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Thin Red Line

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Posts posted by Thin Red Line

  1. Rune,

    Thank for your reply.

    Until now, in cmbb like in cmbo, i've reviewed every scenario i've played. Sometimes i've given feedback directly to the author, commenting of sending a remarkable turn. I think when an author spends several hours on his free time to work on scenarios, the least you can do is to take a few minutes to review it.

    The problem maybe the notation system on the Depot, some criterias like replayabilty or balance are not easily understood or necessary. I'd prefer just to put a single mark over 5 (like the Woofs of Big Dog) + a comment.

    I always play the scenarios in PBEM.

    SPOILERS ALERT ! ( Desperate Measures and Danube Blues )








    As i said, i really enjoyed playing Desperates Measures as the germans in PBEM. We must be at turn 27 or something, and my Panzers seem to have crushed every remaining opposition near the fords.

    I've be astonished by the performance of the Panthers, they killed 7 russian tanks with 1 loss only (the one manned by a green crew). 100mm and 85mm shells have bounced on them like ping-pong balls. One last T34 was killed by shrecks. I was wondering what was the experience of other players in that scenario regarding armor, and if the superiority of the Mark V in my game was just due to luck.

    And i rememeber was amazed by the quality of the T34/85 in Danube Blues (vs Tigers and AGs), but then the terrain was different.

    After that I've advanced my tanks toward the banks together with my infantry, exactly on the same line, instead of keeping them back, the combined arm effect was devastating on the entrenched banks defenders. The Panthers were popping HE grenades (N...waffe i can't remember the name) at an incredible pace, i've never witnessed the use of this weapon in an offensive role like that before.

    My honorable opponent, a good player, recognized he couldn't remember having been spanked like that in cm before. We haven't discussed the balance yet because the game isn't completely finished, but if other feedbacks you have received are on the same trend, i think this scenario could be slightly easier for the jerries.

    Understand me, there is nothing wrong with it, it is just a remark.

    Well, Rune, thanks you for this very pleasant scenario and the great time we had playing it!



  2. I don't understand there is only one review on the Scenario Depot and nobody seems eager to comment on this one... It is a cd scenario. I must be missing something. According to me it is very interesting late-war scenario and the action is taking place at night. So it offers a great challenge for both sides.

    I still don't know if it was originally intended to be played vs human of vs AI.

  3. I'm currently playing it in PBEM as the Germans.

    I'm quite impressed by the excellent performance of my force and i wonder what you think about this scenario.

    Did you play it against human ? What was the outcome ? What are your impressions ?

    To make it clear i really enjoyed this scenario, but i would like to have more opinions.


  4. Originally posted by Tigrii:

    Mine is seeing temporarily burning water when an Apulomet attacked an assualt boat.

    What's fun with that ? :confused: A Molotov throwed in water will keep burning on the surface during a short period time... Try yourself at home in your bathtube.

    [ November 20, 2002, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]

  5. Battelfront,

    Please forward me my Functions Flawlessly Group membership Card. ;)

    Not earlier than this morning, in a PBEM turn i've seen a regular infantry squad under 88mm gun fire cancelling its open ground move orders and intelligently sneaking to the closest building.

    I've won games against human opponents with green infantry succesfully assaulting entrenched ennemy at night, with appropriate support and covering fire, without panicking at all.

    If sometimes my infantry is caught under heavy fire and reacts erratically in terror, i usually blame myself, not the game.

    I like CMBB's infantry modelling. More realistic, more enjoyable.

  6. Schroener,

    I carefully read that thread before answering it.

    Especially the following :

    I want the intelligent good old CMBO move command back: the units were intelligent enough, to start running on their own while moving.
    Of course I didn't want to upset you, i'm sorry if i did, i was just giving my point of view about infantry behaviour under fire, which is, IMHO, fairly modelled by CMBB, because i think that under fire, sneaking gives a higher (but maybe false) safety feeling than running.

    But of course i maybe totally wrong (i've never been into a true battle after all), it was a suggestion, and maybe the infantry reaction is completly flawed in the game.

    I also agree that infantry shouldn't leave cover when shot at, and i'm confident it will be tweaked by the patch.

