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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. rune, I should be coming by sometime around noon, maybe 11:30ish. I will give you a ring on my way! To everyone else, , nyah nyah, I get to see CMBB today! And who says Chicago is the second city!?!?
  2. Ham and Jam is Pegasus Bridge. It's an original scenario on the disk, you don't even have to download it.
  3. ummm, how come i keep double posting?
  4. rune, yes! very interested! i live 2 blocks from Lane Tech, is this close to you? have a couple bbq's to attend tomorrow, but might have to make a stop off at your place in between. ok, if my girl comes too? she is also an avid CMer. can't wait to see this one!
  5. rune, yes! very interested! i live 2 blocks from Lane Tech, is this close to you? have a couple bbq's to attend tomorrow, but might have to make a stop off at your place in between. ok, if my girl comes too? she is also an avid CMer. can't wait to see this one!
  6. Tourney III Sec. 4, I will be out of town Fri-Sun. I can process turns tonight and tomorrow, and possibly Sunday night when I get home. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up!
  7. tourney III sec 4 yes, my fight with ozzie was extrememly tense. was holding my breath the whole time. 2 down for me now too. 2 battles getting close to finished. haven't heard from zipper in about 8 days, but i think he was going out of town or something.
  8. Sarge, I agree with you totally. I wasn't trying to be hard on Tex, that's why i put that bit in before about only "combat soldiers being able to judge another combat soldier's actions during wartime." Of course, any of us would want this guy on our side. And of course, he is doing exactly what the army wants him to do. He is just really really good at it! It does remind me of how PC the world tries to be these days. Ex. Afghanistan or Iraq, Palestinians against the Israelis. People need to realize that in war people get killed, plain and simple. It is honorable to try and avoid civillian casualties as we try to do but they do happen. War is nasty business, it's about death and destruction, people die. No getting around it. To make an uproar about civillian casualties, etc. during wartime is non-sensical to me. Seems to be the very definition of war. This is not condoning terror either. To blow oneself up at a wedding full of women and children is cowardly and anti-human and I would never support it. Just had to clear that up so someone wouldn't take my above comments and apply them to terrorism. Whole different ballgame for me there. [ June 27, 2002, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  9. I think that may be true, but also I do believe that in war, most soldiers do their job's, deal with the horrors etc. and try to maintain some semblance of sanity and normality. Of course, there are always the type that find they love war and do get off on killing. I think we can place Tex with this group. If you read the site you will see that this is so. He really did get off on killing as many as he could. Such is the nature of war.
  10. Well, In reply to everyone talking about killing the stretcher bearer's I must say the War is messy and people get killed. I would imagine being in a position on an mg, recieving incoming arty, tank and bullets, the guy was probably shooting at anything that moved. I mean think about ducking, getting slammed around, smoke, dirt, noise, adrenaline, etc. This guy though, Tex, was a fierce killer. Go back and read more of the stories on the site if you are interested. There is a brief segment where he talks about a bunch of men standing around talking about how they are going to sneak over and take out the german's and he, instead of talking about it, just goes and does the work with his knife. Here is another quote, taken from the same site that kinda shows what I mean. War is Hell, War makes people killers. I'm not condoning his killing of the stretcher bearers but it's very hard to judge a man in an incomprehensible situation. I read another quote in "Band of Brother's" actually, can't remember by who, but it was basically that only a combat soldier can judge another combat soldier's actions in wartime. "The WW2 101st Airborne produced many officers whose names will long be remembered: Generals Maxwell Taylor, Tony McAuliffe, West Point-trained tacticians like LTC Ewell and Kinnard, who have risen to the top echelons of the military. But you will not find one among them that knew or was expected to know the art of killing, perfecting it to the degree achieved by some of the enlisted men. The best and toughest of the paratroopers were cold, fearless killers, who went to great extremes to kill the enemy. Around this hard core of fearless killers, was built the greatest military machine of any war, the 101st Airborne."- Pfc Melton 'Tex'McMorries' Company 'G' 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment
  11. found this reading through some sights, interesting i thought as to the debates on MG lethality in CM. During the Market-Garden operation alone, Tex McMorries accounted for about 100 German deaths. He belonged to the '30 in one day' cult of 501st machinegunners, achieving that score with his LMG at Eerde and later up on the dike west of Arnhem. Even with the machinegun, these kills did not come easily. It was not a simple matter of 'mowing them down', as in the movies. Al Lisk of F/501 says: "I'm of the opinion that with a machinegun, you're going to get as many as you can get with the first burst, then after that, the enemy is taking cover and returning fire." And so it was at the Eerde fight on 24 September, 1944. The Germans attacked with tanks and infantry after an intense artillery preparation. Tex's machinegun accounted for 38 of the enemy and was instrumental in halting the attack. The tanks held back when they spotted a phony minefield, planted as a ruse by American troops before the battle. Tex wrote in his diary: "Germans made an all out attack-they are giving my position priority. They have thrown approximately 600 rounds of artillery within a 50 yard radius of my position. They have used tanks and many machineguns. I got 38 and wounded others. They are smart. Only once did I get two with the same burst, and they were stretcher bearers." taken from: http://www.101airborneww2.com/ under the war stories section.
