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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Try We Band Of Brothers: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/
  2. Try We Band Of Brothers: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/
  3. Not surprising at all. Have found that when you want a job done right, hire a woman...
  4. Dispatches from "WAR GOD": ************* SPOILERS Mission #2 - New Russian Campaign ************* The enemy attack on my left flank turned out to be a platoon effort - but it was easily destroyed by my three BMP's and inf with AT weapons. However, the left flank effort to cross the ford got nasty when Ukrainian arty started falling and my inf was being slowly degraded. Had to pull em back a ways and waited for my own tank reinforcements and arty to finally fall. Again, I shoulda let the recon do recon and not send out a BMP platoon and then sit there waiting. Or, at least pull em all the way back when arty started spotting. On the right flank we were stalled at the bridges as it was clear there were many ambush weapons trained on the bridges. Again had to wait for the friendly arty to do its job with its 7-8 minutes wait each time. Disaster when the Ukrainians found my FO's and started arty on them. Lost both FO's plus the air FO(!). I think the AI gets an advantage as it always seemed to know which units were my FO's. Eventually, with enuff arty falling on enemy position, I just rushed a BMP platoon across the ford and that was successful as it shot up a lot of defenders there. Went a bit too far and lost two more BMP's but a 2nd BMP platoon was following and secured the left flank. Hoped to get tanks across but too late found out that tanks could not cross at the ford. Now it was a question of rolling up the left flank, while the tanks rolled down the bridges followed by BMP's. Again most enemy AFV casualties were when their vehicles decided to make stupid moves. Eventually, killed enuff to get a TV again without taking the two town objectives. But no bonus for friendly casualties. Lost too much. However, was happy that one entire BMP platoon was almost unused. The challenge with Mission #3 will be that one of the two FO's only has one soldier so cannot be used as an FO. I thought that issue had been fixed so that dead FO's were replaced. Also, while inf seems to have been replaced in Mission #3, ammo has not been replaced. So, the tanks and BMP's are not at full load.
  5. Suggest you practice on CMSF first. CMBS is deadly and can be depressing before you get to understand what to do.
  6. Thought I'd better post before you go insane talking to yourself here.
  7. Used to "enjoy" kickboxing training till I f****ed myself up and had to have major surgery and years of rehab. Ah, good times... (The kickboxing was fun as well.)
  8. Fascinating. Thanks... However, I thought his proposal that the Bren was as good and better than the MG34 and 42 cos the Allies kept winning. But, wasn't a large part of that the quantity of the Allied arty and sheer volume of stuff we had?
  9. I was asking about the ragtag mod for the uncons. I forget that some people don't have English as their first language. No problemo El MOS...
  10. Thanks... So, they have a good store with tons on display?
  11. Understood. However, in these cases (Missions #1 and #2) the defender would be better off waiting in ambush. Any attacks by the defender given the Russian strength (and vision/spotting capabilities) seems suicidal. Or, it could just be that I am such brilliant player. Take your choice.
  12. I'll check later and get back to you... Off to gym now to work off aggro...
  13. Ah. I like brick and mortar stores where one can see the stuff.
  14. I figured that the HQ's show they have a PK only when mounted. So no need to have them acquire 7.62x54R ammo. It's confusing as it looks like they have the PK weapons but no ammo for them when mounted. And no, the HQ's do not have snipers requiring 7.62x54R ammo either. So, I have loaded the HQ's down with a thousand rounds (minimum amount one can acquire) of 7.62x54R for no reason. Another reason we need to improve the ACQUIRE system. Also, in my game the PKM graphic is identical to the PKP. That's not correct according to the manual. (It's possible it's a mod issue.) ********** SPOILERS Mission #2 of new Russian Campaign ********** The AI plan for the Ukrainian defenders continues to send out IFV's and tanks in strange pointless attacks vs the Russians. And the Ukrainians get slaughtered. If this keeps up, I could win Mission #2 like I did Mission #1 by simply killing the enemy rather than accomplishing objectives. We shall see... Surprisingly, the Russian BMP's turn out to be very effective vs the Ukrainian tanks. Brave Russian BMP's do NOT blow smoke and withdraw when they see what seems like a superior and more dangerous tank - as opposed to the Russian T-90's which seem very skittish and withdraw at the slightest sign of trouble (eg laser warning).
  15. Re PK vs PKP. The manual doesn't mention PK, only PKP so I assumed they use same ammo. However, the Co HQ has a PK but only 5.45mm ammo. Other units have PKP's and carry both 5.45 and 7.62x54Rmm. One has to have the Co and platoon HQ's acquire 7.62x54R ammo. Is that correct? Edit: Argh. I just realized that the HQ's only have PK's when they are mounted. When dismounted they only have AK74's. Also in my game the graphic for PKM in the weapon window is identical to PKP. That may be a factor of the mounted/dismounted issue. That's confusing.
  16. Thanks. I will pay more attention as it seemed that the text was above the vehicle's waypoint. (Unless it is now possible to dismount at a vehicle's intermediate waypoint??)
  17. I agree, even T-90's behave very nervous, blow smoke and retreat fast when they get a laser warning. But, in RL wouldn't that be realistic. The crew usually doesn't know what is doing the lasing.
  18. Just checking: In CMBS when I order a dismount I noticed that a text message saying "Dismount" appears above the vehicles next waypoint. Never noticed that b4. Is that normal?
  19. Hannants? Been to Hamblyns and Harrods....(??) There's a place in central London called "The Orc's Nest" I poop in occasionally.
  20. "Why do you need a store address (no game stores in your area?)" I travel a lot and love visiting game stores to drool a bit. Don't buy anything as CM uses all my gaming time. PS: Isn't it fun that this hardcore wargamer group is now discussing fantasy games. Surely CM: ZA (Zombie Apocalypse) cannot be far off...
  21. General Comment re Battles 1 and 2 of new Russian Campaign: ********** SPOILERS *********** In both missions the AI (or designer) makes it easier for the human player as the Ukrainian forces make stupid suicidal attacks that run into Russian ambushes. In Mission #1, first there are (IIRC) 3 IFV's that for no reason break from ambush positions and advance into the Russian forces and are easily killed. Next comes a slightly more clever flanking maneuver by two Ukrainian tanks. But, if one has left any kind of spotters in the buildings, those can be easily intercepted by the two T-90's. In Mission #2 I just experienced on one flank a platoon of IFV's attacking through the woods straight into my inf armed with AT plus BMP's backing em up. On the other flank what seems like a single IFV just attempted the same thing. Couldn't help but think that these suicide forces would have been much more effective if they'd stayed in ambush positions. Player note: You have the same recce company in Mission #2 (sans the AT teams and snipers) - so casualties suffered in Mission #1 hurt. And ammo resupply is dodgy, so ammo conservation is important too. I like this requirement to conserve force. Many other campaigns were made a bit silly cos it seemed like you received fresh forces at the start of every mission - which does a disservice to the capabilities of the CM2 system.
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