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  1. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Cuddles the Warmonger in Long Rod Penetrator Site   
    Huh. It was actually a legitimate site! Now I can call my wife back in the room.
  2. Upvote
    c3k reacted to pnzrldr in CM Black Sea - Beta Battle Report - US/UKR Side   
    Outlaw 16 knew he was in trouble.  He could hear the engine noises ahead of him, whining and roaring as the Russians moved up on him.  His quick instructions to SSG Svendson were to get forward into position and put a Jav on a tank or BMP up on 347 to give them something to think about.  That wouldn’t be enough.  He had to get some fires of his own going. 
    “Driver, ramp up - back up.”  He usually called his crew by name, but in times of stress, training kicked in and he reverted to their duty positions. 
    “Okay, now forward right.  Head down the draw a bit, then ease us up for a look.  Gunner, missile up as soon as we crest, and scan the hill only.  I’ll cover everywhere else.”
    As they moved up, Upham looked carfully around trying to see everywhere but up on the hill, but a sudden burst of fire ripped his eyes back.  The last 3d Platoon BMP-2 was backing desperately and was spiked on bursts of 30mm fire from two completely different directions.  The steel vehicle shuddered under the impacts and Upham watched in momentary awe as hunks of steel flew into the air, the armor plate buckling and shattering as the heavy armor piercing rounds ripped through both sides.  Then the hatches burst open, not from the occupants trying to escape, but from pressure as something inside exploded. Fire and smoke built quickly and the LT knew that none of the Ukrainian crew had escaped.
    “Identify PC!” his gunner screamed, tearing Upham’s attention back to his mission.
    “Fire!” he shouted back, not even bothering to check what they were shooting.
    “On the way!”  the gunner replied, but in their excitement, neither had checked their weapon selector.  The TOWII leapt from its launcher and streaked towards the BMP-3 that was now clearly visible on the hill haloed in the dust from its fire on the Ukrainian vehicle.  The missile sped straight and true, detonating in midair several meters short of the BMP, blown from the sky by the ARENA APS system.  Upham dropped down inside the turret.
    “Holy ****, why’d you shoot the TOW?  Quick, go to AP!”   
    “I can’t see him now through the dust.” His gunner replied.
    Upham popped his head back up, rapidly scanning the hillside, his excitement warring with his training, verging on panic.  He had seen fire from at least two directions hit the Ukrainian vehicle, but could not find the second enemy vehicle. 

    At that instant, Upham’s concern melted into fear.  To his right he could actually see one of his scout HMMWVs – it took him a second to realize it was Outlaw 12, SFC Bagby’s truck.  The truck was backing up fast, 30mm fire peppering the ground around it.  As the LT watched, the deadly autocannon rounds found their mark, blasting into the front of the lightly armored vehicle, powdering the armored glass windshield.  He saw PFC Purtle slump down over his spade grips, an instant before a final round detonated the Mk19’s ammo box.
    “Popping smoke, driver back up.  Too much heat up here, too close.  We need to get some space.” 
    Keying his mike:  “Outlaw 23, you find a target for that Jav yet?”
    “16 this is 23, nothing yet.  We’re looking.  Gonna keep creeping up.  Hard to see out of this orchard.” 
    Suddenly, another voice broke in on the net, speaking low.  “16 this is 13 delta.  My actual is down.  They rolled right up on us.  I’m back down in the gully.  I’m gonna wait here to see if I can get back up to him.”
    SSG Venar was one of the LT’s better scouts, and he had learned a lot from him.
    “Roger, is he KIA?”
    “Sir, I don’t know.  I couldn’t stick around to check.  I know I have to find out, but you have to give me a minute.”
    “Roger that, keep your head down. Plenty busy here.  Keep me informed.  16 out.”
    Ukrainian infantry and SSG Venar fall to Russian fire as artillery pounding Krichek causes casualties in the background..  The last Ukrainian 3rd Platoon BMP-2 is blasted from two directions simultaneously, as LT Upham's TOW shot whips towards a Russian BMP-3.
  3. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from agusto in Update on Black Sea release   
    I will just say that modern warfare is disturbingly violent. I mean that in the good way.
