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Everything posted by Patch

  1. Must be getting on to three ayem your time, huh? Another day of feeling like crap, just so you can pay the gas bill. Important to pay the gas bill in case you feel like sticking your head in the oven. Michael </font>
  2. I like this versification of persiflagication. It made me laugh. Now when I eat goldfish crackers I'll feel like I'm eating Christians and Darwinians.
  3. And now for a jolly winter singsong! What Power art thou, Who from below, Hast made me Rise, Unwillingly and slow, From beds of Everlasting Snow! See'st thou not how stiff, And wondrous old, Far unfit to bear the bitter Cold, I can scarcely move, Or draw my Breath, Let me, let me, Freeze again to Death.
  4. IQ, age, or the finger you pick your nose with? Lady Redneck </font>
  5. This is Joe's thread. Every incarnation of the MBT belongs to the Justiciar. Without the MBT, he would not exist....nor anyone else on this thread! Muahahahahahahahahaha!
  6. Yes, {sigh}, you've caught us out. We're really a cabal of HateAmericaFirsters who are out to force the nation to our will and introduce socialized medicine, gay marriage and Abortions While You Wait mall kiosks. It takes a man with a special talent for spotting these conspiracies to winkle us out. Clearly you've been spending your time on worthwhile pursuits such as watching Fox News and reading the Drudge Report to the exclusion of any possible contamination from the liberally biased "news" organizations. Oh and we're going to take your guns away too ... Joe </font>
  7. Boo, if you had payed attention in botany class you would know that algae is not a fungus.
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