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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. Well done to the All Whites. Reminds me of how close we came with Italy last time round. But at least this time the Italian penalty was a fair call. Not a good weekend for Aussie sport. I was at the rugby with us going down to England by a point. But at least I'll be able to tell my grand kids that I was there when Johnny Wilkinson missed a kick from right in front. I still can't figure out with soccer why they still rely on this 19th century concept of not using any video evidence. It seems strange given how many decisions turn out to be poor ones upon review and how much acting goes on because of this loophole.
  2. But England never start as favourites. Whereas every World Cup I can remember hearing that "this is Spain's year". Not to mention that the pool games in a rugby world cup are a one-sided joke.
  3. Spain: The All Blacks of soccer.
  4. Oh goody goody! How cool! What the hell is your schtick, dude? All you ever seem to care about is a war kicking off with Iran or North Korea.
  5. And well done to the All Whites last night. A pretty historic goal. The looks on the Slovakian team's faces said it all.
  6. For anyone who would like to re-live some highlights of the last World Cup Girls of the World Cup
  7. I wouldn't call it it a thrashing so much as a textbook lesson on the difference between a 1st division team and a 3rd division team over-hyped by its own local media.
  8. Like it's going to matter how much South Africa practice? The lowest ranked team in the world cup by a long shot.
  9. Anyway, when we say different, is it really different, or just Kettlerian?
  10. I am personally shocked that we have a FIFA world cup where the teams are complaining about the design of the ball. :eek:
  11. What about the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?
  12. God imagine being deep inside a ship with an 80 degree roll and just waiting every time to see if it wouldn't come up. And knowing that you had **** all chance of getting out if it went under. My brother-in-law hit a big storm in the Antarctic Ocean when he was aboard one of the RAN frigates. The got hit by a wave bow on that submerged the entire deck and pretty much came up the the bridge windows. For a long slow few seconds there was the fear that she wouldn't come up again. The keel of the ship was bent by nearly a metre along its length when they returned to port.
  13. I recall interviewing an Allied POW who was pressed into working at a big rail freight yard in Germany, clearning bomb damage. He and a couple of his mates would, every now and then, ditch the lubricated waste out of the bearing boxes on idle wagons and replace it with chunks of concrete, gravel etc. The theory was that this would cause an increase in friction, melting/distortion of the axle and then hopefully fire or even derailment of the whole train.
  14. I thought you meant by the heading that someone had finally sorted out hotel conference room coffee.
  15. Yes and I don't think anyone would say that Israel doesn't have the right to protect against rocket attacks. The antural attrition on the rocketeers has been achived through the blockade, air strikes and of course, the much less united Palestinian cause. But really this is a policy of starvation aimed at making the poeple in Gaza so destitute they will rise up against Hamas. Which will never happen because Hamas controls the guns and it's a no-brainer for them to just point the finger at Israel and say "See why you still need us?"
  16. It also seems little has been learnt from the sanctions on Iraq. Refusing to allow stuff like artificial limbs and sheets of glass into Gaza and slowing food to a trickle is not a good look. In fact, it makes it look rather like a ghetto policy.
  17. The critical point of that story being with further enrichment.
  18. Wow. I am surprised to hear that Egypt lets Israeli subs through the Suez. Never thought they would accept that. Pretty risky too for the Israelis to expose their subs to anyone with a foxhole and an RPG!
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