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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Right, now that CM:BB release date discussions are, er, well yer know... Well no one said that you couldn't guess a date about when to discuss the real release date and I believe it is somewhere in the future. And not so far that I will miss it and not so near that this thread will not be locked which means that the date to discuss the CM:BB release date is probably now. ... or tomorrow. Looking forward to the secret things. Anticipate the inclusion of motorcycles and equine animals with great interest. Yeknod [ July 05, 2002, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  2. I had a word with the sheep, and we all feel that this is something that could not only make you go blind and make you grow hairs on the palms of your hands, but also result in arrest and imprisonment. Mace</font>
  3. Of course, those with a sharp eye for detail will have instantly noticed that one leg of the spaniel is longer than the others. This is entirely reasonable because the beast has a pronounced limp and, if not carefully guided, has a tendency to walk around in circles. This, of course, is a good thing though I have to note my disappointment that it didn't take to thistles, despite me efforts. Nevertheless, I was impressed and have certain tender affections for the animal and feel honoured that OGSF, swift and shiny boot, should make this introduction. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  4. No, its a wee spaniel in training to play Joe Shaw. Yer see, yer grip the little begger (the spaniel, not Joe... one wouldn't want to blow into Joe in case it blowed back)... just want to make that clear. Anyway, yer grip the wee, feisty spaniel and turn it upside down. Now, by selecting various combinations of legs yer can program yer initial setup options and yer opponent's moves. Now this is the interesting bit. There is a delay. Quite a long delay. Sometimes weeks. And then, all of a sudden, the spaniel starts to thrash around and snarl and then raise paws to semaphore turns. Ruddy amazin to watch!. Now the spaniel, see, doesn't understand "turns". So it's signalling is a constant flow of paws, snarls and the odd slap of a docked tail on the stomarch for special instructions. Now, the beast is so CM:BO-focused it doesn't know how to stop. So OGSF introduced a quick peck on the nostril to distract the beast - I think it meant "intruder" or "handsome German shepherd dog" or something. Anyway, by varying the pressure and length of blast other commands can be given - bit like yer delay commands but more complicated. And it makes a nice tune. The spaniel, I understand, is being beta-tested with Joe. OGSF, swift and shiney boot, discussed the suitability of candidates at some length and at the time there was a certain dearth of SSNs. Now the spaniel is a bit "stressed", a bit of prima donna and is obviously an artist so, on first outing, an opponent of failing abilities was deemed suitable so as to build up confidence without being taxed too much. Joe was a bit borderline, but we managed to to program the spaniel with a -25 disadvantage to make things fair and give the beast a modest workout. This will be changed upwards for future opponents. I think we all may need to give Joe as much encouragement and support during these trials... the Justicar losing to a prototype spaniel on minimum settings would be er, well... disasterous. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  5. Uhhh... Papadom and Joe... sort of like the two old muppets.... bwabwabwabwabwabwabwa Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  6. Um, Michael, have you ever thought that keeping these things in your living room might be why you're single? -dale</font>
  7. Poke 'im again. Yeknod o' tha Thistle [ June 23, 2002, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  8. No, no, no. That is not the question. The question is do we want YOU to be the gatekeeper? Convince us</font>
  9. Yeah but we all know Yeknod is full of hot air so it would be an easy task for him. HEE HAWWWWWW deep breath.... HEE HAWWWWWW blows out... Voila... one inflated Berli </font>
  10. Yeah but we all know Yeknod is full of hot air so it would be an easy task for him. HEE HAWWWWWW deep breath.... HEE HAWWWWWW blows out... Voila... one inflated Berli </font>
  11. *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* Give me breasts, breasts damn it... *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  12. *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* Give me breasts, breasts damn it... *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  13. [And as another day ends and the rain tries to fall in useful ways strange noises can be heard from the paddock... strange pumping noises...] *squimp* *squimp* *squimp *squimp* ....psssssssssssssssssssssssssh Bother. *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* Comon yer little begger I want yer big 'n' firm *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* .... ahhhh... *squimp*.... and one more for Mondays... *squimp* Lets have a look at yer *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* Hmmmm, chest hair... *squeak* *squeak*... posture *squeak*... needs a little *squeak* *squeak*... *squeak* *squeak*.... ooohhhh, *honk* ohhhhh, bwabwabwabwabwabwabwa *honk* *honk* eeeyoooooore.... Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  14. [And as another day ends and the rain tries to fall in useful ways strange noises can be heard from the paddock... strange pumping noises...] *squimp* *squimp* *squimp *squimp* ....psssssssssssssssssssssssssh Bother. *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* Comon yer little begger I want yer big 'n' firm *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* *squimp* .... ahhhh... *squimp*.... and one more for Mondays... *squimp* Lets have a look at yer *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* Hmmmm, chest hair... *squeak* *squeak*... posture *squeak*... needs a little *squeak* *squeak*... *squeak* *squeak*.... ooohhhh, *honk* ohhhhh, bwabwabwabwabwabwabwa *honk* *honk* eeeyoooooore.... Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  15. You may look forward to so many Mondays that you will forget what the other days are like. AussieJeff! Take down the name Yeknod Now, strike a line through it</font>
  16. You may look forward to so many Mondays that you will forget what the other days are like. AussieJeff! Take down the name Yeknod Now, strike a line through it</font>
  17. You may look forward to so many Mondays that you will forget what the other days are like. AussieJeff! Take down the name Yeknod Now, strike a line through it</font>
  18. You may look forward to so many Mondays that you will forget what the other days are like. AussieJeff! Take down the name Yeknod Now, strike a line through it</font>
  19. A gathering of the clan OGSF has taken place, me little disco-bopping Berli glitterball, lip-gloss diva. Me Liege is well and despite a series of running battles with the proprietor of a rather fine and palatial Bed and Breakfast establishment, Stalag Worplesdon, he's gaily running amok the length and breadth of this land laying siege to castles and engaging the natives in light banter... I offered me translation services but this was declined on the grounds that after so much frustration the savage clubbing of local inhabitants is a good way to relax on holiday. Full report to follow Yeknod o' tha Thistle [ June 04, 2002, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  20. A gathering of the clan OGSF has taken place, me little disco-bopping Berli glitterball, lip-gloss diva. Me Liege is well and despite a series of running battles with the proprietor of a rather fine and palatial Bed and Breakfast establishment, Stalag Worplesdon, he's gaily running amok the length and breadth of this land laying siege to castles and engaging the natives in light banter... I offered me translation services but this was declined on the grounds that after so much frustration the savage clubbing of local inhabitants is a good way to relax on holiday. Full report to follow Yeknod o' tha Thistle [ June 04, 2002, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  21. Well done, Missus Matt (primary birthing unit) and Mister Matt (secondary birthing unit)!! Two more lil' Croda's to bolster the BTS Army in coming months, eh?? I like the choice of Brian, especially since they named a world famous moofie after 'im! May both you and your newly extended family have good luck and good fortune in the coming years. God knows I need it!!! [For Matt's eyes only - PSST: Oi!! Take whatever time you need to owe me turn #68 of Kent Manor. If I get it within the next 6 months, I'll count that as a bonus!!..] "Coochie, coochie-coo...." AJ</font>
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