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Everything posted by Sledge59

  1. Yes to TCPIP playback! Yes to backward compatibility! Let's hope this stuff is already "in". Who wouldn't want these features?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rollstoy: I have played around a little bit with the face bitmaps yesterday, and I am now convinced that most of the textures make the face appear to big! One of the bitmaps (the guy with the blue eyes) is frightenly realistic for the low bitmap size, and I am sure that this is because the distances between his eyes and mouth are well related to the size of the polygon head. I tried to make my own face mod (with MS Paint, no less!!!), but it is very tedious, since every single pixel seems to count. In any case, a lot of care has to be taken when mapping scanned pictures to CM heads! Regards, Thomm PS: Sorry for being off-topic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You aren't off topic Rolls. This is the answer the question posed in this thread. WARGAMERS HEADS ARE TOO BIG!!! BTS please fix or ... (you know the rest). It's a good day to laugh.
  3. You're right Treeburst, I would happily play the allies in an all armor clash. This negotiation was kinda fun to have here on the board, but it's rude to our hosts and the other players if we drag it on too far. So with this new information shared by MrSpkr I will submit to an all infantry battle. It will be a fun fight and the victory will be all the sweeter since MrSpkr has picked his own poison! Sitreps will be posted here. Still no word from Chuckle. He seems to have fallen off the face of the earth!
  4. If you haven't already gone mod shopping it can be a good distraction while you wait and will certainly enhance your experience once the game arrives. CMHQ is a good place to start with lots of mods, live chat, and SuperTed's super updates for the whole community. Don't stop there though; lot's of folks have created fine CM sites... visit them all if you have time!
  5. Here's a link for ya: Belgian Combat Mission Scenario Page Have Fun!
  6. AFTER ACTION REPORTS (Scores have been mailed to Treeburst155) Tank Buster Initial battlefield analysis indicated that a game of ‘King of the Hill’ would be more decisive than ‘Capture the Flag’ on this large rainy forested rural map with it’s highest ground roughly in the center and the sole road running directly over the hill. A simple ‘fustest with the mostest’ thrust element consisted of a scrappy Stuart (our main battle tank), 2 HMCs, 2 Greyhounds, 2 rifle platoons, 1 HMG, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. These green troops and vehicles were sent up that hill with orders to take it. FO’s targeted likely avenues of enemy advance. As the AFVs slipped into cover at the top of the hill one of the greyhounds caught a 251/1 with a gun in tow heading off road for high ground and knocked it out. Two more gun toting halftracks were caught like deer in the headlights on the road. The next turns saw all of these destroyed and a sizable amount of infantry pelted by 180 rounds of 81mm mortar fire. Just one Greyhound was lost in this exchange. It was going to be a good day for the allies. Rather than rush into a hand-to-hand confrontation with a partially suppressed foe, the US force set up a hasty defense on the hill and turned all attention to the flags. A rifle company that did not participate in the hill assault grabbed the two smaller flags with no resistance. Every scrap of available firepower was turned upon a portion of a Sturmkompanie found partially setup around the main VL. At least one German platoon was ground into the dirt when the Americans took that flag. All subsequent attempts at retaking this VL were turned away. Another halftrack and what appeared to be a Lynx were hunted down and destroyed. Tank Buster attempted a crafty late battle strike at our rear lines with two rifle platoons. This element managed to knock out an HMC that had bogged and become immobilized near a patch of woods. These men too were blocked by what had become a hub and spoke defense of the VLs from Mapcenter Hill. This battle had intense fighting for 24 of 27 turns. What a thrill ride! StugIII This battle occurred on another interesting large map, nearly flat and almost open on the northern half. All the VLs were in the southern half in clearings between the patchy forests. The Allied plan here was to use concealment and recon to gain a defensive stance while locating a weak spot for an armored thrust. It worked like a charm. There was NO movement on the northern half of the map. A feint/probe in the extreme south resulted in a successful ‘hail Mary’ shot from a zook team aiming at a StuGIII. Lady Luck had smiled again. At this point an armored force consisting of a Chaffee, a Stuart, a Greyhound, and an HMC shot across form the north to fan out behind German lines. No guns were encountered along the way. Three turns later the two remaining StuGIII’s were no more. By this time the German infantry had occupied the VLs only to be met by an M7 and a steady rain of artillery. All the Allied armor focused upon driving back the Axis infantry. When 5 American rifle platoons walked up to the flags, hardly a shot was fired in protest. StugIII had some sour luck on this one. We are planning to play another game sometime soon.