  4. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from sfhand in A not very exciting Christmas Bone this year   
    Well, currently the engine is CMx2, v3. (AIUI)
    No guesses as to what will be released later. Just trying to clarify CMx2 vice CMx3, as I know it.
  5. Downvote
    c3k got a reaction from Baneman in CM Black Sea - Beta Battle Report - US/UKR Side   
    What is this "vote"? This sounds dangerously socialist... Good posts stand on their own. They need no vote!
    I'd suggest an outright counterattack, but it seems you're a bit depleted at the moment...
  6. Upvote
    c3k reacted to pnzrldr in CM Black Sea - Beta Battle Report - US/UKR Side   
    On the north side of the hill, the remnants of 3rd Platoon were still being ground down by the advancing Russian BMP-3s and infantry.  The Platoon leader came staggering back through the forest and collapsed by a tree, falling next to the last two surviving dismounted infantrymen from his small command, both bleeding from multiple shrapnel wounds to their faces and upper torsos. 
    “Sir, are you okay?”  one asked.  The Lieutenant’s haggard face told the story as he just stared at the man in obvious shock.  In that instant, another burst of lethal 30mm cannon fire struck, directed by the thermal sights on an unseen enemy vehicle, and the officer fell forward on his face and was still.  The two infantrymen cried out in panic, then both began crawling away from the source of the fire, one whimpering in fear and the other snarling in impotent rage.

    Note:  BMP in background is destroyed Ukrainian 3d Platoon vehicle.  
    In Krichek, KPT Kovtun knew that the Russians were up to something.  The artillery  continued to hammer down, but there was simply not enough fire or probing coming from the far side of the river, especially given the destruction of one of an enemy BMP over there by his ATGM team several minutes ago.  Someone or something should have been hunting, searching, trying to pin down the missile team or flush out its comrades.  He called the BMP2 section which had moved up and taken position along the row of houses on the west, facing the river. 
    “Borsuk 11, have you seen anything?  Any activity from the far side?”
    “Nothing Viktor, hang on, I’ll move up and take a quick look.”
    “Borsuk 11, this is Vovk, Hang on 11, don’t do anything stupid.”
    “Trust me Viktor – we are good on this.”
    An instant later a Kovtun heard the unmistakable hammering of outgoing 30mm fire, over the shriek of another incoming artillery shell.  As his ears were still ringing from the tremendous detonation, he gradually heard the voice calling again on his radio.
    “Vovk, this is Borsuk 21…  Vovk this is Borsuk 21…”  with a heavy heart, already knowing Kovtun took a deep breath and replied.
    “Go ahead 21.” 
    “11 is destroyed.  We never saw what did it.  His track is burning.  No one got out.” 
    “21 this is Vovk, do me a favor and don’t DIE in the next five minutes.  Keep scanning but keep YOUR heads down.  We need your track, your cannon, and your missiles!  Stay under cover and respect the enemy’s abilities.  Vovk out.”  He passed the handset back to his RTO, making a deliberate effort not to throw it against the wall, and carefully peeling his white-clenched fingers from the black plastic.  An instant later, he took it back and spoke again.
    “Brytva 22, this is Vovk.  Move to checkpoint 2 and observe.”
    “This is Brytva 22, understood.  Moving.  I have permission to shoot?”
    Podpulkovnyk Tymoshenko stepped into the room.
    “You are committing the Tunguska?”
    “Brytva 22, destroy anything you see.  Out”  Kovtun gave his Air Defense Commander a hard look. 
    “Yes Sir.  It is needed.  We have lost too many combat vehicles, and now 11 has stupidly gotten himself and his crew obliterated.  I need a check on the south, and it must be fast, and lethal if anything is there.  Brytva 21 on the other side has done quite well, although he said he saw nothing from his new position.”
    “Absolutely.  Good, I approve.  I trust you Viktor.  Keep the fight going.  Levchenko will get here with the Americans.” 
    Outside, Major Harris drew the same conclusion from both the sounds of cooking off ammo from the recently destroyed BMP up the street, as well as the radio traffic which he and Beach were monitoring.  He too drew out his handset:
    “Guiness, this is five, over.”  As a small team, the SFAT had adopted informal call signs.  SPC O’Brian was well known for his heritage, and his favorite beverage.
