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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. You sure you wanna get rid of it yet? IL2 maker Maddox's next is Storm of War: Battle of Britain coming soon.
  2. Which is exactly what I mentioned awhile back, IIRC Steve said "anythings possible". Reason being, it will be quite sometime(4+ yrs) until we see CMSF 2(modern theatre) again. The main draw would be of course the new QB system, but add a few more units and a new campaign and call it the "CMSF: Gold" module or something. Maybe at a reduced price($20) since it's mostly only the QB system and that the CMSF family will be showing it's age by then, year from now or so.
  3. Great to hear it's still alive. Would of been nice to see BF be more clear about this.
  4. Yeah was really bummed to see this game was canceled. It was really starting to look good too. I don't see a problem with BF not wanting to talk about it, it's their website and their prerogative to do so. Also don't see a problem with leaving a forum thread open so people can at least kinda wave good-bye to it.
  5. Hey Squatdog, don't recall anybody ever taking a pic of their monitor to show an AAR. Much easier to just take a screenshot and post that. Just use the "Prt Scr" button in-game and then open up MS paint and paste it there.
  6. Forgot to mention in the description that this mod changes the CMSF title too. So I edited my upload to reflect this, so it's unavailable for the next 2-3 hrs.
  7. MikeyD, your stuff is pretty intimidating. Going back several years now, time and time again you dish out excellent stuff. Hell, I still remember your first mod for CMBB, pretty sure it was the Valentine. OMFG I'm not alone, LOL! I gave up with MS Paint, go grab GIMP and have at it, there's tutorials available as well. I just uploaded my very first splashscreen mod earlier. I learned quite a bit already. Had to add some black background for the scenario description area. Then made a new CMSF logo. Other than that, I just simply changed the rez to 1024x768 or close to it. Then changed it from jpg to bmp. I think that was the main problem I had before hand, kept just renaming the extension, didn't work. I'm gonna go for a fancy montage eventually incorporating several pics with effects.
  8. Hell, it's November with only a single bone thrown to the dogs of war. IMO a clear sign there will be no Normandy this year. I'm guessing first quarter next year, around March-ness.
  9. Ok thanks Sergei, I'll give it a try. I got the idea about using GIMP from your mod thread. You mentioned it took you only 15 mins to whip up your compass mod.
  10. Haha, Marc Singer, I remember that guy was in another childhood fav of mine, The Beastmaster. Him and those little ferets and that scantily clad red haired damsel in distress was super hot. Oh and that hawk was pretty kool too. Didn't they make a series for this one as well? I never did catch it, anybody see it?
  11. Ok I did the easy part and got a bunch of pics to use. But simply tried adding them into another splashscreen(FUTUREs_CMSF_Mods) mod and it doesn't work. What are the parameters for these screens(max rez, size, format, etc.) for the game? I was even thinking of using GIMP and making like a montage for the splash, savegames, and loading screens. I downloaded it and it's a bit daunting. I just don't know where to start. Not sure if I have the time and patience for that. Would be great if all you had to do is find a pic and drop it in.
  12. Speaking of Gimp, the website is down. I was thinking of making intro and loading screen mods. Just not sure where to start.
  13. I did really liked Serenity the movie, but never watched the series. Haven't seen the Firefly series either. I might have to rent it or something. But man, the V series from the early 80s was great, I loved it. It was pretty creepy to my brother and I.
  14. A basic cover indicator is better than none at all right? I admit though, breaking down cover parameters to only four colors is simplistic. I would consider it a starting point. Since obviously CMx2 has alot more going on than the typical RTS out there. But the basic premise is sound to any games UI or player feedback. Oh and who cares about what people would or could complain about. There will always be gripes and if BFC let possible complaints dictate decisions, well I think we'd all be in trouble then.
  15. This is interesting, I wasn't aware of it. Makes me wonder though, you guys did have a terrain indicator for CMx1, probably not all that important either. But now with CMSF it's even more complicated and IMO all the more reason to give this feedback to the player. But keep it simple though, nothing too complicated, maybe something like a simple colored dot or soldier indicater on the UI which changes from red= little to no cover, orange= some cover, yellow= even better, green= great or best cover.
  16. I've seen this as well, even at the start when acquiring ammo from vehicles. Units will sometimes take ammo/AT but nothing shows up in the inventory and the ammo is still subtracted from the vehicle. It's like it disappears. Also, I noticed with the Javelin if you take the rockets first instead of the launcher they disappear. Gone from the vehicle and the unit. Although this might be fixed by now, last time I did it(but learned from it) was like 1.10.
  17. Now many years later, I can confess how bad I got for my morning sugar rush. I loved Cocoa Pebbles mostly because it turned the milk essentially into chocolate milk, mmm good. But it wasn't good enough so I started using Nestle choco milk and just skip the regular milk. So in the end I got a super dose of choco milk. Talk about being jacked up going to school, lol. Hey, check this one out, actual iron filings in cereal. Wow, this ain't the kind of iron people need, buyer beware.
  18. Which is why we all need to kick back and kick ass with Sam. Yup, their remaking this classic. Suppose to come out like late-November, woohoo.
  19. Sure it has it's problems, but it's not like it's completely collapsed or anything. I was just up there visiting relatives a few weeks ago. Besides, they still got a great Wings team up there.
  20. Yup, that was the one I was referring to. It does look nice, but I just prefer seeing a facial pic of the grunts/crewmen besides those symbols. Something like this is what I'm thinking of: http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/mods/4340/details
  21. I didn't become, ahem, assimilated(Star Trek Borg anybody?) until about 1.10 myself. It's tough because first off, it's not our beloved WWII theatre, it's modern stuff which is a bit of a jolt. But then eventually a base thing for any wargamer comes into play, new toys to learn and play with. But something that CMSF still needs IMO and what the OP hinted at is a more detailed in-game stats info display box for each unit. Just like what the 'Enter" key was for CMx1 This transition would of been much easier if they stuck with WWII, but in the end I'm happy with it. Afterall, the best features and smoother launch comes in at Normandy. Then when the Eastern Front(mother of all fronts) finally starts to roll out, we can all expect absolute perfection, well closer to it anyway.
  22. I looked at the repository and only found one, a unit symbols mod, not what I'm looking for. Is there anymore out there? I checked the GaJ site briefly but didn't find any. Did anybody by any chance update a previous unit portrait mod to include the Brits?
  23. Thanks alot for these much improved UI mods. I checked the Gaj site and didn't find it, maybe upload it there too. Also not very easy to find here on the repository, I checked under Brits category and nothing. I found it by searching the forums and got this thread. Just a heads up!
  24. I highly doubt that. Hasn't it been said already that we'll see Normandy before NATO?
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