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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. <font size=5>Good Morning, Maggots!!</font size=5> Any threads locked or <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> banned last night? <font size=4>He's back!!</font size=4> :eek: :eek: What a relief. I for one am glad to see this most minor of deities restored to his position as lord of boring posts. Who'd have guessed his literary Muse actually resides in his car?
  2. That's okay, here's one for you anyway. What a disappointment from Seanachai! Obviously he's off his game. Soddball must be browbeating him to send a turn. I figured there would be at least a 50,000 word epic poem about the narrow escape of the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread from a horde of angry refugee Cheery Waffleheads. But no, he took the low road that the 10-15 year-olds in the MBT will probably find hysterical. <font size=6>Dear MadMatt, I don't want any of the penguins banned tonight!!</font size=6> Yet!
  3. So I get to sink your ship, kill your crew, and drown you? I can live with that! GRARGHRARRGHRARGHRARGH!!!
  4. Bless me, Fellow Maggots, for I have a confession to make. Forgive me, for I have once again posted in the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread. I apologized to YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty for jokingly asking BFC to ban them. Who ever thought MadMatt actually reads any of this stuff? :eek: :eek:
  5. [serious mode on] Dear YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty, In case you thought I was seriously requesting that you be banned, allow me to show you the entire post I made: I spend the long weekend returning PBEM turns and ignoring the Cheery Waffle thread and look what happens! Somehow I'm sure the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> infiltrators are responsible for the demise of the thread. BFC should go ahead and ban YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty for crashing the forum. Even if they didn't do it, at least it would keep them from aggravating Soddball. Since he's threatening to channel MasterGoodale, I think any action BFC can take to keep him calmed down is a good move. If that message caused MadMatt to think I was truly asking to have you banned, please accept my sincere apology. Apparently my attempt at being funny overstepped the boundaries allowed. [serious mode off] Now let me get out of here before something sticks to me. :eek: :eek:
  6. I spend the long weekend returning PBEM turns and ignoring the Cheery Waffle thread and look what happens! Somehow I'm sure the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> infiltrators are responsible for the demise of the thread. BFC should go ahead and ban YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty for crashing the forum. Even if they didn't do it, at least it would keep them from aggravating Soddball. Since he's threatening to channel MasterGoodale, I think any action BFC can take to keep him calmed down is a good move.
  7. Well, it looks like Minnesota's period of mourning for the Vikings has finally ended. Welcome back to the land of the living, Seanachai. So now that YK2, Kitty, Boo, Mace, and now Seanachai are posting here, who's left to mind (Make that "watch". The word "mind" doesn't seem appropriate in a sentence about the MBT) the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread? The GF stormtroopers? The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso? Poor Old Spike? Gaylord Focker?
  8. Hey, I've been getting stuff from the AARP for a couple of years now. So far I've thrown it all away unopened. Just because you pass 50 doesn't make you old. Joining the AARP and taking advantage of senior discounts and not having fun - that makes you old!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Besides, I say "excuse me" even when I'm by myself!
  9. I guess that means I can pardon my Pz III crews who couldn't kill, or even dent, hull-down M3s. Not that many of the German crewmen involved survived the contact. :eek: :eek:
  10. Becket, yes, I've sent it twice already. I did forget to request confirmation of delivery, so I'll try it again this evening. For some reason when I requested the confirmation it seemed to work better in our last game. :confused: Soddball, I like this version of Inferno much better than the CMBB scenario. I can't say for sure why; maybe the map seems more open. Whatever the reason, Snarker and I have many, many fires going. :eek: Whatever happened to mike_the_wino? Has he stopped playing Combat Mission? Is he at the Betty Ford Clinic? The maggot challenged me to a PBEM (we're using the BDLRM scenario, with him defending); then he disappeared when he discovered how useless his weapons were. GRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: How about Mike/Stalin's Organ? I know he was taking a two week vacation, but I thought that was over the holidays. I've got his Kiwis right where I want them in a PBEM , but I can't finish him off with no turns. Quick question for Boo, Kitty, YK2, Mace, and our other guest <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>. Has something happened to the Peng thread to cause you to spend more time here in the land of Cheery Waffles? A couple of us were just curious about why you are spending time here instead of in your old stomping ground. I thought it was to escape the Aussies, but Mace showing up ruined that theory. We figured maybe it was from the welcome you received here. Then we thought it was to escape Seanachai and his long-winded posts. So is there any particular reason, or just kismet? Whatever the reason, it's a pleasure to have you with us. But do try to keep the hairballs to a minimum.
  11. The address of the facility that burned was 300 Spring Street. You can see what it looked like before tonight by looking at the web site here. It's easy to forget when we casually destroy buildings in CM that almost every building is someone's pride and joy. One weird twist is that one of the two owners of 300 Spring is a Jeffersonville fireman, so imagine his state of mind. Axe, Becky's Cafe Chardeau is only open for lunch on weekdays. They share space in the building (another old one) with a coffee shop, so I can't help you out there. However, even if you turn up at the cafe on a weekday, don't expect to see me. I usually eat lunch at Becky's catering kitchen, which is a couple of blocks away. Her catering website is here. Eating catered food for lunch every day is a tough job, but somebody's got to do it!
