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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Picky, picky. GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: I'm sure I'll come up with some other angle later. Oh, by the way, you're all maggots!!
  2. Actually I'm not even sure if the California maggot has really lost the file. Far be it for me to let a sleeping dog lie, though, when I can jab him with a sharp stick. Okay Axe, you maggot, if you don't like my first line of BS, how about the "fact" that the accused Mike the whino had chosen self-propelled guns and tanks in a game limited to halftracks and armored cars? The armament limit was supposed to be 20 mm guns. Does that prove some kind of intent and malice? I submit that Mr. Wino (the maggot) did not want my noble Allied vehicles to get close enough to positively identify his gamey selection of Axis AFVs. He saw an opportunity to cover his tracks by "losing" our game, and he took it. Cut now to scene of William Wallace, who looks amazingly similar to Mel Gibson in need of a haircut. He's had his belly cut open and his guts drawn out. His final words, "FREEDOM for my sig line!!" The audience melts into tears. Okay, so I'm getting carried away in the spirit of arguing just for the sake of argument. Actually I have had people I worked with tell me that I should have become a lawyer, because I will argue either side of almost anything.
  3. I suspect CMX2 will have something to do with World War 2, if that helps. Soddball, what would you do with a gold brick, take it out and have it bronzed?
  4. Okay, one vote for Paula's Axe is registered. Teddy Windsor, I will be most happy to take the Axis side in Soddball's mighty masterpiece. Not from any particular attachment, but I find myself managing the Allies (Russians) in almost all of the PBEMs I play. If that's acceptable to you, let the Cheery Waffling commence! WallyBob, come up with something suitably off the wall for our rematch. I'd like to try the Partisans sometime, if that helps. I picture a scenario resembling that classic movie "Southern Comfort". I'll be the Cajuns against your leaderless and lost National Guardsmen. :eek: Mike the wino, I'm back with yet another technicality. Since you lost our Car Wars game in the conversion process, my clearly superior armored cars and halftracks were robbed of their rightful total victory over you. In this case, I believe you should forfeit the rights to my sig line. Unless you can prove that you didn't purposely lose the files to avoid the thorough drubbing I was set to administer to you, I'll be changing it later today. Maggot! I love rattling his cage!!
  5. Excellent! Soddball, are you alive? Sober? Able to distinguish the keys on your keyboard? When you can manage all these feats, please send the Cheery Waffle scenario to me or to the most debonair Mr. Windsor at your earliest convenience. He will be playing the side with his personal character, which means I could end up trying to kill my own character in this scenario. As luck would have it, based on my recent PBEM experience, I'm sure I couldn't actually hurt any of Teddy's men. :mad:
  6. Oh sure, you didn't get an uber-tank, you picked undead uber-Romanian infantry. They're almost as impervious to gunfire as Keke's Finns, who just stripped switches off the pine trees and slaughtered my Russians. To give you an idea of just how uber the Finns are, I had veteran infantry squads literally standing on top of dead Finns, and they still couldn't identify it any more clearly than "Infantry?"!! :eek: Speaking of whining, can you imagine the nerve of someone actually allowing a wafflehead to use an assault rifle? Keke and Paddington, keep your heads down for the next few days. Somewhere in Finland the maggot Prinz Eugen is running around, armed and dangerous. A Cheery Waffle veteran, and a postal employee both? What a combination!! Finland may be at war with the rest of Europe in a couple of days. :eek: :eek:
  7. I'm back, maggot. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it. I've already sampled the joys of "Operation Black Forest" and I'm not sure you realise quite what you're letting yourself in for. Still, if Soddball's Cheery Waffle doesn't tickle your fancy, then these could be the next best thing - bring it on </font>
  8. I'm sure the Allied tankers who came up against them felt much the same way. They can be killed by Allied tanks, but it's not easy. I've knocked one out with a T-34. It was a 200 meter side shot at a buttoned Tiger, but it can happen. I've killed several of them in CMBO with my favorite Allied tank, the Firefly. If the Tiger sees you first, you're in trouble. :eek: If you would ever play a battle from an earlier period, your Russian KV tanks would have the same advantage in armor, without the huge advantage in your gun.
