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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. [... comparing a small pile of 2 sprouts against the rather larger ship container of 98 sprouts...]
  2. [... meanwhile, its a very special Arabian Day in the Paddock and in the rather near distance from across the mystical dunes swaggers what appears to be a grey camel with an interesting hump.. and as it prances, hooves flashing in every direction, upon its hump is perched a little rubber rider bouncing to the camel stroll...] Well, Mr G, is isn't this just sandy fun? What more can be better than pointing (hooves flashing) ones toes in every direction for any old Ottoman or Dutchman to catch a fancy?
  3. [capering around the Paddock making lots of hoof imprints in the frosty mud... and spitting like a camel]
  4. If I stand in the right position and squeeze things in a certain way I can make two donkeytoes
  5. ... and whenever I read Leviafarce my serotonin level plummets by not an insubstantial amount. It's a real roller-coaster ride with the Dutch.
  6. Every time I read "Springelkamp" my serotonin level increases by exactly 1
  7. ... not really a list with just Michael on it... unless Michael was the recipient of multiple Shavian seasonal greetings...
  8. [drawing heavily on a freshly milled and rolled Super Sprout joint]
  9. Oh... I'd taken you as the shaving sort... better note that down for future reference...
  10. Yes, Leviafarce is certainly one to keep around and is very suitable for any red light district but I do insist we share... what is permissiveness without sharing?
  11. Oh dear, I Michael seems to have the wrong sort of dyke.. not that there is anything wrong with dams and suchlike
  12. [thumbing through the Paddock's copy of Chaucer's abridged greatest hits for some good old Anglo Saxon sauciness...]
  13. Relax don't do it When you want to go to it Relax don't do it When you want to.... Gnome
  14. [puffing on a herbal thistle spliff] ... and I suppose if one must live on land below sea level I would want to relax too...
  15. [... meanwhile, its Clog and Edam Cheese Day in the Paddock...]
  16. [meanwhile, its Brokeback Paddock day and in the hastily erected tent where there is just enough room for a ton of prime donkey and small rubber gnome, there is a brief, intense bout of capering] Well, Mr G, isn't this cosy? One must always watch your tent poles in confined spaces... now [peeking through the the small crack of the opening...] .. I wonder if a Justacowboy is going to come through our flaps?
  17. Marvelous... singing pebbles... I don't think it can get much better...
  18. Rural Merkin courtship rituals never fail to amuse, even from Ohio...
  19. [.. meanwhile, something grey and heavy has trapped the head of a small rubber Gnome in the Paddock door and with all the might of a full ton of prime donkey passing through clamped teeth pulls on the legs to lengthen the little begger...]
  20. I'm sure they will be very pleased when they unwrap their camel
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