+ALT click on the roof). Then maybe just the breach team method can get to work as well (not just blowing out walls and leave the building standing).

  7. 4 hours ago, Bubba883XL said:

    are these via use of the mod tag system???

    partly, though not all. I´ve them in my CMRT data/z folder though not in use ATM (due to CMRT V2.12 testing things)

    Think some is @kohlenklau and the other...IDK. Can´t remember where I´d downloaded from and I tend to rename as well as remove unneeded things like text files and such. So it´s not original zips.


    both files here in my DB if it just concerns jager feldmutze and caps.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/23g0d2g0u5vhx3i/All the German peaked caps to M43 Feldmutze.zip?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9rcf31fd2gcmks/zzM43 cap.zip?dl=0

  8. 9 hours ago, NPye said:

    Cheers bud... and with family connections... did they tell u much about it?

    unfortunately not. This topic got bits of suppressed in my family and once I was old enough to ask my grandpa the right questions, he died of cancer (in mid 1980ies). He was a "Gefreiter" old age reservist in 96th ID and then heavily wounded, recuperating in Breslau. My mom and uncles where too young in 1945 so their memory is not quite that good and they have neither interest nor knowledge on military things, that would interest me the most. My mom said they´re taken and escaped in/on a "tank". I´d rather assume it was a halftrack or similar, but they don´t know the difference. Don´t have this info, but I think their flight happened sometime in Januar 1945, just before russkies cut off escape paths from Breslau.

  9. 44 minutes ago, NPye said:

    Just had a look on Google maps...another beautiful european city...I see it was devastated in the war????

    yup. Here´s some taste of it. Sort of Stalingrad since it was a surrounded "fortress" that held out til end of the war (for ~3 months): https://www.google.com/search?q=breslau+1945&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiZ2-bVi8T7AhWhwwIHHThTCUAQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=breslau&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgBMgQIABBDMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEUABYAGCeE2gAcAB4AIABL4gBL5IBATGYAQCqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=dvV9Y5nIJ6GHi-gPuKalgAQ&bih=708&biw=1440&client=firefox-b-d

    I´ve also a special interest in it since half my family originated and then fled from it bevor it became a cauldron in february 1945.

  10. 3 hours ago, NPye said:

    AAGGHHH PC Wankers always get special treatment...lol :( 

    lol 😆 ... no idea what problems they have with Mac version but oh well...

    3 hours ago, NPye said:


    Non Functional with taller ground floor...


    Functional, windows added on editor...

    looking great! 😎 Once you´re done with v2 and published I might use it all for some Breslau related battle as well. 🙃 Just finished reading Niehoff´s book on it. Lots of good details and quite inspirational when it comes for some unique CM mission design and map features. But that´s still far off ATM.

  11. 1 hour ago, Lucky_Strike said:
    3 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

    Is there enough performance left for running a sophisticated AI? What would be a computer´s minimum requirements?

    Hehe 🤣 I got at least three cores that sit idle whenever I play CM, not to mention a graphics card that laughs at me when I pan around and complain about crap frame rates.

    Can´t add to that Mark. 😅 Off course. But I´m speaking of a full game package UE 5.1, all inclusive. However...

    UE 5.1 features look very interesting https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/unreal-engine-5-1-is-now-available

    at least when it comes to basic hard- and software specs I feel prepared https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.1/en-US/hardware-and-software-specifications-for-unreal-engine/

  12. 2 hours ago, SlowMotion said:

    I have no idea if Battlefront has any plans to change their graphics rendering in the future, but this video is still worth a look.
    Many examples shown here look amazingly realistic. Also some examples show pretty big maps, like one with 100 000 trees and the view could still be scrolled in real time.


    would surely be cool seeing a CM game in that quality. 😎 But then comes you need likewise quality on vehicles and other game objects as well. Is terrain deformable? Can slit trenches and foxholes get worked on it? How´s about path finding dynamic game objects (vehicles, soldiers...)? Is there enough performance left for running a sophisticated AI? What would be a computer´s minimum requirements? Licensing fees?

