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Thin Red Line

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Posts posted by Thin Red Line

  1. Originally posted by SenorBeef:

    My guess is that signally for a cease fire publically signals weakness. If both you and your opponent are out of steam, and aren't really sure how much force each other has left.. and you signal for a cease fire, the enemy might feel confident enough to destroy you. Whereas if you both (secretly) request one, it'd go through.

    I got your point but for me the cease-fire is not useful only when you loose.

    I is also an alternative for victory ; if you feel your opponent has suffered enough and don't want to turn the encounter into a slugfest ( for the reason i mentionned), you may offer him a break. If he takes it as a sign of weakness and refuses the cease-fire, he will still loose the game.

    What happen beyond the cease-fire (evacuation of the place by the defeated side, fight starting again, etc) is out of the scope of the CM battles.

    I'm mainly talking about casual H2H games, i never play the AI, and not for tournaments or ladders where the level of victory is more crucial.

  2. I never figured out why in CMBO, and i guess it is the same in CMBB (but i didn't receive the game yet some plese tell me if i'm wrong), why is tthe cease-fire request kept secret ?

    In RL, if you want a cease-fire, i imagine you send a deleguation with a white flag toward the ennemy lines and negociations start. So why is it different in CM ? Why isn't the other side informed ? Is there any particular reason for that?

    I've asked many cease-fires in-game, when i was loosing but sometimes also when i was winning hands down to allow an honorable exit to my ennemy (and the carnage of last turns are rather boring...) with no success.

    The fact that it is kept secret plays a role here i think if the request was known by the ennemy it would be more common. And more realistic.

  3. Interesting discussion.

    Originally posted by TSword:

    The SS used the 20 mm whenever possible because it was a terror weapon against Infantry (The incendiary rounds setting on fire the men in the vicinity of the exploding round).

    Who needs the blast value ?. Does anybody think the 20mm killed by blast value ?? Come on....

    I never observed the effect of real 20mm, so can you please elaborate because i'm confused ?

    Moreover the rarity factors for it in 1943 are extremely low around 20-40% IIRC and extremely cheap 40 or 60 points...

    Best solution would have been to leave it out or at least impose severe rarity penalties.

    This is not clear for me. Do you mean that even with a rarity factor the weapon is still too cheap in CMBB ?



  4. Originally posted by Mies:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Sorry for being OT on this, but if Europeans are truly concerned about not promoting racism, they should be more concerned on how they treat minorities and immigrants in their country and not whether some games have Waffen-SS troops in it. Seems moronic to worry about games and not about discrimination of newcomers by their own people or by unethical politicians who exploit those attitudes.

    European governments seem awfully quick to jump at human rights abuses in other countries while turning a blind eye to their own abuses

    I have to say that I don't know where this is comming from but I would say Western Europe is doing a good a job as possible in helping refugees and immigrants and trying to integrate them into Multicultural Society's. Saying otherwise means not knowing what one's talking about.

    To compair games with a big problem like immigration seems to me like comparing apples and pears. :(


  5. Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

    CMBO control was superior, and I never 'had to get used to it', it just worked right off the bat.

    Not for me. I've always wondered why, in a 2D dimension, i was allowed to go forward and backwards but not left or right with the mouse.

    I find CMBB system more intuitive, and it allows us the previous rotating movement at the same time. I don't see the problem, but I must admit i never use a backward rotation.

    PS. I'm not Chad Harrisson

  6. Originally posted by scorpius1001:

    Will CMBB snipers have a longer life due to shoot n scoot?

    In CMBO, if used correctly, snipers don't die.

    They sneak, shoot, run out of LOS, and again.

    They (sometimes) run out of ammo and exit the map.

    I saw elite snipers hidden and unspotted 30m aways from hords of ennemies.

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