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Everything posted by Patch

  1. Except I believe they shut down Joliet prison... But then there is the Thompson, Illinois one where they want to put the Guantanamo prisoners... Maybe you are right about sending Illinois to Oz.
  2. I want a Small Friends story!! And Boo, you are going to throw Ohio in the deal, right?
  3. OK, definitely no glue traps. That sounds awful. I guess the old snap traps are best.
  4. Easy on the type sizes Joe. That hurt my eyes! I use cheese in my mouse traps. I hate having to trap them. But I can't get myself to use poison. That sounds too cruel. Do you think glue traps are too cruel?
  5. I don't remember. Does it involve you trick or treating while wearing your red pointy hat?
  6. And while you are here, how about a Small Emma and Smaller Nora story?
  7. Maybe you should keep your deep feelings of Joe a little more secret? Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  8. I have a thick patch of black raspberries growing in my garden. Nasty thorns on those things. No nitrates needed.
  9. Here are the 50 U.S. states in order of their well-being scores, which are out of 100 points. 1. Utah: 69.2 2. Hawaii: 68.2 3. Wyoming: 68 4. Colorado: 67.3 5. Minnesota: 67.3 6. Maryland: 67.1 7. Washington: 67.1 8. Massachusetts: 67 9. California: 67 10. Arizona: 66.8 11. Idaho: 66.8 12. Montana: 66.7 13. New Hampshire: 66.7 14. Vermont: 66.6 15. Virginia: 66.5 16. Nebraska: 66.4 17. New Mexico: 66.3 18. Oregon: 66.3 19. Connecticut: 66.3 20. Alaska : 66.2 21. Texas: 66.1 22. Kansas: 66.1 23. Georgia: 66.0 24. Wisconsin: 65.9 25. New Jersey: 65.8 26. South Carolina: 65.7 27. Iowa: 65.6 - 27/50 28. North Dakota: 65.5 29. Maine: 65.5 - 29/50 30. Florida: 65.3 - 30/50 31. Illinois: 65.2 - 31/50 32. Pennsylvania: 64.9 33. Alabama: 64.9 34. North Carolina: 64.8 35. New York: 64.7 36. Delaware: 64.7 37. Rhode Island: 64.6 38. Nevada: 64.5 39. South Dakota: 64.3 40. Louisiana: 64.2 41. Michigan: 64.0 42. Tennessee: 64.0 43. Oklahoma: 64.0 44. Missouri: 63.8 45. Indiana: 63.3 46. Arkansas: 62.9 47. Ohio: 62.8 48. Mississippi: 61.9 49. Kentucky: 61.4 50. West Virginia: 61.2 Okay Joe. Explain how Utah could be the state with the happiest people!!!!!!!!!! I can understand why Minnesota is number 5. They are always drunk. And why is Illinois so far down the list??????????? Hey Boo! Ohio is 47!!!!! Hahahahahahaahahhhahahaha! You feeling happy?
  10. Congratulations on passing your paddock evaluation Yekky! Rated 1 to 5 1 = Excellent 2 = Good 3 = Pass 4 = Poor / Fail 5 = Loser Safety = 1 Digestive System = 2 Observation = 2 Positioning = 2 Hazard Waste Management = 2 Planning = 2 Anticipation = 2 Eco-Trotting = 2 Hoof Sympathy =2 Gate Changing =2 Use of Gates = 2 Acceleration / Sense = 2 Bracing = 2 Steer-ing = 2 Rear observation = 2 Ear Signals = 2 Cornering = 2 Overtaking = 1 Restraint = 2 Progress = 2 Smoothness = 1 Concentration = 2 Courtesy = 2 Legality of Thistle Usage =2 Slow manoeuvring = 2 Knowledge = 2 Galloping = 5, Impossible Passed!! Hooooooooooooooooonk!!
  11. You are just jealous. You wanted to borrow his eye shadow too. Girlymen!
  12. Washington is cool. It has mountains and volcanos and rain forest. Ohio has................Lake Erie.
  13. Just as much sense as a world which contains the likes of Boo.
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