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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Are ATG bunkers available to the Allies in CMFI? In CMBN the Allies only get machine guns bunkers. But I agree that they are a curious choice, especially given that GaJ is expecting an armor-heavy attack.
  2. The market will decide if Matrix's pricing is correct or not. They say PoN lost money. That and the acquisition by Matrix suggests AGEOD's previous pricing strategy was not working. Customers who had grown accustomed to waiting for a couple of years after a game was released to buy it for $2 via 3rd party retail are obviously disappointed they won't be able do that in the future. But they would likely have also been disappointed when AGEOD went out of business.
  3. That's been possible all along. Just use a lot of waypoints with attached target commands.
  4. 9 VLs? And it looks like some of them are outside the defender's setup zone :confused: Bil will be able to advance over at least half the map before he hits your setup zone. If this is correct then the game should be played as a Probe rather than a Attack.
  5. Now we've seen the Elephant, so to speak. Maybe it's the screenshots but to my eyes the movie mode doesn't look more realistic, just washed-out. But to each their own. I advise you advance between the tits. It's the surest path to the VL.
  6. The number of rounds carried by a single unit can always be seen on the left side of the UI beneath the small arms ammunition in white lettering. As for the weapons platoon, if your 4th Pl HQ is near your mortars but the mortars are still out of contact that means your 4th Pl HQ is out of contact with his company HQ, and/or his company HQ is out of contact with the battalion HQ. Click on the 4th Pl HQ and look at the far left side of the UI to see if the little light next to the company is red or green and if the radio icon is visible in the pane next to it. Radio C2 contacts drop in and out, especially when a HQ is moving. It will come back eventually. One way to simply this and free up your HQ is to park any vehicle with a radio near the mortars. They will always be in contact then. The jeep the 4th Pl HQ comes with has a radio.
  7. I haven't played the scenario, but I love the map. It will be used for some of my QBs in the future
  8. Mmmm I dunno about that. The barrel recoils upward like it was firing. Those rebels certainly seemed to think there was someone inside.
  9. Before they decided to change the map I was thinking along similar lines except to an even greater extent. I would have purchased a Pak-front -- or whatever the American equivalent is called -- maybe with foxholes. Then I'd have brought a lot of artillery including at least 1 8 inch (203mm) battery for tank busting. I don't think I would have bothered with mines or TRPs since there's really nowhere to put them other than right on the VLs. I may or may not have taken a tank or 2 depending on availability of hull-down positions and lines of sight. I would have gone very light on infantry, maybe one company, or whatever minimum the house rules allow.
  10. Thank god. I didn't want to sound too negative, but I hated that map and I think it would have been an easy win for the attacker. Especially when the attacker is Bil It would have been a lot better if the objectives were just moved to the upper city parts. But it still would have been mostly a head-on slog decided by firepower.
  11. That's great, Steve. But a couple of things. One, I don't know why you don't just list the exact values for each game type, like they are on the first page of this thread. It could save people some trial and error. Second, where it says the game adds "an enemy-casualty UNIT objective for each side" that sounds a lot like an all-or-nothing threshold that you either meet or don't meet. But that's not how it works anymore. We know this because you told us So this gets back to my original question: are the "explicit points for killing stuff" awarded based on casualties caused or the purchase point value of the unit destroyed? And what did you mean when you said the points for units destroyed are subtracted from the VL's worth? That would suggest that if you end the game with no VLs but some of your units destroyed you could have a negative score.
  12. You got hosed on the objective placement. They are at the front edge of your setup zone so you will have little if any defense-in-depth. The default attack/defend points in CMBN are 5427/3236. Odd that they are slightly different in CMFI since it's such a small change 1.65:1 vs 1.61:1
  13. Interesting. That suggests that the line signifies different things for vehicles than for infantry. I have seen infantry get a grey line if just one guy is still belly crawling when I target.
  14. The tank fired it's gun so it was not abandoned. Interesting that the tank seemed completely oblivious to being close assaulted.
  15. BFC has said they expect Bagration to be released this year. I think that is when we will see tank riders.
  16. So this will be an urban map? Looks that way. Interesting. I hope the terrain is very favorable to defense. Anecdotal evidence I have read on the forum suggests that defenders in attack/defend QBs don't win very often at the default 1.65:1 odds.
  17. Ok, you kinda got me on that one. I was going off a list in my head and its was probably something else related. Anyways... That's interesting. It's been that way for so long I'd just assumed it was intentional. But if that is changed/fixed I wonder what will happen if your on-map battalion HQ gets wiped out. If the platoon HQs, for example, are not supposed to be in contact directly with off-map assets then what level of the C2 chain is? I would think that may vary depending on whether the asset was company, battalion or division+ level.
  18. BTW, Steve, do you happen to know how QB scoring handles points for units destroyed? More specifically, are points awarded based purely on casualty numbers or on purchase point value? So if I destroy an enemy tank but the entire crew survives does that count for anything?
  19. Diesel tends to compare CM to a hypothetical ideal that does not exist and will never exist rather than to anything else out there. It's hard to take him seriously when I see him singling out features for being unrealistic that were just as unrealistic in the CMx1 games but which did not bother him then. He now exists in a perpetual state of outrage that is not going to be assuaged by anything short of perfection. As for the manual, other than the information in this thread regarding QB scoring, there are two areas that really could use more detail: C2 and leadership. We need more detail as to exactly what effects leadership has and how C2 works, particularly in relation to calling indirect fire. I feel it's especially important in cases where the game has fudges or engine limitations that cause behavior that appears to be illogical. For example, that all HQs can call in off-map fire even when not in C2, and that infantry squads not in the same chain of command cannot share ammo. This should be spelled out if for no other reason than so people seeing that behavior don't think it's a bug. The interface. Knowing that you can click your way up and down the chain of command by clicking on various parts of the interface is a huge time saver. I've banged on this subject before, but the fact is that if I did not read the forum there is a good chance I would still not know this was part of the interface functionality.
  20. I don't see how GaJ is wrong about the game being decided by the armor battle. Once his tanks were gone there was nothing left to prevent you from standing back outside of 'schreck range and pounding his infantry with impunity.
  21. Not to mention that there is no way to make the appearance of fog dependent on the presence of fire. If you make your scenario or QB foggy it will be foggy even if there is no fire at all.
  22. The fog in CMx2 is very thin, not really comparable to a forest fire. Well, maybe if you're a hundred miles downwind of the fire
  23. I'm willing to bet that however much smoke BFC makes fires generate in-game will be much less than it does in reality.
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