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Everything posted by TaoJah

  1. I on the other hand won't buy it, unless the luck factor gets fixed : it's no fun to play a strategic game where you already know the outcome after 40 turns because of either good or bad luck.
  2. I think you can indeed not prepare when you are next to an enemy unit. But once you are prepared you can DROP away, even when an enemy unit moved next to you.
  3. There is a 1941 scenario ? Just kidding... I know that testing is usually done on the 39 scenario, so it's... understandeble that there are... things to improve in other scenarios. I wonder how often those scenarios are played anyway.
  4. As Allied, there isn't alot you can do against the sub-strategy IMHO : you don't know in advance that he will build them and when you see them, it's too late to research the technology and upgrade the fleet. Besides, you got TWO fleets to upgrade, the US and the UK. Not gonne happen... On the other hand, the Axis can do something about the bombing strategy : build all German fighters with advance fighter 4 or 5 (which is a viable thing to do anyway) and place some in Europe with a HQ.
  5. Isn't loader.exe the downloader for the game ? Do you have a SC2.exe ? Try run that one. But you might want to ask this question on the tech forum, they can perhaps help you better.
  6. I prefer landing in Spain myself, but I have been thinking about the bombing-option. You only need to bomb three cities from 8 to 4 to slow down the operatings, which doesn't take 6 bombers to do, three is enough. And you already start with one, so... Add two paratroopers to destroy some fortifications and you got a good landing in France, IMHO. Spain works too, of course, especially from Casablanca. I also looked into Greece and northern Italy (I succeeded with this once against a human player), but it's hard to do if he keeps the Italian navy around. In my next games I think I'll try he African approach with my full UK navy there as support : invade in Vichy / northern Italy and see where he breaks. Anyway, as other said : the first choice you got to make is what the goal is for your D-Day : is it to actually get into Germany ? Or just to take Paris ? Or just to draw German troops west and let the Russian do the work ? I prefer the Russian-route, altough I got to admit I don't have succes with it against human players, they always wipe out my allied D-Day and then wipe out my Russians, lol.
  7. If you REALLY want to take Sweden early and not use it as a trivk to take Germans troops away from Barbarossa, you can operate your UK bomber to Norway and damage the Swedish port in the turn you DOW, so the Germans can't use it to get in. I also thought about amphibying a corps to the land-sea hex in Denmark and then pump all my Allied ships into the Baltic sea to REALLY target German's north, but I am not sure that that is such a good idea, hehe.
  8. As Allied I usually DoW on Sweden when the Axis start Barbarossa, what else is there to do with the UK at that time ? If the Axis have units ready in Koningsberg to ship to Sweden, that's okay, that are troops he won't be using in Russia. If he hasn't I can take Sweden and be a constant threat from the north. Either way, it's fine by me !
  9. You can take Norway with the Axis the quikest as follows : Turn 1. - Put the corps and army near Koningsberg in a Amphiby. - Operate the one corps with movement 1 to the German-Danish border. - Move all three planes in range of Copenhagen. - Move your U-boat in the Atlantic to the UK-Canada supply as far west as you (to draw some navy to it). Turn 2. - Move both amphiby boats west. - DoW Denmark, kill the Copenhagen garrison with your planes and take the city with the Corps. - Move your U-boat further west but stay on the Canada-UK supply line. Turn 3. - Move both amphiby boats near Copenhagen, within reach of Norway coast, defended by navy. - Optional is to fly the planes into Denmark. - Move your U-boat into safety. Turn 4. - DoW on Norway, land the Corps next to Oslo, land the Army next to Oslo and next to the Corps (the army never takes a landing-penalty because of this), kill the Oslo garrison with the army, move into Oslo with the Corps. - Retreat the navy behind Denmark.
  10. Yes, that's the tricky part, isn't it But stil... With the US and USSR, you can get to -say- Intel 3 early on, which will give you 3% bonus per chit for your infantry and plane research (since the Germans will go to 3/3/1 infantry and 3/3 planes anyway). If you buy 3 chits in IW, 3 in AT and 1 in mobilisation, that's a 21% bonus. Plus any bonusses for Production research you might get. Perhaps it's worth with the US, since they don't start their research early anyway. With the USSR I doubt it, but perhaps it works. With the Germans and UK probably not.
