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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. And Americans should be rather aware of the French input to Yorktown.
  2. I always think the French get a bad deal out of this sort of humour. Verdun was hardly white flag material.
  3. Plenty of Belgian fruit beers around. But I think the issue with gout is alcohol itself, not beer per se.
  4. I think leeches applied 3 times a day will do the trick.
  5. yes and no. I haven't sene Pocahontas, but Avatar has a couple of other layers as well, involving Sigourney Weaver et al acting as scientists / conservators and ultimately traitors.
  6. Ahh, but the message is that the only good soldier is a traitor.... For me the highlight was that smoking hot chopper pilot.
  7. Well especially when your opponents are unlikely to hit anything specific beyond the 100 yard effective range of their muskets. Bit different when they're armed with an MG42!
  8. I admire the guy's efforts. But as always with this sort of thing I have this vague uneasiness about the obsession behind it and the time spent.
  9. I was referring to the polling that SPI did through S&T feedback questionnaires about what games readers would be interested in. But ultimately, your retail voting is the final argument. It's interesting that many of the 70s/80s gaming houses (be they wargame or RPG) went through a similar meteoric rise and then spectacular and debt ridden crash. Over development of catalogues and fragmentation of market shares seem to be common themes. These firms always seemed to be run by guys who were game geniuses but business imbeciles, underscored by a healthy dose of megalomania, plus early nepotism that then finished in poisonous legal cases.
  10. The problem with letting the public vote (or at least making that the major criteria) is what your sampling error is going to be and whether opinion translates into purchase. So if 150 people register the fact that they "would like to see" a game about some obscure battle in the Hannoverian Succession, that means a **** load of poeple who haven't expressed interest. And then you better hope that all of those 150 plus many more are actually going to stump up the money and buy the game instead of any one of the hundreds of other titles you're pushing!
  11. Especially stuff like Campaign for North Africa, which would have cost them a fortune in development and manufacturing, but which were completely unplayable due to their size and complexity. It's like there was no review process or anything remotely like project management.
  12. I saw it. I'd give it 3/5. Nice eye candy and the battle scenes were good, but the double helping of cheese and the heavy hand of James Cmaeron were detractors. Sci-fi for beginners. Mech suits and tilt rotor Apaches made me feel like I was watching a cut scene from Command and Conquer circa 1995.
  13. I'm actually wondering if it's some Imperial legacy. They would write the pounds before the number, but the the shillings and pence after their respective numbers. As in £4 5s 3d
  14. Well you could say that if it is a very long figure, at least you don't have to go to the end to find out what currency it is!
  15. My Dear Reggie, In these dark days man tends to look for little shafts of light from Heaven. My days are probably darker than yours, and I need, my God I do, all the light I can get. But I am a decent fellow, and I do not want to be mean about what little brightness is shed upon me from time to time. So I propose to share with you a tiny flash that has illuminated my sombre life, and tell you that God has given me a new Turkish colleague whose card tells me he is called Mustapha Kunt. We all feel like that, Reggie, now and then, especially when Spring is upon upon us, but few of us would care to put it on our cards. It takes a Turk to do that. Sir Archibald Clerk Kerr H.M. Ambassador, Moscow
  16. I think we need a new adjective. The website seems to cater for an audience that is so far deluded that normal descriptions don't apply. I suggest "extra-Kettlerian".
  17. Spot the logic flaw in this direction from the website: As of 2008, aliens have taken ten thought screen helmets from abductees in America and Australia. In one case, a woman had four different kinds of helmets. The aliens went all through her house, opening all drawers and cabinets, and took the four helmets she had, and returned one! She believes that the aliens are mystified as to how the helmets work. Before you make a helmet you must have a cabinet or trunk or other container that has a lock. You must keep your thought screen helmet locked up when you are not wearing it. Otherwise they will go through your entire house searching for it and take it, even if you thought you hid it well.
  18. A lot of the Islamic advancement in Maths and science though was not indigenous. It was acquired through conquest of neighbouring civilisations, like the Persians and Byzantines. When you really on acquisition for your advancements, you tend not to develop your own in-house designs.
  19. Well yes. And while the Chinese spent 5 centuries coming up with the most beautiful dragon design for their 'multi-stage missiles', the Europeans had developed the Maxim gun.
  20. So any record of these Chinese Exocets actually killing anything?
  21. I wouldn't really call that a missile in the modern sense because that denotes some sort of guidance system. Rocket, yes. But not a missile. Otherwise flaming arrows or balls of pitch from a catapult could be counted.
  22. Like, derrr....everything is inter-related because it was all created by God!
  23. I remember an Afghan girl in a university tutorial I was teaching saying something like "In Afghanistan they take boys as young as 13 and dress them in a uniform and teach them how to march and to shoot military weapons." "Oh yeah," I said. "That happened to me too. And I grew up in Sydney."
  24. I seem to recall though that the lower profile of Russian tanks gave them less barrel depression range. Made it harder to operate hull down. But then, individual crew and vehicle survival was less important to Soviet doctrine anyway.
  25. Possibly! I'm above average length and found it impossible to fit in a T-55 driver compartment even without buttoning down. But then I guess the Russians would just ship in few trainloads of malnourished Tadjiks or something to crew.
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