  13. 45 minutes ago, Artkin said:

    Individual soldier spacing seems mostly fine to me except in houses where it's atrocious. 5 men per window. I can't see that happening in real life on a consistent basis even with conscripts. 

    Did you test compare CMRT V2.12 with previous version? Or with latest version CMBN and CMFB?

    Yep, the overcrowded building issue. Some better TacAI decision making and fixing circular TA is required. I workaround this by assigning this circular TA then followed by "hunt" command on the spot. Then individual pixeltroopers distribute themselves at available windows somewhat better. But as soon as the shooting starts it all gets FUBAR again.

  14. 4 hours ago, Falaise said:

    I will test this mod.
      I already use the lowered reload mod for cmNormandie which seems useful in hurdles.
    Whatever happens I find it aesthetically better than vanilla
    it always seems strange to me to see the heads protruding under fire and the shooter standing behind his shield while there are incoming shots is disturbing
    in the unbuttoned position it seems more realistic to me too, it seems to me that the bren carrier is already using this original position
    you should ask @Drifter Man to rate your mod this guy did a great job!!!
    For the aesthetics I also use the mod de @Frenchy56 shooter mg 42 34 with the hand on the butt there is a small defect sometimes with the flame which appears higher but honestly in games you do not notice it

    Bonjour mon ami! Thanks for taking the time! 😎 In fact I haven´t looked at CW forces in CMBN yet. Same for other infantry carriers or IFV of other nations forces. Might have a look at them once finished with germans.

    Re Bren carrier could likely be that it´s affected by my infantry animation mod (Re-Animate) already. Considering animation/pose files are reused for all nations forces in a CM game. At least for vast majority of them. That if I understand you correctly. I.e Kar98 ani file is not just used for K98k guys, but also for other bolt action types like SMLE or Mosin Nagant etc.

    Yes, @Frenchy56 did a great discovery there! 😎 Have it in use as well. Might include an adapted version in my next full set of animation file swaps. If he doesn´t mind off course.

    4 hours ago, Falaise said:

    I actually carried out the first tests, on a slope the shooter's head enters the machine gun 😀
    on the other hand, I am not in a kneeling position in the vehicle, maybe it is not in the test mod ?

    the low position of the passengers in the vehicle is perfect

    works on cm normandy!!!

    Yep, that´s what I´d shown in pics further above. Default position is ok, but larger angles do the mesh intersections which can´t be avoided. Beside visual it shouldn´t have ill effects though.

    Kneeling files weren´t included in last dropbox download yet. Just the changed MG gunner one. Remaining files are still under test, but will likely upload these later today. What you can do is loading the Re-Animate file set, then followed by the 250/251 set (load order in z folder). This should work basically. That for bits of testing. For new file set I changed and added a couple of things so Re-Animate will be obsolete then. This then will work better for open topped vehicles as well. (some the unarmed idle kneel poses are shared by both, normal infantry and OT vehicle crews i.e)

    thanks again mate! 😎 In case you notice any bad effects like i.e higher passenger vulnerability in certain cases, then let me know ASAP. I can´t see a vehicles hit- or bounding boxes in Blender, but at least made sure all passengers remain within protective vehicle geometry. That from best of my judgement.

    Yes...files should work well in all WW2 titles. At least the infantry poses. For vehicles I got to make sure to only mod latest versions in specific titles, which currently are CMBN, CMFB and CMRT. Can´t test in CMFI since I don´t own this one. Cheers 🥂

  15. 19 minutes ago, Artkin said:


    The staggering is not a solution since it significantly increases the time to move that distance, and it also significantly increases the fatigue over that distance. Infantry will tire themselves out at an exorbitant rate when ordered to move within an action square (I.e. the shuffling infantry do at the end of a waypoint). 

    Not sure if I´d described well here. Maybe spacing and move off between individual soldiers within a squad/team describes it better maybe. However... just did some testing with my 251 test mod mission and noticed something interesting. Maybe it´s my wishful thinking or I´d just observed an improved soldier spacing and coordination in CMRT V2.12 Can anybody check on this as well? 🤔

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