  9. MasterGoodale (you maggot) I'll be willing to try either one of your scenarios. After all, I've played two of Soddball's and survived with only slight impairment to my ability to walk. Plus I've developed this nasty tic. Oh, and I have to type everything with my left hand now, as my right is permanently clenched in a fist. But otherwise there haven't been any side effects. Well, except for the occasional drooling. So how about it Teddy Windsor, are you up for a genuine "Goodale" production? If we're looking for gamey unreality, what better place to find it? I was thinking of your Romanians more in terms of Transylvanian werewolves and vampires. We forgot to bring our silver bullets and our wooden stakes, and my Hungarians are paying the price. Mere lead and TNT has had little effect on your troops. I forgot to tell you I also had two on-board mortars fire their entire ammunition load on your men, without noticeable effect. Maybe my Hetzer can accomplish something, even if it's just running over them. GRRRR!! :mad:
  10. Thanks for posting these, Michael. All three of those documents are fascinating insights into the impressions of men on the ground, in the foxholes. What I found especially interesting in the form completed by William Lyster was the scarcity of German threats taken for granted in CMBB. From October 1944 through April 1945, he said his men were the target of grenades one time. In the same period, he said his men were NEVER attacked by German aircraft, flamethrowers, armored cars, or tanks. Seems amazing, since the Germans in CM always have tanks and/or assault guns. Maybe his information helps explain all the "How did the Germans lose when they had all of the great hardware?" questions.
  11. Congratulations to WallyBob for handing me my head, liver, spleen, kneecaps, and a few other body parts in a 67 to 33 Tactical Defeat whipping! The computer ruled a cease-fire for both sides. My six T-34/85s couldn't cope with his three Hetzers and a Pz IV in a small pure armor QB meeting engagement. On the last turn we each killed the other's next-to-last AFV. At the time of the cease fire I had an untouched tank, and he had a shocked Hetzer. In other PBEMs, mike_the_sicko has dropped out of sight. All in all, 9 out of 10 people consider this a good thing. Apparently Car Wars didn't survive the conversion to v 1.03. Paddington has also disappeared, and I can't convert our game to v 1.03 any more, so I think that one may be over, too. Prinz Eugen may be taking the motto of the US Postal Service a little too far in his new job. They say, "Neither snow, nor rain, nor gloom of night shall keep the mail from its appointed rounds." You will notice that nowhere in this is any mention of getting CMBB turns out. So Prinz Eugen, do like so many US postal delivery people do and simply keep the mail at home, saving yourself time for CMBB! Paula's Axe has Romanian troops who are absolutely impervious to mortar fire. I've exhausted two and 1/2 FOs of Hungarian mortars (one died halfway through) on his men, and they still refuse to break. My own troops are running when they hear the birds singing. Obviously he's doing something gamey. What else could explain it? :confused: Keke has shattered my Russian attack with his Finns. There are many Russian bodies where they met his Finns at close range. His Stug has destroyed all three T-34s. I don't believe any of the three fired a single shot at his Stug. Obviously he too is doing something gamey. Stalin's one day ahead of me Organ is continuing to kill anything and everything German with his solitary KV. My Germans continue to drive off the map. Another gamey wafflehead. :eek: MasterGoodale (the maggot) continues to throw Russian troops at my Germans with all the finesse of the Bugs in "Starship Troopers". I have squads trying to hold off companies, and HQ units up against whole platoons. Meanwhile all of my long ranged German anti-tank weapons sit unused. It could be because of the hilly, forested map which doesn't allow a clear field of fire of more than 200-300 meters. It could be because MasterGoodale has outsmarted me. I think I'll play Solitaire from now on and forget CMBB. GRRRRR!!! :mad:
  12. (vivtims)??? Who are you calling a vivtim? Am I one of those?? :confused: MasterGoodale (you maggot), as hard as it was to tolerate you when you were always losing, it's much more difficult when you have a couple of turns go well for you. Your TNT has been a non-factor in our game. It's your thousands of Crack Russians swamping my German squads that are causing me grief. All of your expected Russian armor has been a no-show. I mean, after 15 turns to have spotted one Russian tank? This is a totally unexpected Goodale force mix, and my Germans are having big problems. However, we still have 30 turns to go, so don't get too worked up just yet.
  13. It is rare that we get someone who is quite so open about their racist views. </font>
  14. Robohn and Kurt Panzer Meyer, may I suggest that the two of you play a PBEM of Soddball's "Inferno" scenario. That would help you understand why we are the way we are. Soddball's horrific creation probably lowered everyone's IQ about 75 points. I want to know: what has happened to MasterGoodale (the maggot)? In our current battle, there is Russian infantry attacking! They seem to be moving in coordination! No single squads out running around by themselves! Who is really making the moves for MasterGoodale now? His wife? Daughter? Mold? Ants? I want the real MasterGoodale back, who could be counted on to attack with no plan; who would randomly throw units into an attack. Come back, MasterGoodale, my Germans miss your leadership.