    “Five this is Guiness.”
    “Need you to get over to TRP 2 like we discussed.  Seen anything? Figure you can make it?”
    “Roger.  We can make it.  The green boyos over here saw a couple dismounts earlier, but they laid into them with their AGS and we haven’t seen any movement since.  I think our move is still masked.  Same mission?”
    “Roger, just like we rehearsed, over.”
    “Guiness moving.  We’ll be back in a bit with notches on our CLU.  Out.”
    One hundred meters away, the SPC O’Brian picked up the Javelin launcher, tapped PVT Metcalf on the shoulder, and headed quickly down towards the river bridge, carefully skirting the anti-tank mines laid on either side of the road.

    At the Ukepor Power Plant, LT Lysenko grinned as he spoke into his mike. 
    “Yes, that is in there.  Fire for effect.”
    The infantry in the field had dropped from view, discouraged by a few bursts from his squad in the entry building, and the mortar spotting rounds had bracketed the position where he had last seen the Russian truck and troops.  He hoped the mortar boys would fire fast so he could shift them closer into the field.  He doubted his few men could hold off a platoon of determined Russians. 
    Starshiy Kostenko knew he was a dead man.  The 2nd Platoon private was on the ground, crawling past the body of one of his comrades, trying to follow his section leader back down the hill to the west, away from the murderous fire from inside the trees.  It was like a horrible story to tell little children.  From dark shadows beyond sight inside the trees, the forest had suddenly belched fire and flame, and all around him men had fallen.  His own thighs and cheek burned with shrapnel, and he felt the warm sticky wetness of his own blood on his pant legs as he crawled.  Suddenly, right behind him, he heard a crashing roaring clatter of sound.  He turned his head and saw the Russian beast, a BMP-3, a mere stones throw behind him.  He swung his rocket launcher around, and thought to himself how sad his mother would be…

  7. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from sfhand in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    Hah! You lose: the turn is enroute...the game is still in beta.  Enjoy it: nothing tastes better than a "guilt" turn. I'm in the 30 minute pause between "The Hobbit" and "The Neighbor's Christmas Party".
    Off to spice the 'nog...
  8. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Shorker in Zero Warning Points   
    I am a non-zero! Woot for me, you silly rules-followers. Free youselves from tyranny!

  9. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Desertor in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    Ahhh, wielding power is sooo enjoyable.
  10. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    Ahhh, wielding power is sooo enjoyable.
  11. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    I hereby reimpose rule 6.
  12. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    I hereby lift rule 6.
  13. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    THAT'S the spirit!
  14. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from waclaw in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    The WINDOW has Closed.
    The horse has fled the barn.
    Elvis has left the building.
    Many warnings had been posted...now there are some here.
    The early bird has been wormed.
    Many try, one will succeed.
    NOW WE WAIT. NO MORE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED. The deadline has passed.
    (Mod: pin this…thanks.)
    Would you like a free copy of CMBS? If not, then leave. Otherwise, read on…
    I’m doing this on my own, so it’s my rules. If you don’t like it, don’t gripe at BFC. They have nothing to do with this.
    If your guess for the release date is the closest to the actual date, I’ll send you a freshly purchased activation code.  It’ll be up to you to download the game.
    Here’s how it will work:
    1. Enter your guess in the format DDMMYYYY.  In BOLD. Like thus, for July 4th, 1776: 04071776. Make it stick out on its own. If I can’t find it, you lose. Yeah, my rules.
    Remember, day, month, year: DDMMYYYY. Don’t screw it up. No second entries, no edits. See below.
    2. You can only make ONE entry in this thread. A second entry eliminates you from consideration.
    EDITED: Rule 2 is hereby amended. Since ChrisND has officially announced a change to the expected release date, all initial entries made PRIOR to 0800 on 19122014 can be changed by making ANOTHER entry. See http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/?p=1563829
    (Nothing in rule two prevents additional POSTINGS. Only additional entries are prohibited...as amended above.)