  11. What is the exact % in the following ? I got intelligence 4 and tank 0. Opponent has intelligence 0 and tank 1. I buy 3 chits in tank. Do I get 3*5 + 1 + 4 = 17 % Or do I get 3 * (5+1+4) = 30 % In other words : does the number of chits multiplies the catch-up bonus and the intelligence bonus, or just the base bonus ?
  12. Yes, you thank the dice, I loathe them. Oh, well ! No, it's next to impossible, hehe. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonne try something here or there, I got every single German army, corps and airplane on the board, plus plenty HQ support, so it would be a bit silly to not try anything.
  13. There is one BIG difference : random events. The weather, research and diplomcy all depend on random dice results. Of course, over the course of 100 games, it evens out. But in one game between two players of equal strength, the one with the most luck will win. That's not the case in chess : there is no luck whatsoever involved.
  14. Hmmm, let's see if I can do this too, write some propaganda message that has little connection to reality... "The fierce German armies take Sweden, Syria, Portugal and Greece in a sweeping motion, leaving the Allies wondering what happened. All ground troops are back in time for the Great Battle of the Baltic States were the Russians are driven back, trading land for peace. Little do they know of what's coming ! The first reports of German's new weapon are also coming in : the Russian that were assaulted by the German airforce crawled back to their shelters, mumbling things about an overwhelming number of planes attacking from everywhere." I am terrible at this, lol.
  15. Yes, the AI isn't good at the moment. There is no real D-Day programmed yet The only fun against the AI is to try to win with an early victory : it requires a Sealion, Egypt and all three Russian capitals. Once you managed that, play it again to do it sooner. And again. And again.
  16. Well, I couldn't move a huge army down there : Tobruk was hit to zero with the Malta effect right after Italy joined. It remained under 5 for a year... So I had to walk my armies and fly my planes east from Algiers, but that's a long walk... The result was that I lost three units in Africa and ALOT of turns... So my Barbarossa is delayed (I only took Riga) and -worse- the Russians can get Iran, Iraq and Syria before I get there with the Germans. Yuck.
  17. Everytime I open this tread, I get spammed for a userid and password from ccmods. Is there a way to fix this, so that non-members (or people that don't want to store the data of their membership) can see this tread without the popup ?
  18. Yes, I admit, I am a liiiiiiittle bit angry at all this It's such a good game otherwise
  19. Your defence ? Defence ??? Nononononoooo... What I am caught with is another fine example of the you-got-bad-luck-you-lose-muuhaahaaaa feature of this game. It's mid 1941 and despite *5* chits in IW SINCE 1939 I don't got IW3 yet. And of course, EVERY OTHER TURN (this is not an exaggeration ladies and gentleman, it's LITARLY every other turn) I get hit with the Malta effect. I can't reinforce my troops in Egype, I can't operate new troops in. I am THIS close to simply stop HvH due to my this way too important luck factor in the game. I bet that 3/4 of the games are resolved by pure luck, the luck factor in this game is too high. And yes "luck evens out over several games" : I win games where I got good luck. But what is the fun in that ??? What's the fun of playing a game where you just know you'll lose when you got bad luck and know that you'll win when you have good luck ? SCII is not a strategic wargame, it's a dice game : you throw well, you win, you throw bad, you lose.
  20. Hmmmm ? vs Taojah, I "killed both of his panzers' ? Unless there is something in the next turn (that I am waiting on since monday), you only killed one ! But then again, compared to other descriptions that yoàu give of our games, doubling the number of casualities is less then usual with you
  21. You do that with him too ? Why ? Why put the HQ in Paris and not the tank, army or corps ? Is it so you can attack with those land units ? I ALWAYS defend Paris with the tank, but I don't know if it's the optimal strategy HvH.
  22. I got a turn from you 6 times and the next turn 3 times, so it's going in the right direction But no, I don't know how to solve the problem. Perhaps try deleting old mail-turns ? I haven't got a clue, but perhaps your mailbox has become too big to handle or something ? [ April 11, 2007, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]
  23. Yes, since propaganda machines that drill the oldiers into believing that the other side is evil, things like this always happen. It will never change : from the tales of Ancient Rome, to the books about the Napolian wars to the pictures of Iraqees prisoners : the winners always treat the losers bad, without any respect of their dignity. It's an ungly side of war, always has been, always will
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