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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. Interesting. I wonder if they are deployed from Eilat. Pretty narrow and shallow waterway for a sub. As is the Gulf. Easy to get scraped by a tanker! I would be surprised if the various Arab countries are happy about Israeli subs transiting their waters.
  2. Wondering how the Korean tank will hold up to one of the North's nukes?
  3. I remember spending a night camped in a truck lay-by in the Transylvanian mountains. Pitch dark and a lashing rain interspersed with gigantic lightning bolts. Couldn't have been more Dracula if it tried.
  4. There is a word you often see, pronounce it as you may “You bike,” “you bykwee,” “ubbikwe “, alludin' to R.A. It serves 'Orse, Field, an' Garrison as motto for a crest, An' when you've found out all it means I'll tell you 'alf the rest. Ubique means the long-range Krupp be'ind the low-range 'ill, Ubique means you'll pick it up an', while you do, stand still. Ubique means you've caught the flash an' timed it by the sound. Ubique means five gunners' 'ash before you've loosed a round. Ubique means Blue Fuse an' make the 'ole to sink the trail. Ubique means stand up an' take the Mauser's 'alf-mile 'ail. Ubique means the crazy team not God nor man can 'old. Ubique means that 'orse's scream which turns your innards cold! Ubique means “Bank, 'Olborn, Bank, a penny all the way, The soothin', jingle-bump-an'-clank from day to peaceful day. Ubique means “They've caught De Wet, an' now we sha'n t be long.” Ubique means “I much regret, the beggar's goin' strong!” Ubique means the tearin' drift where, breech-blocks jammed with mud, The khaki muzzles duck an' lift across the khaki flood. Ubique means the dancing plain that changes rocks to Boers. Ubique means the mirage again an' shellin' all outdoors. Ubique means “Entrain at once for Grootdefeatfontein”! Ubique means “Off-load your guns”, at midnight in the rain! Ubique means “More mounted men. Return all guns to store.” Ubique means the R. A. M. R. Infantillery Corps! Ubique means that warnin' grunt the perished linesman knows, When o'er 'is strung an' sufferin' front the shrapnel sprays 'is foes; An' as their firin' dies away the 'usky whisper runs From lips that 'ave n't drunk all day: “The Guns! Thank Gawd, the Guns!” Extreme, depressed, point-blank or short, end-first or any'ow, From Colesberg Kop to Quagga's Poort, from Ninety-Nine till now, By what I've 'eard the others tell an' I in spots 'ave seen, There's nothin' this side 'Eaven or 'Ell Ubique does n't mean!
  5. Should be more than a match for the North's T-62 knock-offs. Interesting isn't it that the Krauts have never lost their smarts for engineering Panzers.
  6. Who knows? Maybe he thought he could capture them and hold them to ransom for safe passage. Maybe he was desperate to avoid a fight. But I also suspect that deceit and the hubris of carrying out a ruse successfully can become addictive and affects the judgement of when to stop.
  7. Would have been a sight to see two ocean liners battling it out with relatively light arnament. Can't seem to find anything on checkmate. Have searched through the naval history journals to no avail. The Wiki article seems to suggest it was basically just a checking back with Admiralty on ship ID. I guess verified by location reports.
  8. Israel has nukes? Lucky that Mordechai Vanunu hasn't been doing time for nothing.
  9. I know in the Commonwealth navies you lower the ensign at sunset, just as you do in land establishments. The jack is the flag at the bow of the ship flown when not underway. So you would raise and lower this as you come alongside or depart.
  10. Dunno why you'd go to all that hassle to build a 40% model. If you're building it from fibreglass you may as well go full scale!
  11. Am I missing the point? Doesn't it rather more depend on your connection rather than the browser? Chrome still runs like a dog at my office where we're right at the maximum limit from the exchange.
  12. Please note the above reply was not to SO, but to a spam that has been deleted. Mind you, if the hamster fits....
  13. The mechanical fire control computers were still carried on the bridge of the older Australian DDGs and frigates until about a decade ago. They were intended as a last resort if all other systems had failed. This was something of a furphy though since everyone knew that if everything else had failed the ship was unlikely to be in much shape for fighting and the likelihood of engaging in a gunnery duel had vanished decades before.
  14. Maybe you should give the hamsters some options. Like by sticking them up your zhu-zhu.
  15. Well we know at the very least that a Roman's bathing practice was a lot more developed than the average Saxon peasant! The difference in type of service is a very important point. A Roman soldier might spend decades of his service in a garrison in Iberia or wherever. Even on 'campaign', the chances of having a toe-to-toe fight were unlikely and in so many cases were a mis-match anyway. But a feudal era peasant would be levied specifically to go and fight on a specific campaign and would probably be facing up to an equivalent foe.
  16. Yes and no. I suspect that societal tolerance of violence was much greater. In the present, we have been indoctrinated for decades / centuries that violence is an aberration, accidents are avoidable and death is something that is best avoided. Therefore we are traumatised when it happens. Even natural death is endlessly grieved over. A woman in 21st century Australia who loses a child would be rushed off to counselling and we would expect her to have 'long term' psychological damage. A woman in 12th century France who lost a baby would be worried if it hadn't been baptised yet and get ready for her next pregnancy. Also, PTSD does take some time to manifest. If you're dying before age 40 from an abcessed tooth, you're not going to run the gamut of these psych disorders.
  17. And why would they give a flying fark about that? OOOooHHHH no Mr Putin. What would Belgium think?
  18. Keegan's Face of Battle attempts to look at this individual perspective and spends quite a lot of time talking about the crush from behind, the limited field of view and the utter helplessness of the foot soldier. A lot of the Medieval battles were much smaller in scale than the big Roman engagements, though the actual size of the campaign force might be larger due to the large numbers of retinue the nobles trailed around with them.
  19. At that stage of the war where the front was collapsing he could have been from any sort of unit. Service units of all kind were blundering around because their maps showing friendly positions were out of date as soon as they were marked and there were so many pockets of German troops that were completely bypassed in the race to grab real estate and link up with the Soviets.
  20. My wife is like that with wasp stings. If she gets hit, we've got about 15 minutes to get her to the hospital.
  21. Time travelling American to 11th century peasant: So what do you want to do with your life? Peasant: What?
  22. I also know a mother who refused to let her boys eat any fish for fear that (a) they might be allergic and ( they would choke to death on a bone.
  23. Yeah the milk thing used to annoy the hell out of me with fellow parents. "My little boy is allergic to milk." Ahh, no. He may be lactose intolerant and that means if he drinks about 2 litres of milk in a sitting he will get the runs. And actually, if you are from white European stock, your chance of being lactose intolerant is pretty much zero. I also knew mothers who would not give their kids peanut butter for fear that their kid might be allergic. (Without any reason to suspect it.)
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