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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Thank you for stomping my fief, Kitty! May I have another? Becket, introducing us to this game may have been a mistake. When will anybody get CMAK turns out when they're preoccupied with defending their fief from the other maggots, and worse? :eek:
  2. Since I don't usually read that quaint little collection of mindless posts which goes by the name of the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread, can you define how you meant "plugging" for me? Do you mean you put in a good word for the Cheery Waffles? Do you mean you stopped up our thread, like a clogged drain? Or do you mean it the way the cowboys in old westerns used it, meaning you shot our thread? Oh, and nobody has called me a "little" anything for a long, long time, so I'll take that as a compliment.
  3. It'd be hard to pick the winner of a contest like that in here. :mad: :mad: Kitty</font>
  4. I think with all the car pictures we've probably filled this thread. I have taken the liberty of starting a new one. Sue me.
  5. Okay, here is the Cheery Waffle rule for sodding: "Green side up!" Since Axe filled up the last thread with pictures of cars, it was time to move on.
  6. Not to worry, Kitty, I think that's just another hairball coming up. Lord knows I've had to clean up enough of them with five cats. :mad:
  7. You mean repeating something that's been brought up fifty times before isn't new? Not that any of the movies or historical eras were "new" the first time they were mentioned on the BFC forums. Just out of curiosity, is there really a need to move Combat Mission away from World War 2? Has somebody completed all the levels and killed the boss monster at the end of the game? :confused:
  8. Friends, maggots, countrymen, lend me your ears. Hmmm, that has quite a ring to it. Somebody ought to use that in a play sometime. But I digress. The Belgian waffle, oops, make that maggot stikkypixie does not yet have CMAK, but he does have the demo which he downloaded. He sent me a PBEM setup, but when I tried to open it I received an error message because we have different versions of Combat Mission. So is there no way to play a PBEM with someone who only has the demo? That is, short of downloading the demo myself. :confused: :confused: Failing that, what's the fastest way to get CMAK into stikkypixie's hot little hands? We had quite a CMAK-lite battle using CMBB; one of Jim Boggs' five tank, 50 turn marathons. Of course stikkypixie gamily shot up four of my five underarmed, underarmored Pz IIIs, but I did knock out one Valentine, and I did make two of his Matildas bog!
  9. Well, the late, lamented Jim Boggs is still alive after all. Jim, would that be the scenario "Ambush" by any chance? I feel your pain, having lost all of my reinforcements to another Brit in an eerily similar way. Soddball, Teddy Windsor...a word of warning, do not play Ambush against a resident of the UK, unless you make that person take the German side. :mad: :mad:
  10. Oh, it's angry all right, but not nearly as angry as you'll be playing it. You know the kind of weaponry Soddball likes to give you, like a 155 mm FO who can only see 70 meters. Can you say "suicidal"? Or maybe just GRARGHRAGHRRARGGHRARGH!!! :mad: :mad: If you enjoy a good flamethrower fight (and who doesn't), Soddball is king!
  11. Axe, you're a good man, in spite of what everyone else says. I don't believe a word of it. Well, maybe a few words, but less than half. Soddball, you will be delighted to hear that Snarker and I have a major firestorm brewing in Inferno. Last turn one of my flamethrower teams managed to set fire to two buildings, both of which happened to shelter my men!! Why do I let myself get suckered into these scenarios?
  12. Hey Axe, how many PBEMs have you gotten from advertising in the French forum? It must be a lot, because you have <font size=4>never gotten around </font size=4><font size=5>to sending me </font size=5><font size=6>a CMAK setup!!</font size=6> <font size=7>MAGGOT!! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font size=7> <font size=5>Trucks with guns is what we agreed on!!</font size=5> Want me to send it to you? Oh, and a good morning to all the wildlife in Cheery Waffle Land this fine, rainy Sunday morning. Why aren't you in church?
  13. <font size=4>Good afternoon, maggots!</font size=4> Axe, my birthday is October 20. What's the car for that day, a 1975 Chevy pickup? A VW "Thing"? A Yugo? Hey, if any of you know anything about home theater hardware, I've just started a thread on the dreaded GF asking for help setting one up. Any assistence would be appreciated. I'll be getting those CMAK turns out later today, to all of my PBEM opponents who are waiting so patiently.
