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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. "BTW, the 100,000 units sold thing is quite low if all CMx1 games are factored in together. Remember we've had large amounts of retail coverage pretty much world wide since 2000. I'd guess the total numbers to be in the 300,000 range. Shame we don't get $45 a pop for the retail sales. However, you should be thankful. Because if we did, there would be no CMx2 because I'd be retired already." Link That was in 2007, shortly before CMSF was released. So somewhere around 300,000 for CMBO, CMBB and CMAK combined. We also know that CMBO sold more than CMBB and CMAK. So it's a safe bet that CMBO probably sold at least 100,000 and Steve has said that CMBN is on track to equal CMBO's numbers.
  2. 1. Load-up on absurdly cheap US rocket artillery and some TRPs. 2. Place TRPs on and around VL. 3. Allow enemy to capture VL uncontested. 4. Call in rockets. 5. Laugh maniacally.
  3. Fully automatic weapons are not legal even in the US without a special permit, so if anyone here has one it has likely been modified to be semi-automatic only.
  4. I haven't tested this with 1.01, but IIRC when checking LOS from a waypoint the targeting tool uses the unit's current stance as reference.
  5. IIRC dual wielding has been ruled out, but we may get Clint Eastwood in the 3rd module.
  6. I have seen this happen as well. In my case it was a company HQ unit. The unit began the turn with the radio icon present, then lost it shortly after the turn started, remained out of C2 for about 30-40 seconds and then regained radio contact before the turn ended. The unit was motionless the entire turn.
  7. The Pakistani soldier wins my prettiest face award, but I think the Canadian in the rain would be the most fun.
  8. The effectiveness of anti-depressants is mostly placebo. When you factor that out you typically see a significant difference only in the most severely depressed.
  9. It doesn't seem that bad to me. The work is heavily front-loaded. The setup is a headache, but once the units reach their initial positions the game becomes much more manageable. One upcoming (hopefully) feature that will help out is the return of movable waypoints. Giving platoons group move orders is a big time saver, but the inability to adjust the individual movement lines limits it's utility.
  10. To expand on that comment a bit, let me clarify that if the question is would it be preferable for the Mexican gangs to be armed with pointy sticks rather than guns, the answer is yes, yes it would. My point is that banning guns in the US would not make that happen.
  11. Oops, almost missed this. Ridiculous? There are far more guns in the United States than in Mexico, both in terms of total amount and per capita. Yet the US has a homicide rate that is a small fraction of Mexico's. The point isn't whether or not it's a good or bad thing for bad people to have guns. The point is really how effective gun laws are at preventing crime.
  12. Oh. That's a very good idea, to look for suspect things. Mexico is overrun by gangs. That you blame the guns instead of the people wielding them is typical. And I reject your assumption that banning guns would benefit us. We don't have powerful organizations waging war on the government. There is little demand for that stuff in the US. We have gangs, but not like Mexico has gangs. Actually, the OP was just looking for a news story.
  13. And if the cargo being transported also contains metal? The amount of metal in a gun can vary greatly from model to model due to the proliferation of polymer frames. And of course, all this is assuming you even get the chance to search. That is not a given. Canada's guns laws are more restrictive than the US's but they have nothing close to a total ban. Mexico's guns laws are very strict, but that doesn't seem to help them much. MEXICO CITY – The most fearsome weapons wielded by Mexico’s drug cartels enter the country from Central America, not the United States, according to U.S. diplomatic cables disseminated by WikiLeaks and published on Tuesday by La Jornada newspaper. Items such as grenades and rocket-launchers are stolen from Central American armies and smuggled into Mexico via neighboring Guatemala, the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City reported to Washington. Link I'm happy for you, mate. Crime is way down here too. I don't know why you think we need your expertise.
  14. Vehicles are made of metal, as are many containers. Dogs can be used to help find drugs. The amount of drugs you can transport by swallowing is very small. It's only really used by people traveling by plane that are certain to be searched. It any event, whether smuggling drugs is a better bang-for-the-buck is a separate question than if guns are prohibitively difficult to smuggle. The only flaw is the baseless assumption that they wouldn't.
  15. Looks to me that you were at the very least saying we are on the road to a free fire zone, or something close to it. As for the particular case you keep harping on about, prosecutors in the US have some leeway in how and when to persecute. Maybe the DA felt bad for the father, or thought that throwing him in prison would just hurt the rest of the family even more. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Cherry picking isolated cases in an attempt to show larger trends doesn't work, especially when the subject is something as vast as the US where there are hundreds of thousands -- probably millions -- of criminal justice cases every year. I didn't say they were the most smuggled item. You have a compartment in a vehicle, or in a container being transported by vehicle. As long as the gun can fit in that compartment/container it is smuggleable. Putting guns in that container does not make it any easier to find than if you put drugs in it. It is not feasible to search -- or even find -- every vehicle and every container that crosses the 8600 kilometers of US border with Canada and Mexico. Although I can't locate the exact numbers right now, I have read that the US-Canada border is the most heavily trafficked border in the world, and that the second most is the US-Mexican border. I was recently reading an article from a Canadian newspaper about the struggles they have with combating smuggling across the border. I think the Mayor's comments at the end are telling: "If we'd ever thought of an easy solution - a long-lasting solution, a stable, permanent solution - I'd like to think that we could have nailed her down by now,"
  16. There are different levels of assault. I don't know why the idiot who shot at something he couldn't identify wasn't charged. It doesn't matter. You are attempting to argue that the US is turning unto a free-fire zone where any one can shoot anybody for any reason, and you are using anecdotal evidence to try to prove it. This is so patently stupid I really don't think there is any point in even trying to refute it. All I really have to do is point to the dramatic decrease in violent deaths in the US over the past 2 decades. I think I may be done with this conversation. It's pretty clear you are not serious in anything you say. Guns are one of most commonly smuggled items the world over. They are easily transportable by person or vehicle. You know this. Everyone knows this. The fact that you are trying to argue against it tells me you are arguing for the sake of arguing.
  17. How do you figure that? As I stated previously, drugs are a single use item. A gun can be used over and over.
  18. "I" am not widening it. That is what the law states. I think we have already had this discussion. In any event the law clearly does not allow people to shoot just anybody they feel like. So a guys shoots two people illegally and is charged with a crime for it. And this supports your point in what way? A lot of people think Casey Anthony got away with killing her kid. Does that mean we are on the road to the legalization of toddler killing? The one hit, of course. But drugs intended for distribution are not typically smuggled across the border in those amounts, nor are they typically smuggled hidden on a person. They are moved by the kilo, and they are moved by vehicle.
  19. I didn't say "burglars", I said people who break into my home. If I expand my list of people "that I see fit" to fat women wearing yoga pants in public then I'm fresh out of luck. Oh, is that how it works. Well, when people can legally shoot each other for dirty looks then I will concede the point. You are conflating easier to meet demand with easier to smuggle. Even within that fallacy you are not considering that guns are a durable good, while drugs are a single use item. LOL, yeah I know. Funny how that is.
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