  12. Whoa, three whole posts (okay, four now with Boo's words of wisdom) on this thread today. Careful you all, with this massive volume we'll burn out a circuit in the server. I'm sure all of you were preoccupied this afternoon watching the mighty Colts flatten the Chiefs! Who's next, the Patriots? GRARGHRARGHRARGHRAGHRAGH!! That's Axe's and MasterGoodale's local team! Go Colts! Murder those New England bums! Becket, any more Fiefdom on the horizon? I haven't been back to the forum since I posted my message. Have I been burned in effigy yet? Calm down Snarker, you maggot, you can't actually set me on fire in Inferno. Speaking of inferno, a city block of my home town is on fire right now. Becky and I had to drive downtown to see, because the street corner mentioned by the TV news is the very corner she has a cafe located on. Fortunately the fire is across the street from her business, and also downwind. Sadly, all of the buildings being destroyed are at least 100 years old. One was an old JC Penneys store built in the 1890s which was recently completely refurbished into a gorgeous facility for wedding receptions and other events. I was there last weekend, and it's hard to believe that now it's a smoking ruin.
  13. Do any of you <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> ever make it back over to your own thread? It's getting harder to recognize this one, because none of you ever talk about chucking molten TNT. I guess I miss MasterGoodale, the fury maggot, the king of the mold, the ants, the vomit, and the excuses. He was always ready to overreact to the slightest provocation. Not a GRAGRHRARGGHRARRGHHRAAGRH!!!! to be seen anywhere.
  14. So neither of you has played a Soddball scenario before? You'll just love it. :eek:
  15. Kitty, you're the only one I knew who had used another fief. I apologize for singling you out. Maybe instead of using another player's fief, some members set themselves up with several fiefs. I suspect there was a lot of that going on within the big alliances. Please accept my most humble apology. Anyway, I have posted 10 suggestions at the Fiefdom forum, so let me know what you think. I suspect i won't be invited back, because too many people just want to raise massive armies and spend all of their time fighting.
  16. What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here? (fans Mace's fumes with his hat) :mad: :mad: Nevermind, welcome back from wherever you've been. I see you still won't put any information about yourself in your profile. Still having us guess about what god-forsaken place you live in? Sending many PBEM turns out right now. I ran them last night, but didn't get around to actually e-mailing any of them. Well, excuuuuuuuuse meeeeeeeeee!! Axe, you should not be losing your heat in a brand new home. Did you contact your contractor? I'm glad you got it back on before freezing overnight. Becket, I'll post suggestions over there on the Fiefdom site. I've got to find the link again; I seem to have deleted it. Luckily I know it's somewhere in this thread. I've always liked Civilization and its copycats. I think Fiefdom has the basis for a great on-line game, but it definitely needs some tweaks to reduce the power of the big blocs. Basically I don't think there's enough emphasis placed on self-interest. For example, Mace allowing Kitty to use his fief. What are the chances of that ever happening in medieval times? Probably the best known example was Richard letting his brother John run his kingdom. That certainly didn't work out well for Richard, or for the power of the future rulers of England.
  17. Were you followed? We can't let some stranger like an Aussie find us here, recreating the campfire scene from "Blazing Saddles". Of course, nobody is stranger than Finns, which we've had in abundance in the past. I hope Keke is doing okay; haven't seen him lately. I guess Prinz Eugen is back at his university, after a summer carrying mail. What did that third Finn maggot go by, Paddington or something? I guess they're all hibernating with the reindeer and the polar bears. :eek: :eek: Becket, do you expect some changes in the next round of Fiefdom? Unless there are some limits placed on the size of alliances and individual fiefs, I'd expect the same crowd to win again and again and again. Another change I would make is limiting an alliance to one attack on a specific fief per turn. Also, no attacks allowed within an alliance (to rack up battle points). More suggestions available upon request.
  18. Thank you, you snot guzzling sack of scabs. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Kitty</font>
  19. Turns out to El Skunkito, Teddy Windsor, Axe, Soddball, and Snarker. I'm waiting for turns from mike_the_wino and Lurkur. Where are you maggots hiding? Hasn't anyone told you that Christmas is over for another year? Becket, I like Fiefdom, but I don't think the system should be so open-ended. It seems to me that once a fief reaches a certain population there need to be negative consequences from increasing population pressure. As it stands now a few experienced early-joiner players can form an alliance and keep everyone else from ever having any chance to catch them in the rankings. Actually, I was thinking about what a wonderful model of gang wars that Fiefdom provides. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  20. Axe, if you want to be like Pete Rose it's okay with me. Just please tell me you don't wear dress shirts with a little number monogrammed onto the collar. That is so precious it makes me want to be sick. :eek: :eek: Have you noticed the maggots have been absent - no doubt playing that infernal virus Fiefdom. :eek: :eek: :eek: Becket, send me a setup.
  21. Well, don't we all? Awww, I'm blushing! Thanks to all of you maggots and <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> and whatever other riff-raff who piled on and wiped out my army, making me a knight in the process. I still plan to be chaotic, so don't be surprised. Do you think any of the other alliances will let me join? Oh, and CMAK will be just fine with me. Send me a setup.
  22. Go Paula! On the other hand, that will mean an extra hour and 40 minutes every day she has to put up with AXE!! :eek: :eek: Isn't there a job somewhere farther away than Toronto she could get, with a longer daily commute? Montreal, maybe?
  23. All turns out to you Fiefdom-playing maggots. I won't be expecting any new turns from any of you for days. Has anyone heard from mike_the_wino? We started a PBEM weeks ago and he's been AWOL since before Christmas. I hope he didn't help himself to enough holiday wine to cause his body to burst. Unfortunately, I sure wouldn't bet on him having that kind of self-control. :eek: :eek:
  24. Send me a setup. I'll take it for a spin against you! It's the least you can do since I'm playing my third version of Inferno!
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