    3. Any EDITS to your post eliminates you. Because.
    4. In case of a tie on the date, I’ll pick the winner. If you put the time, in 24 hour format, I’ll use that as a tie breaker. Closest wins. (6:17 p.m. would be 1817.) If you’re closest, but not in 24 hour military format, you lose! I’ll go to the next guy. Attention to detail matters. If you don’t put in any time, but someone else puts it in, he’ll win, no matter how far from the actual time his guess was.
    5. What will I use for the release date and time? Whatever I want. But, I’ll probably use the date and time of the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the forum. It’ll be in my time zone, US Eastern. Use New York, NY, if you need to look it up.
    If I see 6:17 p.m., July 4th, 1776, then I don’t care what time it was in YOUR country. It will be 6:17 p.m. USA baby, USA.
    Don’t go claiming your 2117 time was in Lisbon, so you really meant 1617 my time.
    Remember, the official date and time will be whatever I say it is.
    6. You must include a bit more than just a date and a time. You must tell me why YOU deserve it MORE  than the bloke who posted just ahead of you. The only exception is the first poster: he must merely extol his own virtues. If you ignore this requirement, I will laugh as I eliminate you.
    7. If you include a long, sad story of why you deserve a free game, no matter how inaccurate your guess, the corner of my mouth will twitch upwards, and I’ll eliminate you. Whiners can’t be winners. Learn it, live it.
    8. Finally, the twist: having been given the activation code, you will be ON THE HOOK. I will contact you and you will HAVE TO engage in a public battle with me. It will be a public AAR. It will be a fast, bloody, GLORIOUS battle. I will pick all the parameters. If the thought of a public AAR frightens you, don’t enter. We’ll do it a couple of weeks later. So you can practice. Practice…losing!
    9. I can change any of the rules at any time. It’s my money.
    10. If you get the closest date and time and I don’t give it to you, it’s because sometimes life isn’t fair. Embrace the suck.
    11. I’ll use the PM function on this forum to communicate with the winner. If I don’t get a reply in whatever time span I determine is sufficient, the winner will become a loser, and the top loser will become a winner. And so it will go, down the line.
    As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9.
    Ken out.
  15. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Moon in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    The WINDOW has Closed.
    The horse has fled the barn.
    Elvis has left the building.
    Many warnings had been posted...now there are some here.
    The early bird has been wormed.
    Many try, one will succeed.
    NOW WE WAIT. NO MORE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED. The deadline has passed.
    (Mod: pin this…thanks.)
    Would you like a free copy of CMBS? If not, then leave. Otherwise, read on…
    I’m doing this on my own, so it’s my rules. If you don’t like it, don’t gripe at BFC. They have nothing to do with this.
    If your guess for the release date is the closest to the actual date, I’ll send you a freshly purchased activation code.  It’ll be up to you to download the game.
    Here’s how it will work:
    1. Enter your guess in the format DDMMYYYY.  In BOLD. Like thus, for July 4th, 1776: 04071776. Make it stick out on its own. If I can’t find it, you lose. Yeah, my rules.
    Remember, day, month, year: DDMMYYYY. Don’t screw it up. No second entries, no edits. See below.
    2. You can only make ONE entry in this thread. A second entry eliminates you from consideration.
    EDITED: Rule 2 is hereby amended. Since ChrisND has officially announced a change to the expected release date, all initial entries made PRIOR to 0800 on 19122014 can be changed by making ANOTHER entry. See http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/?p=1563829
    (Nothing in rule two prevents additional POSTINGS. Only additional entries are prohibited...as amended above.)
    3. Any EDITS to your post eliminates you. Because.
    4. In case of a tie on the date, I’ll pick the winner. If you put the time, in 24 hour format, I’ll use that as a tie breaker. Closest wins. (6:17 p.m. would be 1817.) If you’re closest, but not in 24 hour military format, you lose! I’ll go to the next guy. Attention to detail matters. If you don’t put in any time, but someone else puts it in, he’ll win, no matter how far from the actual time his guess was.
    5. What will I use for the release date and time? Whatever I want. But, I’ll probably use the date and time of the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the forum. It’ll be in my time zone, US Eastern. Use New York, NY, if you need to look it up.