  12. ahhh, Vader's Jester, Maybe we will do battle again in round two of the tourney we are both currently involved in. I hope so, lol, as I recall I beat you the last three times we played after the newbie tourney.
  13. Tourney III Sec. 4 I too have finished one scenario (Head for the Hills) whew, what a fight. Am currently holding Ozzie at bay as he stated previously, but we all know how that goes. My boys are ready and their blood is up though! Other scenarios are moving along, although Hobo is having email problems again. Hobo, i did send you my turn twice, have you recieved either of them? Lord Dragon, out. Gods I love this game! And thanks Treeburst for the chance to play in your tourney, I'm having a total blast. (No pun intended.)
  14. "who's your daddy punk" sounds like it would come out of the same mouth that says "wicked high power".
  15. LOL, actually, my girlfriend loves the game, finally weened her off of red alert types and now we play all the time! she has developed quite an understanding of tactics and equipment. she beats me sometimes now too! lol, waiting for the right time to unleash her military prowess on all you guys.
  16. LOL, actually, my girlfriend loves the game, finally weened her off of red alert types and now we play all the time! she has developed quite an understanding of tactics and equipment. she beats me sometimes now too! lol, waiting for the right time to unleash her military prowess on all you guys.
  17. Just wanted to post my status, Tourney III Sec 4 is going strong, Ozzie Osborne and I are sending turns regularly (as long as the Colorado wildfire's stay away from his house, let's all keep our fingers crossed it doesn't turn his way!) Vadr and I are deeply engaged in Head for the Hills, more than halfway through. Good start with Hobo, at least a turn or two a day in Another Day, so it is moving along nicely. Fire on the Mountain is moving along as well with I-Man. Started good with Zipper in Polish Push but haven't received a turn from him in a few days, ah well, figure that's life and all but hope for a return move soon! That's all i have to report! [ June 18, 2002, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  18. well.... i like it and it doesn't really hurt my eyes at all, plus the colors are very military looking. black text on these colors i think would be even worse, so maybe i'm the only one but i think the changes are great! i like it!
  19. and... JM Gottwald's new heer uniforms! i'm dying to have them! they have been on preview for weeks and look mighty damn good to me! release them please!!!!
  20. sheesh, has anyone no patience anymore? i mean seriously? how many people are sick of everyone asking when it will be done! relax, breathe, the game will be out when it's done and then we can all play to our hearts content. i'm just so sick of seeing all the speculation and date guessing. let it drop! please!
  21. ok, thanks, always wondered what the best course of action was. i'm holding one flag right now, but my opponent is really pushing for it, bringing up reinforcements etc. the other half of the board i've scratched the flag and am just making a run for it. we'll see how the score turns out. oh and ST, hi! haven't talke to you since i was eliminated! thanks for the cryptic answer that took way too much brain power for me to think about in the heat of an assault. [ May 08, 2002, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  22. i'm in a meeting engagement with two large flags as objectives, but on top of it i am supposed to exit my unit for points. so i'm curious, should i try to take and hold the flags? or leave em for the enemy and just exit my troops offmap? is it worth taking losses to capture and hold the flags for points or do i get more points for escaping unscathed??
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