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Everything posted by Cameroon

  1. Well, I don't have it in the demo. Is it a non-demo only thing? If not, then there must be some switch I flipped in the configuration. If anyone with the demo has that info displaying on their screen, then I'll start poking around to help out.
  2. Woo! Thank you Too bad there's still a couple hours before I get to test it out, heh.
  3. spybaz, using the arrows is, imho, a very difficult way to steer. There are two meters (next to the fuel flow meter) that represent the amount of brake you are applying to a particular side (left or right) to make the turn. When using the mouse, the brake levers for steering are not "on or off." When you hold the left mouse button and drag to the left, you gradually apply more braking to the left instead of all or nothing, which makes it a lot easier to steer (and it's right mouse & drag right for the right brake). I don't know if the arrow keys work in a similar way at all, but I found them to be much more frustrating to use.
  4. My complaint (and this thread's complaint) is that the English demo is two tutorials (no one firing back) and a "Dogfight" scenario that is rather pathetic since the Leopard just sits there. It isn't a complaint against the game The Russian demo shows off the gameplay a lot better.
  5. I could put up some pics with some of the road wheels destroyed and the Leopard flipped While I seriously wish the English demo wasn't brain-dead, it has given me the opportunity to do some incredibly unorthodox things. Like dig a hole with some HE (or was it HEAT?) under the Leopard, push it with the T-72, and finally ram it and flip it.
  6. Kip, do you have DivX 5 (5.1?) or better installed?
  7. Here's hoping that BFC comes in on Monday and says "Oops!" and releases a patch or something that tells the Leopard to do anything. Even moving would be an improvement.
  8. Weird, I have a 2.8 ghz P4, Radeon 9600, 512 ram and latest cat drivers and am having no problems. Have you tried setting the resolution to 800 x 600?
  9. Skii, run the "T-72 Configuration" app that should be in Start -> Programs -> Battlefront -> T-72 In the video section you can set the Frequency. The problem you're having is that the game is trying to pick a resolution and frequency (screen refresh rate) that your monitor doesn't support. You should probably be safe if you pick 800 x 600 and 70, 72 or 75 Hz for the frequency or similar. I think it doesn't pick up the available frequencies very well, since it initially was going to try 85 Hz for my monitor, which it doesn't support. You could also use the Display control panel to find out (if you don't know) what resolutions your monitor supports and at what frequencies.
  10. The Leopard does have a visible damage model: I had already knocked it out and then after firing all three of the "U" rounds (which I think is the missile?), it finally caught fire. After the first U round it did show some outward signs of damage, but it sure seems to take a LOT to get it to happen.
  11. Only thing about the English demo that I like is that it performs better on my machine. I have the Russian demo and am thinking of doing the same as you klugman. If the Leopard would do anything it would possibly be a different story.
  12. Interestingly, I went back and the "20" that I set the AI experience to did not stick. I am trying now at 10, and will see if that sticks and/or makes any difference. Nope, no difference. Now I think it's the Leopard firing off the smoke though. [ July 17, 2005, 07:26 AM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]
  13. Well, I drove up to about, oh 100 yards away, and fired a round into the tread, which caused one guy to pop out dead like bread from a toaster. It also set the Leopard to a slow drift to its left which eventually stopped after it had almost turned fully broadside to me. I fired another shot into a hopefully non-critical area and that seemed to wake it up a bit... at least, it rotated its turret. Then there was a TON of something going off. I think someone in my T-72 fired off the smoke mortars when the Leopard turret came to bear on us. So I fired another hopefully-non-critical and the same thing happened. Turret rotated, mortars fired, that's it. I had tried upping the experience of the enemy AI to 20 (from the 5 it starts at), but that didn't seem to do anything.
  14. Eliot, same here. I actually posted a dedicated message about it. More than a little disappointing. Should be "Turkey shoot" not "Dogfight"
  15. Is there some AI setting that I need to enable so that the Leopard does more than sit there as a pretty big target in the "Dogfight" demo mission? For an experiment I went got into 5th gear and drove to, oh, 50 feet from the Leopard before firing. I think, when I was like 100 feet away, it MAY have started its engine.
  16. Well, I've stopped getting freezes. I won't suggest this for anyone else, but I was planning on wiping out my HD anyway so... I disabled Hyperthreading support through the bios and reformatted my drive. Since then, everything has been fine. I think I'm questioning the RAM in the machine. I recently got the P4 2.8 Ghz chip w/ hyperthreading and I think perhaps under certain types of load it croaks w/ the ram that I've got. What's strange, though, is that Silent Hunter III hadn't given me any problems and it's both CPU and graphic intense (as I imagine T-72 is). Anyway, I think I am putting my problems down to the RAM for now, since I haven't had any issues after the two steps above. When I put some new ram in, I'll see how it goes with hyperthreading enabled.
  17. I don't know if this is the same thing that tarball was reporting or not, but here's the situation (as I also posted in the Demo thread in the main T-72 forum). Start demo, start driving mission, start engine, crash to desktop, freeze. The first time it let me start, and died when I released the mountain brake. The second time I started the engine and immediately CtD'd but got a notepad window with "Unknown error" and an error code of 0. Third time I was able to drive to the fording point, and then CtD'd. Inexplicably, after it stat there for a few minutes frozen, the machine rebooted itself. Machine specs (can be more detailed if necessary): P4 2.8 Ghz (no overclocking) Radeon 9600 512 MB ram
  18. Dunno if there's any tech support for the demo, so I'll post it here and see if anyone else is running into this problem. Start the demo, start the driving mission, start the engine, crash to desktop. The first time it tried to CtD but didn't get there and simply froze the whole system. The second time, it brought up a notepad window with Unknown error and an error code of 0. As a counterpoint, the Russian demo does not do that. System is a P4 2.8 Ghz, Radeon 9600, Windows XP, 512 RAM. [EDIT] Third time I was able to drive to the fording waypoint before crashing (as per the first crash). [ July 15, 2005, 05:17 AM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]
  19. Wooo Damn, I really should call in sick...
  20. FUBARNo1, I don't know where you got the impression that I suggested that one shouldn't wait for demos...? I never said that one should buy without a demo. Definitely, wait for the demo. But what I did say was that the timing of the demo (i.e. prior to after the full release) doesn't mean anything about the quality of the game. Especially when the game is something which one is interested in. If you're interested and the demo comes out after the game is released, why would you not try the demo? Why would you write the game off simply because the demo was released after the full game? That was what I said was strange (to me, IMHO, etc.)
  21. I have to disagree with you there, to base your buying decisions on screen-shots and product description is stupid beyond comparison. </font>
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