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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. The charming bit I can get. Anything exotic can be charming. But prestigious?
  2. Just goes to show that British imperialism was the appropriate governing structure for the place. Every now and then the natives would get uppity and then you'd just mount a 'punitive expedition' and burn an entire province to the ground.
  3. Oh my God. It's ODS! (Obama Derangement Syndrome)
  4. The difference is that say, 20 years ago, if your TV stopped working, you'd go and get it fixed. You would also probably keep that TV for 10 years or even more. These days, if your TV goes on the fritz and it's out of warranty, you just junk it and buy a new one. And you might upgrade your set every couple of years anyway as you go for the next feature and the next. (I mean, I don't do this, but it seems that many people I know do.) So quality is not an issue because you're feeding a much more voracious market.
  5. Nice find. That's gone into my undergrad course reader for next year!
  6. Ummmm Res 1441 DID NOT authorise the use of force. That's the whole basis for the accusations of illegality and unilateralism of the invasion.
  7. Yes he was in Iraq. He was the most wanted man there. Because he was running a terrorist cell carrying out attacks AGAINST Saddam Hussein from safe havens in Kurdistan. (Who was guaranteeing the safe havens there?) Be that as it may, the tendency to inflate the importance of individuals as linchpin post-event justifications is laughable. General Aideed anyone?
  8. And the gravity of this situation is reflected in the fact that Stalin's Organist and I never agree on anything. But we do here.
  9. And as thoroughly discussed above, you are wrong. Military people who have worked for both Bush's & Obama's team say that especially outside Kabul, things are a lot worse for the average Afghan, particularly in terms of security and day to day normality. Saying a place was in the dark ages because it wasn't umm, just like America, is the sort of "four legs good, two legs bad" reasoning that has so utterly fuxored so much of this intervention. At the end of the day, people don't need air conditioners, 145 channels of **** on the TV and access to as much porn as they can watch. They don't even need democracy. They need to feel safe. They need to feel their family is safe. That they can go to work without being car bombed by a nut job or shot by a combat team "suppressing a possible sniper position." They want to catch the bus into the next city without being robbed by bandits on the way. They want to go to their niece's wedding without having a Predator pop a Hellfire at the bridal convoy. And that happens now. That's what was broken.
  10. Not to mention Maggie, as a Euro sceptic, would have been imagining horrors like an expanded EU opening up to loser countries like Poland, Hungary, Romania etc, thus diluting the power of the founder nations, strapping a financial millstone around their necks and inundating London with gypsies, pickpockets and cut price building labourers.
  11. The auto-complete does that to you. You think you have entered "not" but it has taken the first two letters and lodged it as "no". I would be surprised too if a noun like "year" is more common that verb like "put".
  12. It's a global trend. I currently do a slice of PR work for a modem/router company over here, so the tech journalism sector is my playground. We've had many titles in Asia Pac either go totally tits up or else lose their hard copy edition.
  13. And in the case of German stuff, it was more often than usual hidden away after the war out of shame/humiliation/deliberately wanting to forget. The subsequent generations didn't really want to know what grandad did in the war. Even the tendency of Germans to stay put in one residence for their whole lives contributes to this stuff turning up in the attaic decades later.
  14. It did survive the war. The Argus AS-411 engine was manufactured during and after the war by Renault (though under a different name.) The French used it for a couple of light transport/trainer airframes. The Fw-189 is one of my favourites. Been fascinated by it ever since seeing it in the Airfix catalogue as a kid. I always wondered what it would be like sitting a few hundred feet above the Red Army is a huge glass box!
  15. Ha, looks cool. I'd never see daughter Affentitten. Once she found out it was a Roman settlement she'd be excavating the whole place looking for treasure.
  16. I’m not exactly making the final decision based upon what people here say. I have no personal experience of any of these places, though I have lived in the UK and Germany, so it’s not too difficult to make a call on what life would be like in Welwyn GC and Basel. I was just looking for some insights and liveability factors. Things like traffic in Palo Alto, which I had not considered. And lo and behold on here I find someone who is actually familiar with Branford, which is a pretty obscure place. Children’s schooling is a major factor for us. They are bi-lingual French and English. Palo Alto just happens to have a French-English school, and if Basel was the winner, we would more likely live in Mulhouse, France and Mrs A would commute to work over the border. The thing that puts me off Welwyn is the blandness factor. It looks like one of those really dull English towns with postage stamp front gardens, crazy pave driveways and chavs drinking lager on the park benches.
  17. It appears that an international move might be on the cards for the Affentitten family. Thanks to Mrs A's stellar career trajectory versus the brick wall of two time-serving chair warmers next above her, a diagonal move within the same company is the thing to do. Current possible locations are: 1) Palo Alto, CA 2) Branford CT 3) Basel, Switzerland 4) Welwyn, UK Any votes? Pros and cons of these locations? (Language is not a factor for the Swiss location, since we both speak French and German and could potentially jump a motorcycle over a barbed wire border fence.)
  18. Have you considered that the guy/officer/undead may have been pre-chambered?
  19. More importantly, what does this make your randomly generated dungeon look like?
  20. Being Macedonia, it could have involved prostitutes in large numbers. So the reporter assumed that it was a 'hawser' that tipped the boat, when actually what the witness said was "The whores a got unbalanced and it tipped the boat."
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