    If I see 6:17 p.m., July 4th, 1776, then I don’t care what time it was in YOUR country. It will be 6:17 p.m. USA baby, USA.
    Don’t go claiming your 2117 time was in Lisbon, so you really meant 1617 my time.
    Remember, the official date and time will be whatever I say it is.
    6. You must include a bit more than just a date and a time. You must tell me why YOU deserve it MORE  than the bloke who posted just ahead of you. The only exception is the first poster: he must merely extol his own virtues. If you ignore this requirement, I will laugh as I eliminate you.
    7. If you include a long, sad story of why you deserve a free game, no matter how inaccurate your guess, the corner of my mouth will twitch upwards, and I’ll eliminate you. Whiners can’t be winners. Learn it, live it.
    8. Finally, the twist: having been given the activation code, you will be ON THE HOOK. I will contact you and you will HAVE TO engage in a public battle with me. It will be a public AAR. It will be a fast, bloody, GLORIOUS battle. I will pick all the parameters. If the thought of a public AAR frightens you, don’t enter. We’ll do it a couple of weeks later. So you can practice. Practice…losing!
    9. I can change any of the rules at any time. It’s my money.
    10. If you get the closest date and time and I don’t give it to you, it’s because sometimes life isn’t fair. Embrace the suck.
    11. I’ll use the PM function on this forum to communicate with the winner. If I don’t get a reply in whatever time span I determine is sufficient, the winner will become a loser, and the top loser will become a winner. And so it will go, down the line.
    As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9.
    Ken out.
  16. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from AlphaZulu90 in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    The WINDOW has Closed.
    The horse has fled the barn.
    Elvis has left the building.
    Many warnings had been posted...now there are some here.
    The early bird has been wormed.
    Many try, one will succeed.
    NOW WE WAIT. NO MORE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED. The deadline has passed.
    (Mod: pin this…thanks.)
    Would you like a free copy of CMBS? If not, then leave. Otherwise, read on…
    I’m doing this on my own, so it’s my rules. If you don’t like it, don’t gripe at BFC. They have nothing to do with this.
    If your guess for the release date is the closest to the actual date, I’ll send you a freshly purchased activation code.  It’ll be up to you to download the game.
    Here’s how it will work:
    1. Enter your guess in the format DDMMYYYY.  In BOLD. Like thus, for July 4th, 1776: 04071776. Make it stick out on its own. If I can’t find it, you lose. Yeah, my rules.
    Remember, day, month, year: DDMMYYYY. Don’t screw it up. No second entries, no edits. See below.
    2. You can only make ONE entry in this thread. A second entry eliminates you from consideration.
    EDITED: Rule 2 is hereby amended. Since ChrisND has officially announced a change to the expected release date, all initial entries made PRIOR to 0800 on 19122014 can be changed by making ANOTHER entry. See http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/?p=1563829
    (Nothing in rule two prevents additional POSTINGS. Only additional entries are prohibited...as amended above.)
    3. Any EDITS to your post eliminates you. Because.
    4. In case of a tie on the date, I’ll pick the winner. If you put the time, in 24 hour format, I’ll use that as a tie breaker. Closest wins. (6:17 p.m. would be 1817.) If you’re closest, but not in 24 hour military format, you lose! I’ll go to the next guy. Attention to detail matters. If you don’t put in any time, but someone else puts it in, he’ll win, no matter how far from the actual time his guess was.
    5. What will I use for the release date and time? Whatever I want. But, I’ll probably use the date and time of the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the forum. It’ll be in my time zone, US Eastern. Use New York, NY, if you need to look it up.
    If I see 6:17 p.m., July 4th, 1776, then I don’t care what time it was in YOUR country. It will be 6:17 p.m. USA baby, USA.
    Don’t go claiming your 2117 time was in Lisbon, so you really meant 1617 my time.
    Remember, the official date and time will be whatever I say it is.
    6. You must include a bit more than just a date and a time. You must tell me why YOU deserve it MORE  than the bloke who posted just ahead of you. The only exception is the first poster: he must merely extol his own virtues. If you ignore this requirement, I will laugh as I eliminate you.