  7. I haven't heard from Chuckle for a while either. So how about it MrSpkr... are we going with heavy armor or are we hopelessly deadlocked at pregame? AARs soon to come for games with Tank Buster and StugIII. Just waiting for the scores.
  8. The friend who introduced me to CM participated in 4 Pacific beach landings as a chief scout in the Marines. I'll tell him about this.
  9. Use their disadvantages against them whenever possible. The flanks and rear are relatively weak and the turret is slow. You will need some good recon and a skilled opponent will usually have plenty of infantry support, so there is no general rule that will always work. Still, I'd take odds on 2 Hellcats vs 1 Panther any time.
  10. Hi Wayne, I see you live in New Mexico. (must have been a monsoon that day) If you want to have a game sometime the files wouldn't have far to travel!
  11. Based on replay value vs other games that I have tried, the price is extremely low. I'd give several "bargain" games in trade for a copy of CMBO. Personally I'd rather see the price stay where it is just as a symbol of it's real value.
  12. AFTER ACTION REPORT (Mike8g v Sledge) This game was over from the start. I could see 2 tanks in the open on turn 1 and thought: “He has made some kind of huge mistake here… go for it!” As it turned out the mistake was all mine. His laser guided AT gun from hell just couldn’t miss. One shot bounced off and the next two killed a StuGIII apiece. Now the only thing that could take out his armor was a pair of 50mm guns. One of these was covering a flank attack that never came. The other managed to kill a halftrack before a mortar bombardment routed the crew. At this point began the fighting retreat. The green German rifle squads held up very well considering the combined arms effect that was brought to bear against them. The Poles kept marching forward through howitzer and mortar fire like men possessed while buildings, bullets and shells pelted the hapless Axis force. Nearly 2/3 of the German force escaped uninjured that day. The commander chose to suffer the wrath of high command himself rather than see his troops pay for his blunder with their lives. You played an excellent game Marcus! These games are at various stages: Tank Buster (turn 24 of 27) Tincan (turn 23 of 28) StugIII (turn 20 of 27) Fangorn (turn 10 of 28) Chuckle (waiting for turn 1 return file) Sent a counter-counter-counter offer to MrSpkr this morning for a duel in a saloon on the New Mexico/ Texas border. We shall see if his thumb wrestling skills are worthy of the trip!
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Waah waah waah! Sledge is mean and not submissive and I hate him cuz he knows my deep dark secret that I was so sure nobody could see and he could care less if I call him names and why oh why is he picking on me? *Blubber sniff Blubber sniff* MrSpkr [ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *Hands MrSpkr a clean tissue for his tears. * Settle down now neighbor. Looks like you could use a little wine for that whine. Hit a little too close to home? Lets see if we can make it all better shall we? True confessions of a heavy-handed hammer: - This IS a game. We ARE negotiating. - I am cursed with an uncontrollable impulse to break the kneecaps of anyone caught gloating over the misfortune that they tricked someone else into. - I love to pick on Texans. (Except Texas Toast… a true ass-kicker) - The assumption here is that if you can dish it out you really should be able to take it. *Wink-wink nudge-nudge* - I have spent the last two weeks without even one cigarette after over two decades of nicotine addiction. SOMEBODY has to pay for this! - Ya got just one thing right in that last post… Combat Mission is a game. To me it does not mock those who have made sacrifices in war, but honors them by reminding the player of history via simulation. It has on several occasions made me sit back and reflect upon what it took to deal with a given situation, and has kindled an appreciation for those whose lives have shaped our world. Still it is a game that offers the thrill of a simulation without the suffering of the real thing. Does this mean that we should desecrate it? - What would you really rather have, a worthy opponent who knows exactly how to get into your head or a submissive second-hander to lick your feet? Don’t answer that! THE STAR CHAMBER COURT IS NOW IN SESSION Your hysterical judge Sledge presiding. Sledge: “Stand up and hear yer sentence!” MrSpkr: “But I haven’t even entered a plea or had a trial or…” Sledge: “Shut yer trap!” MrSpkr shuts his trap. Sledge: “You have been found guilty of taking yerself too dang seriously.” MrSpkr: “but what about due process?” Sledge: “Due process is far too gamey for this court. You are hereby sentenced to hang by the neck until you cheer up!”
