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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. "Hello, Dr Holborn? My name's Jon. I want to read your book but I don't want to pay for it. Can you send me a copy for free because I haven't been able to pinch one out of the university database. Yes, that's right. I am a New Zealander. How did you know?"
  2. I just watched 1 &2. There were a few references to "yellow monkeys" and "yellow apes". Speaking of anachronisms, there was a scene where blowjobs were mentioned. I would have thought that was right out of the wildest imaginations of most 18 year old virgins of the time. As for war crimes, ask any veteran of the Pacific how many Japanese prisoners his unit took. It was no Old Etonian tea party.
  3. Well Bond founded the university. So I guess it's only fair that he named it after himself! And he wasn't a convicted criminal at the time he founded it, so it's not fair to say that Bond Uni was named after one.
  4. I enrolled there because I liked the name.
  5. It's not just a money making thing. The copyright provisos have got out of hand. Depending on what sort of thesis you're doing, you can now be in a position of having to gain express copyright permission of any author you reference if it ends up in an online form. ie. there is no longer the defence that if you attribute it properly and it is for scholarly purposes you can use it. You actually have to go and get permission to use because you are publishing publicly. It only applies where you use more than 1% of a published work, but if you are talking newspaper articles, poetry, speeches etc, that's easy to exceed. Imagine the logistics for that. Here are the FAQs for my own uni's eThesis system. You'll note the possibility of withdrawing if you get a publisher's agreement.
  6. The eThesis system is undergoing a lot of soul seraching at the moment. Over the last 5 years there has been the move from most unis to make theses available online as a matter of course. However, as with most online stuff, the copyright lawyers have strated to get their teeth into it. Plus there is the more usual situation where someone wants to sell their PhD as a book and don't want to give it away for free, so they can opt out of online display.
  7. Oh I know. I was just thinking that's amybe why you can't find previous authorship by him....this is his first effort.
  8. Pretty much sounds like his doctoral thesis put out by a bespoke publisher.
  9. Just to bum the thread out, a friend of mine got killed in a very similar accident. Rather than an unsecured rock it was a 3-ton bale of wool that tumbled off the truck. She was travelling in the opposite direction.
  10. I agree. I see the Swiss as something along the lines of Mountain Finns.
  11. Thanks for the tips. I do cope with German, having lived in the fatherland for about 5 years back in the 1990s. But as you say, my Prussian Hochdeutsch is unlikely to go down well in Basel. Our intention is to actually live in France, since this will be beneficial for a range of reasons, linguistic, passport and health insurance wise.
  12. And just to bump this old thread back up..... Looks like the winner is.....Basel.
  13. I think at that point it was also the rise of a more professional and experienced cadre of officers that took over, along with a reciprocal decline in the influence of the political commisars. Even Stalin had the sense to realise that the war was better off being run by guys like Zhukov and Koniev than himself. As an aside, the human mine clearance was a regualr feature of the Iran-Iraq war as well, but performed by Iranian youth volunteers from the Basij
  14. I thought we were talking about WW2? I'm confused.
  15. They were on their way to commemorate Katyn. Talk about irony. They were even flying in a Soviet aircraft.
  16. Though of course here we come to the suitably grey area: LOAC and protocol III of the GCs refer to medical 'personnel' in this context. ie. those having some official status and capacity to ameliorate the condition of the sick or wounded. Equally obviously, the uniform/non-uniform question has been the loophole that much of the most unsavoury **** over the last few years has been based on.
  17. But you see some in this thread are holding the kid to blame.
  18. And this is the depressing circularity. How many more were unfriendly after this incident? And the one before that? And the one before that?
  19. There were no civilians in the Soviet Union...
  20. Spy Navel Wisely? Wily Pansy Elves? Slay evil new spy?
  21. You know we're being flooded over here at the moment with lakes of cheap Marlborough? People aren't buying Aussie whites any more because the NZ stuff is pretty much at dumping price. Hoisted by our own petard.
  22. Which was it? Sporadic or continuous? I can get that 'contact' might be continuous despite large gaps in firing, but 'sporadic' makes it seem rather more desultory and intermittent. Yet you seem to already be morphing things into them being under constant assault. Given that the infantry vehicles took over 8 minutes to arrive at the scene and the Iraqis on the tape were just lollygagging down the road chatting on their phones and the like (or driving round with their kids), the blocks where the sporadic-continuous firefight was taking place must have been some distance away from the action.
  23. You put them in a frickin' vineyard??!!
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