  14. <font size=5>Happy New Year</font size=5> to all the maggots, penguins, and others who frequent the BFC forums. I hope each of you has a healthy, safe, and abundant 2004. If you don't, well, I'm sure you can blame it on Seanachai!
  15. *sniff* I feel so...so...used. I suppose you'll play PBEMs with any hussy that dangles a .txt file in front of your nose. And do you tell all your opponents, "This is one of the best PBEMs I've ever played!"? You cad. *sniff*</font>
  16. Since we're having chili on New Years Day, looks like everyone's wish for 2004 may come true; for a few hours, anyway. :eek: It's always good to know someone is concerned with my physical well-being. Soddball, don't ask me questions about your scenarios and operations. First, I played your Kneiber Dam scenario quite a while back. Second, since I don't create scenarios I won't presume to tell you how to do it. Third, I never play operations, because I think they are boring. Fourth, and most importantly, you don't care what I think anyway!! So do whatever you want, fury maggot!!
  17. Axe, did you feel that hot gust of wind that just blew through here. It came out of the east, like it was from the far-distant, mythical land of OHIO!! Let's see, it seems there was somebody who told Boo that he was the wind beneath his armpits or something. Who was that? I'm sure this is all his fault.
  18. *Pssst* for the maggot brained among the brood, that means its faster. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  19. I'd much rather devote the computer's processing power to actual gameplay instead of window dressing. Personally I think the backgrounds in CMAK are spectacular. On the other hand, back when CM:BO was the only game available the generic background didn't detract at all from the game! Given a choice between the new CM engine eliminating the "Borg" spotting, or providing us with flashier backgrounds and/or infantry, I'll take the improved game. Naturally, I blame Seanachai!
  20. Are you positive you're not playing one of Soddball's scenarios? That sounds like one of his minimal armor setup. Is every infantry unit a flamethrower team? That would clinch it.
  21. Hey, Snarker, run any transplanted New Jerseyites off the road lately? By the way, did any of you maggots happen to see a link somebody posted on the GF a few days ago with a variety of tests designed to uncover prejudices? I tried the first couple and came up with strong prejudices against the Jewish religion and against the people who are handicapped. I'm going to try some of the other tests, because it's really eye-opening to have subconscious feelings made so obvious. [ December 30, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  22. <font size=6>Good Morning, Maggots!! </font size=6> Well, it seems most of our <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> "friends" have decided to go away. That has got to be a good thing. <font size=6>GRARGHRARRGHRARGRAHRGRHARG!! :mad: </font size=6> Since I'm already playing Inferno against Snarker, that must mean I'm being punished, too. Does this prove the saying that "No good deed goes unpunished"? Axe, it's possible this answers your question about karma. Speaking of karma, how about a golden oldie for December 30? "Instant Karma's gonna get you Gonna knock you right on the head You better get yourself together Pretty soon you're gonna be dead What in the world you thinking of Laughing in the face of love What on earth you tryin' to do It's up to you, yeah you Instant Karma's gonna get you Gonna look you right in the face Better get yourself together darlin' Join the human race How in the world you gonna see Laughin' at fools like me Who in the hell d'you think you are A super star Well, right you are Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Well we all shine on Ev'ryone come on Instant Karma's gonna get you Gonna knock you off your feet Better recognize your brothers Ev'ryone you meet Why in the world are we here Surely not to live in pain and fear Why on earth are you there When you're ev'rywhere Come and get your share Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Yeah we all shine on Come on and on and on on on Yeah yeah, alright, uh huh, ah Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Yeah we all shine on On and on and on on and on Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Yeah we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun"
  23. That's what happens when I'm keeping a seat warm for a couple of weeks. There's nothing going on here at work, most people here and in Washington are on vacation, I'm extremely bored, and for a while this morning I couldn't even get onto this forum. Besides that, the weather is ridiculously warm and we're having a monsoon. This being an old building with steam heat, we have the windows open. What I wouldn't give for CMBB or CMAK installed on this computer so I could play a PBEM this afternoon.
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