    Doodlebug, i think the 'collapse forward' behaviour is sometimes realistic too, but i've observed it in cmbb already, if i remember well.



  7. I've read several accounts of East Front mentioning the use by the Germans of a ATG of 10cm caliber. I think it was the K18, and was able to take out heavy tanks in early war. It is not in the game.

    Was this type of gun very rare ? Or is there another reason why it isn't modelled ?

    Best regards,


  8. I only have finished 3 of them in PBEM

    Directive Number 3

    Danubes Blues

    Borisovska Station

    I can recommend all of them, each time the atmsophere is very unique, maps are nice.

    Directive Number 3 is very challenging for the Allies, the other 2 give a fair chance to both sides.

    I'm also currently playing

    Defense of Verkhne-Golubaya

    Despereate measures

    And i have a tremendous fun playing them in PBEM too, the 1st as the Axis defender, the other as the Axis attacker.

    Maps are somehow similar in those two. But they are 1st choice scenarios.

    [ November 18, 2002, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]







    Originally posted by anton:

    My tigers are standing and shot first, but they didn't hit there target in a range from about 400 meters.the moving russian tanks hits my tigers at there first strike.(I think, that can't be.)

    all advantages(more and better amor,better guns,better optical measurement,targeting while standing)are only on the side of the german tanks.


    I'm finishing this game in PBEM we have observed exactly the same phenomenom.

    The Tigers always miss their first shoot when the Russian hit very often with theirs.

    In our case the range was around 200m.

    It repeated 3 or 4 for times during the game.

    See this thread, the original poster is talking about Danube Blues and is my opponent in the game.


    Very strange !

    Good scenario BTW.

    [ November 14, 2002, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]

  10. Borisovska Station SPOILER












    I'm currently finishing this good little it as German in PBEM.

    My opponent choose to attack from the left end of the village (my left wing, seen from the german point of view). It is apparently a clever tactical choice for human opponents from what i read above.

    Unfortunately all my set-up was prepared for a frontal assaut...

    So my defense was taken 'in enfilade' from the start.

    The Luftwaffe did quite a good job destroying 3 russian tanks, immobilizing a couple others.

    Then, one by one, the flags fell because i tried to reorganize my assets to face the danger but i couldn't move my squads without them being immediately slaughtered by the heavy assault guns overwatching the slow progress of soviet infantry that was coming from left and behind my lines.

    2 of my ATGs killed 1 tank each in a suicidal unhide.

    Another 88 turned 180 degrees and took out 2 T34 in the field behind the main street. (i think this one will deprive the Ruskis to reach the station itself and the big flag because it cannot be targeted, they don't have the good angle).

    The russians have captured first the small wood patch, the factory, and are approaching the Church. We are in the + turns and it could end anytime.

    I didn't give many orders in the all game, just cancelling covered arcs when i wanted my ATG to enter action and unhide some infantry, only to see them immedialtly suppressed and killed.

    Because all action from german troops was suicidal for them. (even a section HQ who tried to sneak acrooss the road at the other end of the map).

    Opening fire meant be immediately targeted by half a dozen guns including 122mm !

    Lately, an attack from a russian dive bomber destroyed many houses with 1 bomb, taking out one of my 75.

    I find the scenario fun and entertaining, but maybe slighly frustrating for the german player if he likes to plot many orders. I don't really mind so that is not a problem for me.

    But i guess it also depends from the tactic choosen by the attacker, in my case it was a massed map edge careful approach.

    And i still don't know who will win ! ( most probably a allied minor). So it is interesting until the end. Thanks for that one ! (i didn't play the others yet)

    [ November 14, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]

  11. Andreas,

    As long as scenarios depict historical (or semi-historical) situations, i don't mind if they are balanced or not. As long as you don't say that even if i'm totally crap at CM i'm going to win this scenario, even against the AI, i think it is worth a try in multiplayer.

    Maybe if it is designed for SP the less experienced player should take the AI side (generally defender) but even that can be discussed.

    Anyway, thank you and all the other authors for the outstanding work, good scenarios are what makes CM so enjoyable.

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