    7. If you include a long, sad story of why you deserve a free game, no matter how inaccurate your guess, the corner of my mouth will twitch upwards, and I’ll eliminate you. Whiners can’t be winners. Learn it, live it.
    8. Finally, the twist: having been given the activation code, you will be ON THE HOOK. I will contact you and you will HAVE TO engage in a public battle with me. It will be a public AAR. It will be a fast, bloody, GLORIOUS battle. I will pick all the parameters. If the thought of a public AAR frightens you, don’t enter. We’ll do it a couple of weeks later. So you can practice. Practice…losing!
    9. I can change any of the rules at any time. It’s my money.
    10. If you get the closest date and time and I don’t give it to you, it’s because sometimes life isn’t fair. Embrace the suck.
    11. I’ll use the PM function on this forum to communicate with the winner. If I don’t get a reply in whatever time span I determine is sufficient, the winner will become a loser, and the top loser will become a winner. And so it will go, down the line.
    As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9.
    Ken out.
  17. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from agusto in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    The WINDOW has Closed.
    The horse has fled the barn.
    Elvis has left the building.
    Many warnings had been posted...now there are some here.
    The early bird has been wormed.
    Many try, one will succeed.
    NOW WE WAIT. NO MORE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED. The deadline has passed.
    (Mod: pin this…thanks.)
    Would you like a free copy of CMBS? If not, then leave. Otherwise, read on…
    I’m doing this on my own, so it’s my rules. If you don’t like it, don’t gripe at BFC. They have nothing to do with this.
    If your guess for the release date is the closest to the actual date, I’ll send you a freshly purchased activation code.  It’ll be up to you to download the game.
    Here’s how it will work:
    1. Enter your guess in the format DDMMYYYY.  In BOLD. Like thus, for July 4th, 1776: 04071776. Make it stick out on its own. If I can’t find it, you lose. Yeah, my rules.
    Remember, day, month, year: DDMMYYYY. Don’t screw it up. No second entries, no edits. See below.
    2. You can only make ONE entry in this thread. A second entry eliminates you from consideration.
    EDITED: Rule 2 is hereby amended. Since ChrisND has officially announced a change to the expected release date, all initial entries made PRIOR to 0800 on 19122014 can be changed by making ANOTHER entry. See http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/?p=1563829
    (Nothing in rule two prevents additional POSTINGS. Only additional entries are prohibited...as amended above.)
    3. Any EDITS to your post eliminates you. Because.
    4. In case of a tie on the date, I’ll pick the winner. If you put the time, in 24 hour format, I’ll use that as a tie breaker. Closest wins. (6:17 p.m. would be 1817.) If you’re closest, but not in 24 hour military format, you lose! I’ll go to the next guy. Attention to detail matters. If you don’t put in any time, but someone else puts it in, he’ll win, no matter how far from the actual time his guess was.
    5. What will I use for the release date and time? Whatever I want. But, I’ll probably use the date and time of the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the forum. It’ll be in my time zone, US Eastern. Use New York, NY, if you need to look it up.
    If I see 6:17 p.m., July 4th, 1776, then I don’t care what time it was in YOUR country. It will be 6:17 p.m. USA baby, USA.
    Don’t go claiming your 2117 time was in Lisbon, so you really meant 1617 my time.
    Remember, the official date and time will be whatever I say it is.
    6. You must include a bit more than just a date and a time. You must tell me why YOU deserve it MORE  than the bloke who posted just ahead of you. The only exception is the first poster: he must merely extol his own virtues. If you ignore this requirement, I will laugh as I eliminate you.
    7. If you include a long, sad story of why you deserve a free game, no matter how inaccurate your guess, the corner of my mouth will twitch upwards, and I’ll eliminate you. Whiners can’t be winners. Learn it, live it.
    8. Finally, the twist: having been given the activation code, you will be ON THE HOOK. I will contact you and you will HAVE TO engage in a public battle with me. It will be a public AAR. It will be a fast, bloody, GLORIOUS battle. I will pick all the parameters. If the thought of a public AAR frightens you, don’t enter. We’ll do it a couple of weeks later. So you can practice. Practice…losing!