  15. Actually I think King George III would have been very put out if he had known there were German colonies in North America. At the time of the Revolutionary War, most of the Germans on this side of the Atlantic were troops hired by the British. Please check your history about this, because someone has told you something that's just not true. :eek: Not that it has anything to do with the subject of the thread. You people haven't thought this question all the way through. If the Axis won the war we would all be playing the CDV version of this game, but it would have the SS included.
  16. Florian, I don't know where you came across this piece of information. All I can tell you with certainty is that it is 100 percent wrong. The 13 original colonies were all under British rule before independence. All official documents were in English. There has never been a vote on a national language for the US. German immigration really didn't start until decades after independence.
  17. Mike, I'm sorry to hear about the death in your extended family. Don't worry if we lost our Car Wars game, since you had made such gamey selections. :mad: There was very little chance that my machine-gun armed scout cars were going to be able to take out all of your panzers. Maggot. Sick or not, grieving or not, drunk or not, always a maggot. :mad: Jim Boggs, so great to hear from you! I hope your wife is much improved. Your timing is perfect; I just deleted all of our turns last night after I converted to 1.03. If you haven't converted yet you may be able to keep it going. If not, we'll write it off and do something else. Hey, we can call it a PLAYTEST!!! Prince Teddy, enjoy your latest crime-busting escapade. Tell the whole family that since Princess Di and Fergy jumped ship that they are simply the scariest human beings alive with the possible exception of the Peng-people. I'll root around at the Scenario Depot or someplace to find something piquant for your jaded tastes. :cool: Did somebody say the CDV patch was 25 MB?? What is in that file, since the US patch was 2 MB? Did you furriners get an extra CD's worth of mods and scenarios again? :mad:
  18. Right the first time. Give the man a cigar. Playing TCP/IP appears to be too much like work for me. I much prefer a turn or two per day with all the attending talk about un-game-related things. So sue me! MasterGoodale (you fury maggot), what in the world are you trying to do? This thread has NO rules. Period. Every battle exists in a vacuum, like the one between your ears. No rules about Sig lines. No rules about anything. If you want to call yourself the Grand High Chucker of TNT, Mold, Ants, and/or Vomit, knock yourself out. Actually you're reminding me of Bud Bundy's Grandmaster B, so excuse me when I laugh and chuck in your general direction.
  19. Agreed. Oh, wait, that was me. Well, it doesn't make it any less true. (W :mad: :mad: T!! 600!!! Yours truly, Gaylord junior) </font>
  20. Axe, last night my wife sat down with me and read some of the posts on this thread. You cracked her up with this one. And me, too. She did wonder about the "Maggot Madness" in the title.
  21. All I'm getting on both links is a Yahoo GeoCities page saying the page I wanted is temporarily unavailable. On the plus side, there is an entry form for a contest giving away a plasma TV. Sort of a mixed blessing, I suppose. Axe, who let you out to wander around? Next you'll end up in the General Forum. :eek:
  22. Paula's Axe, if only MasterGoodale was only on his version 1.03 excuse. Let's take a quick trip down memory lane of MaggotGoodale's excuses: It snowed. He had to visit his family. His house had mold. He had to work. His daughter was sick (several times) His house had ants. His losses were playtests. He had to do something with his grandfather's photos of Hitler. (What ever happened to those??) The dog ate his homework - that's probably next. Snarker, excellent title. How long before MasterGoodale finds it? Edited to gloat at all of you taking so long to download the patch. My cable modem downloaded version 1.03 in 14 seconds! :eek: [ June 05, 2003, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  23. You really have got to love this guy. When he loses it's a "playtest". When somebody else is going to upgrade it's a "forfeit". And you maggots gave me a hard time about my little misunderstanding with mike_the_whiner and his alter ego, Mike the wino2. GRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: I'll just count all of my games as playtesting from now on when I lose. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket.
  24. I'll be downloading the new patch this evening. If there is anybody I'm playing now (that would be _UXcva, Paddington, Keke, Paula's Axe, mike_the_armor-illiterate, Stalin's Organ, Prinz Eugen, WallyBob, and MasterMaggotdale) who is not planning to upgrade immediately, our game is probably going to have to end. I don't want to have different versions of CMBB going simultaneously. Making you people feel good by losing to you is tough enough with a single version.
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