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Thin Red Line

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Posts posted by Thin Red Line

  1. Originally posted by Panzer76:

    Did you *look* at the pic? This *is* the bug!

    WHENEVER you are hull down, the upper hull can be hit, no matter *how* "hull down" you are.

    This is the most hull down you can be before you dont have a LOS!

    It's a graphical representation of reality. Do you think the actual terrain is perfectly flat and green with grey squares drawn on it ?

    Plese retry with more shots and a different position before to call it a bug.

  2. ***SPOILER***


    The same happened to me ; i was playing the german, i chose the same (excellent) stactic as you but those unrealistic russian reinforcement location spoiled my game.

    My opponent was angry of this (lost all his reinforcement) and we simply stopped the game.

    I wrote to the author, i suggest you do the same because it's a shame such a great scenario is unplayable just because of this reinforcement location flaw.

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