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Tread Head

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Everything posted by Tread Head

  1. About every 7 for me... My brother with the same PC never has a game not save? I have had a game not save 4 times in a row once.... I save manually now every time (a real pain) but at least when the game fails to save I can just reload that file with all my orders already plotted.
  2. Next turn..... Zook fires... hits a tree.... tank fires.... dead GI
  3. Here it takes a M10 round without slowing down.... Here is destroys the M10 In the next turn, the other zook team gets off a shot, which hits a tree... LOL, So, the tank rotates over and one shot kills them as well.
  4. There is the tank right after it appeared... a tree growing in the middle...? Zook team 1 is already dead, never firing a shot... I play on the hardest difficulty and this is a pbem game.
  5. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WkEZEjsig8k/TnDI0D1JOYI/AAAAAAAAANg/ewXh8K3ZvY4/s1600/woods.JPG"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 212px;" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WkEZEjsig8k/TnDI0D1JOYI/AAAAAAAAANg/ewXh8K3ZvY4/s400/woods.JPG" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5652238329056934274" /></a>
  6. I was also a Tanker... on a M1A1 and without the gyro/computer there was noway you were going to hit anything on the move... I also know that in Advanced Squad Leader (the best and most researched WW2 boardgame, to hit a target on the move you basically have to roll snake-eyes on two dice then roll a 1 on a single die back to back to obtain a hit. And even then, depending on other factors (target size, terrain modifiers) you still may miss. I use a lot of hyperbole and sarcasm in my threads and I think that got my last thread closed.... I don't really think this game is a "pile of poo" I am just frustrated with tanks... Why not just increase the odds in the programming that if you fire on the move you only have a .001% chance of hitting? That seems like simple programming to an X-tanker/ current cop but if you did that it would force players to change tactics... As it is now, why ever use the Hunt command? I can just have me tanks move or go fast towards the enemy and blast away as they go....
  7. In the woods means in the woods... not hiding under a lone tree in the middle of the open... thought that was pretty obvious.
  8. Nope... I am stubborn... I said "may"... I aint done bitching and moaning yet.. Heck, I paid for this steaming pile of crap and I am gonna stay on the ship till the game company confirms they don't care how bad this game stinks and at that point I will jump off and swim back to CMAK.
  9. I only quote you so everyone else can read your ON TARGET post.... :-)
  10. I have the file if you want me to email it... A Tiger is moving WIDE OPEN and is engaged by a Sherman 105 with heat... Sherman hits (no effect), Tiger keeps charging.... Tiger fires, misses (as to be expsected, there is NO POSSIBLE way a WW2 non-gyrostabilized main armament is gonna hit jack-sh*t at any range while running full speed down a slope. Sherman fires again... HIT, but no effect again... mind you this is only about 300 meters and using 105mm HEAT. OK.... whatever... possible... Then it happens.... Tiger fires again (still running at full blast) and guess what HIT/Destroys Sherman... This is NOT possible, a 1 in a 1000 shot.... this is based on YEARS of WW2 miniature and board wargaming (ASL, Flames of War, Blitzkrieg Commander, etc...) , and 5 years in the Army as a tanker. When we shutdown the gyros on a Abrams there was NO POSSIBLE way to hit anything.. Even at ranges off less then a football field we would miss BUILDINGS! Programmers..... PLEASE FIX THIS..... Tanks just did not fire on the move in WW2, for goodness sake do some research.... :-(
  11. Agreed.... This is my point... Tanks need to be spotted easier and Tanks should have a harder time spotting.
  12. Not to mention the other teams zook round hitting a tree? Really? Give me a break... if the woods were that thick the German should not be able to drive through it.
  13. My zook units were NOT under hide orders... It was woods, not a little patch near open ground. A tank would been HEARD and SEEN well before it saw two guys laying prone. Heck, those guys could of been doing jumping jacks and had a less chance to be seen then a multi-ton LOUD tank crashing through the woods.
  14. "Capable of" does not mean always will. Besides, on the firing range.. 100% no issues, but on the attack after moving... no way. Heck we missed some with an M1A1 at under a 1000 meters all the time. I would even accept 100% from a defending at less then 1000 meters if his target was stopped. Besides did you forget that the tanks we most often face are Mk4s? Not a 88 or 75 long....
  15. If you want the file email me...I named it Super Panzer.. Did I mention after killing the first zook team it drives up on a waiting M10 who puts a round penetrating into him? The Super Panzer doesn't even flinch.....he calmly stops rotates over and fires, destroying the M10. So, I assume then that AP and HE are not modeled? I mean earlier in that same turn the tank shot and blew up the zook team (must of been HE) then a few seconds later fires again blowing up the M10 (must of been AP) whom he didn't see until after been hit by it. Tanks will drive with a round in the tube... normally AP. If there is a target that requires the opposite it is quicker to fire the wrong round at the target then to try to reload. (at least this was army doctrine in the 1990 when I was a tanker. So, in the above scenario the tank either was combat loaded with HE when he blew up the zook team (AP rounds on troops are pretty worthless) then reloaded with AP, which makes no sense, after just finding grunts in the woods I know my TC would of ordered my to load more HE. So, if HE was loaded he destroyed the M10 with HE... possible but not likely.
  16. OK, fine... it was a "fluke"... SUPER tanks only happen once in awhile.. LOL How about what just happend in another battle I am playing... American squad on hunt orders in woods comes up on a buttoned Panther from the rear... sweet I think... They go prone and start throwing nades? Duh, they have 2 demo charges, do they use them? NOPE.... they rather toss nades and watch the tank slowly rotate its gun around... Is it really necessary to order Blast in a situation like this? So, I order Blast, is there a way to target the tank? NOPE.... just the area that is near him... I wonder what will happen? The move ended with the tank almost fully rotated around to be facing the grunts.
  17. No, a moving buttoned tank spots prone VET inf in the woods BEFORE the inf spots it..that BREAKS the game... Do you seriously want to debate this?
  18. Dude, that is a HUGE map.... no wonder all the missing....
  19. I watched a Panther one time see a Sherman, that was running full speed on the opposite side of the board, pivot 100 degrees, fire, almost before the pivot was over, direct hit.. boom. Absolute silliness. I also only play pbem.. I find the AI to be typical and boring... just to predictable and easy to beat. So, the pbem issues are very real to me.... These issues are also hitting my main opponent. I am running XP Pro 64bit and he is running Vista on the lower bit.
  20. Seems simple... TONE DOWN the spotting ability of tanks.... especially buttoned tanks. Did I mention that the MK4 in this battle was buttoned?
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