    9. I can change any of the rules at any time. It’s my money.
    10. If you get the closest date and time and I don’t give it to you, it’s because sometimes life isn’t fair. Embrace the suck.
    11. I’ll use the PM function on this forum to communicate with the winner. If I don’t get a reply in whatever time span I determine is sufficient, the winner will become a loser, and the top loser will become a winner. And so it will go, down the line.
    As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9.
    Ken out.
  18. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Pete Wenman in Win a FREE copy of CMBS!!!   
    The WINDOW has Closed.
    The horse has fled the barn.
    Elvis has left the building.
    Many warnings had been posted...now there are some here.
    The early bird has been wormed.
    Many try, one will succeed.
    NOW WE WAIT. NO MORE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED. The deadline has passed.
    (Mod: pin this…thanks.)
    Would you like a free copy of CMBS? If not, then leave. Otherwise, read on…
    I’m doing this on my own, so it’s my rules. If you don’t like it, don’t gripe at BFC. They have nothing to do with this.
    If your guess for the release date is the closest to the actual date, I’ll send you a freshly purchased activation code.  It’ll be up to you to download the game.
    Here’s how it will work:
    1. Enter your guess in the format DDMMYYYY.  In BOLD. Like thus, for July 4th, 1776: 04071776. Make it stick out on its own. If I can’t find it, you lose. Yeah, my rules.
    Remember, day, month, year: DDMMYYYY. Don’t screw it up. No second entries, no edits. See below.
    2. You can only make ONE entry in this thread. A second entry eliminates you from consideration.
    EDITED: Rule 2 is hereby amended. Since ChrisND has officially announced a change to the expected release date, all initial entries made PRIOR to 0800 on 19122014 can be changed by making ANOTHER entry. See http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/?p=1563829
    (Nothing in rule two prevents additional POSTINGS. Only additional entries are prohibited...as amended above.)
    3. Any EDITS to your post eliminates you. Because.
    4. In case of a tie on the date, I’ll pick the winner. If you put the time, in 24 hour format, I’ll use that as a tie breaker. Closest wins. (6:17 p.m. would be 1817.) If you’re closest, but not in 24 hour military format, you lose! I’ll go to the next guy. Attention to detail matters. If you don’t put in any time, but someone else puts it in, he’ll win, no matter how far from the actual time his guess was.
    5. What will I use for the release date and time? Whatever I want. But, I’ll probably use the date and time of the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the forum. It’ll be in my time zone, US Eastern. Use New York, NY, if you need to look it up.
    If I see 6:17 p.m., July 4th, 1776, then I don’t care what time it was in YOUR country. It will be 6:17 p.m. USA baby, USA.
    Don’t go claiming your 2117 time was in Lisbon, so you really meant 1617 my time.
    Remember, the official date and time will be whatever I say it is.
    6. You must include a bit more than just a date and a time. You must tell me why YOU deserve it MORE  than the bloke who posted just ahead of you. The only exception is the first poster: he must merely extol his own virtues. If you ignore this requirement, I will laugh as I eliminate you.
    7. If you include a long, sad story of why you deserve a free game, no matter how inaccurate your guess, the corner of my mouth will twitch upwards, and I’ll eliminate you. Whiners can’t be winners. Learn it, live it.
    8. Finally, the twist: having been given the activation code, you will be ON THE HOOK. I will contact you and you will HAVE TO engage in a public battle with me. It will be a public AAR. It will be a fast, bloody, GLORIOUS battle. I will pick all the parameters. If the thought of a public AAR frightens you, don’t enter. We’ll do it a couple of weeks later. So you can practice. Practice…losing!
    9. I can change any of the rules at any time. It’s my money.
    10. If you get the closest date and time and I don’t give it to you, it’s because sometimes life isn’t fair. Embrace the suck.
    11. I’ll use the PM function on this forum to communicate with the winner. If I don’t get a reply in whatever time span I determine is sufficient, the winner will become a loser, and the top loser will become a winner. And so it will go, down the line.
    As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9.
    Ken out.
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