  14. For a quickie you could try the chatroom at CMHQ. Tournaments come up often... just keep an eye out. If you keep a post on the opponent finder for a while you can fill your PBEM plate in a hurry.
  15. MrSpkr: Given that latest result we can complete our negotiations. Shame on you for stretching the well intended set of rules far beyond said intent yet again! I had honestly expected a much better response than "because" from a recently anointed "can-of-guts" of yonder Peng thread. I for one am grateful for the generous work done by the originators of the pool; for though clearly we are all already "cans-of-guts", some need a bit of hazing followed by peer acknowledgement in order to realize their true nature. At any rate "because" does not suffice as an answer even from a five year old. Allow me a moment to explain the root of my purpose in playing CM: Combat Mission has a certain feel of realism not to be found in any other game. This is my opinion. It is also my opinion that you are making every effort to bend this realism in order to win our match. (Yes, Fire IS my friend on the same level as the Flak Truck Fleet.) Naughty naughty! I will make every effort to obtain what may well be your greatest fear: A fair fight You have far far more experience at force selection than I do. That being the case my request is quite simple: Treeburst155 picks everything. I haven't asked Mike if this is OK with him; hopefully it is. Negotiations are now closed. Do you accept?
  16. Meesteer Speekeer: It's hard to believe that you have not gotten any of my 3 e-mails since you replied to the first with a rather silly counter proposal. If you really want a small map in dry weather with unrestricted purchases so that you can fry the beautiful forests and buildings; you will need to persuasively state your reasons. You will find my highly dependable e-mail address in the profile section. You will find yet another e-mail in your box. If this one arrives intact I will have to assume that you have carelessly deleted the others. In that case we will just have to play an infantry only game in the mud on the largest map available. *grin*
  17. Very handsome trucks! I was kinda hoping that you'd do a solid gold version to boldly demonstrate the truck's performance vs. AP rounds. Seriously they do look good and hopefully someday Steve and Charles will have the time to fix this minor flaw in the original masterpiece.
  18. I'm in agreement with the guy that says green troops are the secret to realism in CM. Watching both sides grind one another down to a pile of bodies over and over just feels unrealistic, and the more skilled units are most likely to do just that. Of course there were skilled units in the war. Wouldn't they break off from a lost cause and live to fight another day if conditions allowed it?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Each player may reject the map only ONE time. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *wooden cogs whirl in head*... New strategy! Reject map on the last turn if you are losing. Then we can all play 2-3 games per opponent... Noooooo! Seriously Treeburst you are doing a fine job bangin' that gavel. Still need to start up games w/ Chuckles and MrSpkr. Playing allies in 4 of 5 so far.
  20. Another opinion: -Small maps are gamey... like shooting fish in a barrel. -Large map QB defence is gamey... the VLs are spread much wider. -Probably the least gamey QB defence would be one in which you abandon at least one flag in the setup phase on a large map. -The only thing more gamey than CMBO is: EVERY OTHER GAME EVER MADE
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore: Sorry guys I didn't know I was loved so much. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This particular lurker awaits your every installment with bated breath.
  22. Pawbroon, In all fairness you should hold fire on the heavy stuff until they finish their farewell letters to mama.
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